...Made me one happy, crazy lady. Getting Cigarette Lighters For Christmas~ Me: *opens the package* Oh mai gosh! AHAHAHAHAHA! My Dad: Oh sure! Give THOSE to the pyromaniac of the family! Me: *giggling and staring at the lighters like a crazy mad woman* My Mom: Oh stop it, honey. It's for her so she could light her therapy candles. My Dad: AND EVERYTHING ELSE! Me: My Dad: Me: My Dad: Me: Me: My precious.... *strokes the lighters* MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE~!
That's funny. I wish I could have seen that in real life. My precious is my money in my bank account. Then I can use that for a 3D, and then I'll be doing the same thing your are....or did, I don't know
Oh lol. xD I have to save up for mai own dog. ;~; Although I just might get a PS3... I miss my games.