The Slightly Strange Story About A Forum We All Know...10

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Jordier0xs0x, Oct 19, 2007.

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  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Looks like this story Is nearing an end! =O

    Credit To:
    Thanks OWH!! =D

    ~Illusions can Trick~
    "Its been over an hour!"
    "The cave has eaten our friends!"
    "We cant just let them die!"
    "What are you doing!? Don't just stand there!!"
    "Forsaken!! If you don't do anything, I'll start ripping down the cave!"
    "Yeah! Me too!"
    "Everybody get a stick!"
    Well I don't know what to do! If I go In there I may-as-well just die!...Forsaken sighed then looked at the angry mob with sticks and anything they could find, walking towards the cave "Now come on! They are still In there! You ca-" Too late.
    The mob was on top of the cave, banging and ripping It down, dirt and rocks fell from the cave, onto the ground "OH ****! STOP! ****ing hell.." They're still In there!!!

    "WHOA!" Rosey fell down from the shaking ground, and falling rocks "Whats happening?" DS ran towards Rosey "WATCH OUT!" He shouted, grabbing Rosey and leaping onto the ground, a big BANG shook the ground even more, and Rosey realized It was a big rock, about to squish her "T-thank you.." Rosey stuttered to DS "Are you guys okay?" K a i r i asked, running over "Yeah..." The two got up "We have to get out of he-" a sound Interrupted K a i r i's words. The sound was a sound of breaking glass, shuttering glass "What the...?" DS looked around, as the desert scene began to break Into little tiny piece's, just like glass. Blue, yellow, pink, Orange. All colours from the desert fell onto the ground, Into one big mess, and thats when the sky began to fall "THE SKY'S FALLING!" Shouted Rosey, but It was too late...the sky fell, except It didn't land on them...It disappeared Into thin air once It was about to touch them
    The three were ducking on the ground. Is It over? Am I dead? Is that It?!? Rosey thought, scared "Rosey...We're still alive.." DS said, almost happily. Rosey opened her eyes and realized they were In a completely white room "Where..?" K a i r i helped Rosey up "You mean...It was all an Illusion?" Rosey asked the two "Probably..." DS was frowning "Well lets go...we better get out of here" The three ran towards the white door

    Kitty opened her eyes and looked around "I'm...not dead?!?" Vivi laughed "Me neither!" Misty ran over to the two "You guys are alright?!!" Asked Misty, watching the two get out from the completely harmless water, shallow now, and not red "That was all an Illusion..." said Crono, stunned. The 6 looked around at the white room with only a pool and them. The last Cin remembered was the sound of breaking glass, and tiny glass pieces of the forest, falling down and then the sky, about to squish them, but they weren't dead, were they? "Well lets get out of here..." said the now, wet Vivi
    The six walked together towards the white door

    Sara got up from the ground, slowly. She looked around at the white room, then at the door "Illusion? Wait...If that was an Illusion...then...SJ!!" She span around, but her mood sunk down again "The lava pit...wasn't an...Illusion..." Sara clenched her fist tightly, her nails digging Into her palms "N-no fair..." tears fell from Sara's eyes. She wiped them away "I have to kill the person who did this...None of my friends die when I'm around....NONE!" She ran towards the door In anger

    RvR, Angel, Jordie and Hissora all got up "What the hell was that?" RvR asked, almost shocked. Glass.. Jordie thought...It was an Illusion "So If this was an Illusion...then...TRIGGERS ALIVE!!" Angel shouted happily "Theres no Trigger..." said the Insane Hissora "Illusion...I tried to tell...Illusion..." RvR frowned at Hissora with Jordie, while Angel sighed "Good-bye Trigger..." she muttered and started walking to the door, when she noticed a giant dead spider "What...?" RvR ran over "So Triggers gone...and Mish Is still dead..." Jordie came over "She got squished by a spider?" RvR nodded
    After a couple of minutes of silence the four agreed to get out of here.
    They walked towards the door

    Christhor, Sora13, OWH, RRMS, Annie, Ienzo and everyone else In the KHV Army all got up and looked around "You guys are alright?" Annie asked Christhor. He nodded and frowned "Glass..." Jaxed laughed "So It was all an Illusion...Great" TCO tipped his head a bit "So...where are the others?" HB answered him "Probably safe...If It was just an Illusion" Coco was still no where to be found "Wheres Coco?" Sora13 looked around for the missing Cocohints "I don't know...she just...disappeared" HB sighed "I looked everywhere for her..." Annie smiled "I'm sure she's fine...lets go..." The Army headed towards the door

    Darky, DA and Arc frowned a bit "White...." Darky walked towards the white door "Illusion...I knew It!" DA shouted "Yeah...Lets just hope this Isn't an Illusion too..." Arc replied, walking with DA to where Darky was "I wonder whats at the other side of this door..." Darky pressed his hand against It "A new adventure...A new Journey..." The three opened It...

    Rat, Muffin and Roxma hadn't been In anything, or seen anything except for a shake of th ground. They came up to a circular room, the fine walls shimmering from the golden lamps "Theres lots of doors..." Said Rat "Look! Ones opening!!" Muffin shouted, and saw Rosey, DS and K a i r i come out "MUFFIN!!" Rosey shouted "ROSEY! K A I R I! DS!" Muffin sounded almost relieved. Rat smiled So that blackboard was right... Roxma and Muffin chatted to the three when another door opened. Kitty, Vivi, Xaldin, Crono, Cin and Misty came out, looked at DS, Rosey, Muffin, K a i r i, Rat and Roxma, shocked. Soon more doors opened and half of KHV were In this circular room. Rat found out that SJ, Mish and Trigger were dead (As the blackboard said) and that Coco was missing. Suddenly, all the talk stopped once a big BANG shook the ground

    "STOP IT!" Forsaken spread his arms out wide, back to the half wreaked cave. "They are still In there!! You cant" The left over members sighed and dropped their sticks and other stuff
    Hurry up Coco...

    ...Times running out
    Thought the man In black "We will have to take action earlier then I thought..." he said, In a deep voice "All the Illusions have broken...Roxas didn't make them strong enough..." He walked up to the chained Roxas with a pencil In his hand and a book "You didn't make them strong enough!!" The man shouted "I-I'm sorry...I couldn't think of what to write..." Stuttered Roxas "He's useless..." Girly smiled evilly "We should get rid of him" Roxas was shocked at that "N-no!! NO I'm sorry!!!" The man and Girly laughed at the helpless Roxas

    To Be Continued....
  2. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    That was AWESOME! The second I heard KHV Army, I thought of 300....but with sticks XD

    Keep up the good work :D
  3. **Blizzard** Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 26, 2007
    Having tea with Charlotte
    Nice story , I can't believe it's almost gone . :0
  4. cronoking Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Whipping out Bakusaiga
    Another awesome chapter from Jordie. Great job =D
  5. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Wow , I luv the stories that people make in the Zone .

    ( My sister posts and runs , posts and runs . Congrats Blizzy , you posted in the Spam Zone . :D)
  6. OneWingedHeartless Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 6, 2007
    I love the part when the 'Sky was falling' :P

    Yay me! I got credited!
  7. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    lol i was back in =D
    it'd be exactly what i'd say xD
  8. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth


    ZOMG! I was wondering if that was going to happen with Roxas being there because the last chapter mentioned his story, but wow excellent *squishy hugs*

    Your story gives me goosebumps ^^
  9. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    The mighty sticks of doom.

    Just gotta love the KHV mob, I swear...
  10. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    Angry mob with sticks...xDD
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