The Shadow Stalkers OOC

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Rexyggor_thenewmember, Jun 23, 2011.

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  1. Rexyggor_thenewmember Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2007
    Alright. So Everyone can read the description here --> The Shadow Stalkers

    I'm nervous because this would probably require at least the three sides I mentioned.. The Vampire Side, The Werewolf side, and then the Shadow Stalkers. Generally, there's a human side, but they aren't supposed to know about this. So mainly, any humans in the RP are pretty much a part of the Shadow Stalkers. Dont have to be, but generally how it seems it should be.

    Character rules specifically are here.

    1) A maximum of three main characters.
    1a) If more than one character is used, do not make them constantly buddy-buddy. Nobody lives glued to another person.​

    2 is depending if we have people.

    2) Non-specific characters do not count in the Character count. (I.E. a representative of one side; a semi-important random human; a fighter from the other side)
    2a) These characters must not endure long-term treatment, if they become somewhat critical to the story.​
    2b) Subcharacters will not have to be approved. Just that they are part of the possible discussion we should be having.​

    2a is a little weird. Saying that a character is a messenger from the other side is ok, bringing them along with your main character is ok, but they will need to leave soon. Max of 5 posts of a subcharacter at a time. They can come back at a later time.

    So.. I guess it's OC Sign Up time.

    Side: (Saying Vampire, Werewolf, or Shadow Stalkers will do)
    Bio: (If Vampire or Wereworlf, include how they became one)

    People may join anytime. As long as you can cleverly get yourself in the story.

    Improvements [commented by in a nice way] are encouraged.

    Name: Scott Sawyer
    Age: 20
    Race: Werewolf
    Side: Shadow Stalkers (recruited)
    Looks: Picture
    Bio: Scott lived in Sydney, Australia his entire life. After he turned 20, he moved to the United States to explore his horizons. He was used to being out late, and would constantly be wandering the streets in the early hours of the morning. Then, one night of the full moon, he came across what looked to be a street gang. As he walked by them, they started to casually chase him. He realized this and started to pick up the pace. He made a bunch of turns which didn't prove to get him free of this "chase". He started to run, He went through a yard of a house, next to a forest, and ran through the yards of many houses, trying to escape and he tripped. He turned to see his attackers get closer, but there were none in sight. He slowly got up, and then was attacked from behind. The gang had circled him and was coming closer. It was a group of vampires looking to feed. Suddenly, he heard a howl from the distance. The vampires started to look a little panicked, and made it very clear that they had to act fast. He quickly reacted to their panic and started attacking, before being forced down. Out of nowhere something jumped out of the bushes and landed on Scott, scratching him. The vampires then focused their efforts on the creature that lay before them. Scott saw this as an opportunity to get the heck out of there. When he turned back he couldn't recognize what kind of creature it was. It looked to be some sort of humanoid wolf. He hid inside the bushes and watched as the wolf fought the vampires, and died. The vampires, knowing that they had to conceal any threat, cleaned up the mess they had made, but Scott wasn't sure what to make of what just happened. He got away and lived a normal live. That was until the next full moon.

    Name: Barrett Johnson
    Age: 24
    Race: Human
    Side: Shadow Stalkers
    Looks: Picture
    Bio: He was at the bar with his friends one night and one went outside to take a piss, because he was so drunk. Barrett went along to make sure everything went ok due to his friend being a very angry drunk. As his friend was pissing in an alley, he was attacked by vampires. Barrett wanted to help, but he knew that he was no match. From then on he became paranoid watching everyone trying to see if they were creatures of the undead. He did this until he met a friend named Ramona, who seemed strange at first, being what seemed to be annoyed at garlic, and any religious items but he didn't seem to be think anything of it really. He would constantly invite her over his house, and it was strange that he would always have to "invite" her in. He asked her about it once, and she quickly changed the topic of conversation. They friendship grew into an intimate setting and when she bit him for the first time. She immediately recognized what she was doing, and she confessed that she was a vampire. He mentioned his friend, how he died by those creatures. She brought up the secret group of vampires and werewolves and a few humans that were looking for a way to get rid of the vampires and werewolves so that the fighting would end. He agreed to join.
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