The Shadowhood Clan is recruiting new members!!!! (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3)

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Alpha Shadow, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. Alpha Shadow Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 30, 2008
    Wandering Around The World

    The Shadowhood is a clan that has two sides, a Competitive Side and Recreational Side. The Competitive Side focuses on playing the game and winning, as well as trash talking or just playing aggressively. The Recreational Side focuses on playing only for fun and to get the best enjoyment out of your game, it's also meant to bring friendly gamers together! If you enjoy having fun in a game then The Shadowhood is the clan for you!

    Our clan functions mainly on Xbox 360 and on the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, it will soon expand to Modern Warfare 2, Black Ops, as well as Black Ops II. I really want to include other games such as Halo, Battlefield, Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, Gears Of War, any kind of multiplayer game. Competitive players can focus on those Multiplayer based games but Rereational players may also get together and talk about the Elder Scrolls Series, Sonic The Hedgehog, Mario, Prototype, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, ANY game you wanna talk about and plus talk about your favorite TV Shows or Movies, Anime, anything! This clan is meant to bring players, gamers, and friends together, it has two sides for a reason. One side is the I guess the Dark side of the clan and the other side is the Light side of the clan. Would you like to be part of the Dark Side or the Light Side? It's also funny, the Dark Side actually helps the clan when it comes to Multiplayer games that utilize a clan ranking system like Call of Duty Elite.

    So if you would like to join the clan please message me on KH-Vids or message Alpha Shadow RT on Xbox Live and I will add you into the clan. Please have a Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Elite, Xbox Live Gamertag, or KH-Vids account so I can communicate with you and also provide you with information on Clan Ops, Clan Challenges, or just times where we all wanna get together and just have fun! We have 25 members total and 9 members are a part of Elite. We have 18 of those members on our Facebook group and soon I'll create a page or maybe someone could help me create one! If you also have any friends who are looking to join a clan like this or a fun clan that's not controlling or strict and just laid back, tell them about this clan and tell them to send a message to the gamertag Alpha Shadow RT, and I will also be sure to add my clan members to my clan account since my friend's list is full on my regular account.......for the 13th time lol. Also if you have Call of Duty Elite you do not have to have Premium! If you have questions please comment, quote, or reply! Thanks!

    P.S. I also want to find leaders and co-leaders to function on PlayStation 3 as well! Wii players are also welcomed!!! Let's all try to build an awesome gaming community that interacts with one another either through video games or through social networks!
  2. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    Just so ya know, be less bold and less like an advertisement next time.
  3. Alpha Shadow Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 30, 2008
    Wandering Around The World
    Sorry, I wanted to be forward about it instead of saying it bland.