Megaupload probably would have stayed up if this had already been released. It was a really good idea, too.
hmm, maybe if they enacted this plan a little earlier they might not have been taken down. But if this is what was going on, maybe other sites should try it to see if it keeps them from being taken down
...Wow. I... Wow I wish I had something profound to say. I just... WE COULD HAVE HAD THIS?! I sincerely hope that someone in less dubious standing picks up this business model. It sounds lovely. Mediafire's bragging about how clean they are, maybe they can pick it up.
That is how much power we let the music industry have. Even without SOPA and PIPA, we are letting them have control over everything. They can stomp anything they want to, like a bug. It's disgusting and unamerican, this fights fair free market capitalism in every way. This is why I don't buy music, and it's why you shouldn't either. Help end the injustice today. Make a statement with your wallet. If you want to support a band you like, go see them live. That's the only way they make real money anyway. But stop feeding the record companies the sustenance they need to take away freedom and fair free market capitalism, while ripping off both you and the bands you love (The amount they make from record sales isn't anywhere near Megabox's promised 90 percent)
am i the only one who's unable to connect the dots as to how this article is the secret behind Megaupload's shutdown like the title suggests?
Off topic, as much as I agree with your post, this bit really annoys me, because the United States of America does not have a monopoly on freedom and democracy. Back on topic: If this is really true, and they were tkaen down because it would have jepordised the music corporations then ... I have no words. In addition, if another company can pick this up then so much the better. I still don't understand how anyon could have the power to shut down a company for this ... or why it's allowed. meh, incoherent thoughs for the win.
If this had been released, then the artists would almost have no need for a record label, since they could sell their music on Megabox and keep most of the profits, therefore cutting out the record labels entirely. Record companies don't like losing money, so they shut down Megaupload before this could happen, keeping themselves in business and ruining a major money opportunity for the artists.
As Sforzato dear said. "WE COULD HAVE HAD THIS?!" It is very irritating that MegaUpload was shut down anyway. And now the fact that we would have had something like that? Rawr.
This is a simple way to describe it. Another simple way to describe the way things are, is that corporations own the country and control the government. This program had the potential to change the music industry into something entirely different than what it is now. How can you be surprised that megaupload was shut down on the brink of something this big? I'm not. Megaupload has been around since 2005, and it wasn't that hard to find out that there was piracy on the site. The piracy was just an excuse to take down the site, shut down the company, and shut down this idea. Call me a conspiracy keanu, but this has been going on for a long time.
I do feel for the Record labels though, I can understand why they wouldn't allow this. However, it is a nice idea and it's quite sad if this is the real reason they were shut down. Would it not have been better to just say "No MegaBox"? Apparently not. However, the idea may not have died with Megaupload and it may actually get to make a debut. We'll just have to hope someone is brave enough to pick it up. Unless the "we've tested it and it works" is actualyl a lie and it, in fact, doesn't work.
The fact that they have the ability to to just not allow something is a serious problem. That's not how capitalism is supposed to work. That would not have been possible. There's nothing illegal about Megabox.
This would've been a great opportunity for up and coming artists and consumers alike. It's a shame that Megaupload was shut down before this ever had a chance to start up. I can see why the record labels would be against this, but it would've been better for everyone else in the long run.