The school I had gone to the majority of my life closed.

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by 61, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    I found out today the school I went through kindergarten to 8th closed today. I really don't know how to take this, the school had become very corrupt and was sure to close, but I never really thought it would. All of my life-long friends come from this school and all of my most precious memories either take place at the school or involve people related to the school. My mother also worked there for 18 years and I was in her class twice, fortunately she quit before it closed, but now that it's closed I feel like a major part of my life has died, and I don't know how to handle it. I've been going to a new school for a while now, but still..
  2. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Wow, that sounds really rough. Sure it's going to be rough getting used to a new place, whether it be a school or moving to a different city. You made this place a second home for you (that's what it sounds like) and not having it is something you can't get used to overnight. One thing that you have to keep in mind though is that even though it's rough, change is actually good. Your friends will always stay with you, and with advances in technology, you'll still be able to stay in touch. I like to think things happen for a reason, so try to find this as a way to grow.
  3. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Sorry to hear that, but it could be worse.

    When we came up to the U.S. from Mexico (I was born Cozumel), both my mom and I had to give up a lot of things. I had to leave the friends I made there, and my dad couldn't come with us because he didn't have the proper paperwork (he eventually came to the U.S.), so we had to leave him, too. I remember my mom held my hand as we started walking towards the airplane area, and I was looking back at my dad and some of our family friends and relatives, and I was just hysterical.
  4. 61 No. B

    Jul 23, 2011
    That's terrible.

    @tummer I've already been at a different school for a while, and I'm still in contact with some of my friends, so I've already crossed that bridge, but i appreciate the input and you're right.
  5. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    It can't be easy, as tummer said it obviously holds a lot of emotions & sentimental value, and you won't just get used to it. It's a long process. In the meantime all I can suggest is that you do other things to occupy yourself, and let it live as the special place it was in your memories. Maybe visit it one last time with all your friends, just to say goodbye to it?

    Change is going to happen, whether we want it or not. And it's alright to be upset--just don't let it linger. You still have/can have all the friends and memories you made there.
  6. Excasr The Forgotten XIII

    Jul 20, 2011
    Yeah, i think in 2 years i will understand what're you saying...
    This year and the next one are my last years in my school, i go to another one...
    You know, nine years ago i was just 4. I remember very clear my first day, i didn't have any friends, i didn't know anyone... but... I realize that were more 3 new ones too, we started to talk, and know what?
    They are my best friends until now. More than friends, i love them just like they were my little brothers. I remember that day until today.
    it will be 10 years next year, the 10th and last year...
    But, i will never forget them, or the memories, because they are in my heart.
    A few days ago, we talked about this, and i started to get sad...then they made a promise to me. "We will be friends forever, no matter what, we'll see and think about each other everytime, promise!"

    So don't worry about anything, you still have everything, you didn't lost your friends or your memories.
    I'm sure that, just like me, there are by your side, smiling at you, together with every memorie! :D
  7. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I've had this happen twice to me. Though long after I had graduated high school.

    My elementary school still stands but I believe is used mostly for storage. It's just sort of strange going by the building and just seeing it sitting there. I spent pretty much my pre-school to 5th grade years in that building. Wasn't really all that attached to it. My Mom spent some years working as the Librarian there so it was kind of nice to have her there.

    My Junior High(6-8th) is also still standing and a faith based Christian academy now resides in the building so it at least is still in use. However, I had some tumultuous emotional experiences in that building[and my old High School building which is not Junior High and a High School] and would not want to return to that building so readily. Mostly because most of that energy is likely still there, festering away.

    Though I do believe that this is going to be normal judging by the state of the economy in our country being the United States. Though this is more the case with the Private Schools[at least around here] as people can no longer afford the tuition to enroll their children there and instead enroll them in the Public System, which I admit I have little experience with as my K-12 education was in the Catholic schools. Because I can remember having to pay fees in addition to tuition like a fee for me to be in Band and a fee to be in chemistry. And added that you said it was corrupt meant that it was likely marked for permanent closure, if only to end the negative reputation associated. Since that's often easier than improving it.

    You obviously have a lot of memories tied in with the building so I can imagine it would be difficult to let go of it. It'll take some time but you do still have the memories and the friends you made there.