The Scarlet Carnival

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Sessamaru, Jan 25, 2012.

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  1. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Alright, first of all, I am sick... so I'm sorry to everyone who I said I would post in their RPs (my other RP especially) Monday. It's now Wednesday. I'm still sick. I can't sleep and I only have one thing stuck on my mind. This RP. As a favor (and I'll totally be in anyone's debt if I am in their RP), please read through this thoroughly and give it enough consideration to join. This RP wouldn't stop harassing me and I have so many excess ideas (or rejected characters, plots, etc) that I decided to build this junkyard RP just so I can get some peace, quiet, and sleep. Lots and lots of sleep.

    So without further ado...

    ...the PLOT...

    After years upon years of technological evolution throughout the Omniverse, an infinite expanse of worlds that was once made up of the Nihilverse (a form of verse where nothing existed save for a blank sheet of infinity), enough worlds were able to harmonize and reach a state of peace and tranquility that banished the idea of war with others outside of their own world. However, this tranquility became unstable in a matter of centuries due to the unrest of all sentient creatures. The instinctual need for bloodlust, conquest, and purpose threatened the peace. Because of this, a shady organization called Enigma stepped forth and proposed a sort of contract that televised a gruesome tournament on a Dead World. An agreement had been reached and Enigma legally held the rights of all known and unknown lifeforms. Because of this, randomly selected people of any race, gender, species, sub-species, etc, were forced to fight each other. The winner of the tournament was to gain absolute power plus a bonus prize.

    Over the past few decades, with an increase of ratings due to the increase of brutality, no one had won. This raised questions throughout the omniverse, but no one had confronted Enigma; despite being a small organization and outnumbered by many, many worlds, Enigma seemed to possess a devastating power that kept the entire Omniverse on a leash. Literally and metaphorically omnipotent, Enigma continued the tournaments as their revenue increased, thus making them a powerful force behind economic. This made them a juggernaut, and the political leaders of the omniverse were in despair. The residents were constantly afraid of being selected, despite hypocritically enjoying the bloodletting themselves. Each world was constantly reminded that they were insignificant and powerless before Enigma as the promise of "absolute power" was constantly ripped out of the hands of each participant as they died by the hands of the representatives of Enigma.

    To the dismay of all, the show goes on. It serves the purpose of a macabre peace, but is peace truly worth it if the many were oppressed by such a tiny, insignificant organization?

    As you can see, I gave little details about the tournament itself and focused on the current status of the Omniverse. There are a lot of reasons, and I'm sure you're all smart enough to make an accurate deduction as to why. Nevertheless, we'll continue on through and focus on...

    ...the TOURNAMENT...

    The tournament is hosted by the mysterious head of Enigma, who often resides in shadows and never introduces himself to the public. Instead, he is introduced and referenced, often, by an eccentric man by the name of Adham Qisem. Adham Qisem is seen as the sardonic overseer of the tournament, making sure things progress as they should. If not, he would be forced to give the competitors some... incentive.

    The tournament, known as the Scarlet Carnival (named solely for its bloodshed, shown as a morbid form of entertainment), takes place atop an ancient ziggurat, which is far larger than any known step pyramid in existence. Surrounding the ziggurat is seemingly new architecture from the modern day Omniverse, which was quite unique in the fact it blended together the many, many cultures that encompassed it. These were the "stands" where the audience watched the battles far above them upon monitors... the higher up the audience, the wealthier they were and the less likely they would need a monitor. However, at the very top of this horse-shoe shaped building was where the competitors would watch the battles. This precise area of the "stands" (which is inaccurate for it's simply a building with seats and monitors) allows no one, not even the most wealthiest of in the Omniverse, to access the chamber (unless, they, themselves, are participants). The room is well-furnished and comfortable, with a giant glass screen giving clear, crystal vision to the fight ahead (for this precise room is perfectly parallel to the pyramid's flat top).

    The competitors really have no choice but to fight, and it's usually a game of kill or be killed. The competitors wear a thorn bracelet that digs into the flesh should they refuse to fight, and further more it releases an electric shock as incentive, successfully activating the body's natural ability to produce adrenaline. The thorn bracelet seems to be more magical than technological and it is known to be impossible to remove. The bracelet also limits the output of one's innate abilities, such as magic or natural skill, thus making them far more weaker than they were prior to the tournament. This power reduction increases difficulty, and should one succeed in a fight, the bracelet restores the power by a small, but noticeable amount.

    Victories tend to be determined by either kills or KOs, depending on the moral compass or the determination of competitors. The losers who survive are said to return home, but whether or not this is true is unknown. As mentioned before, the tournament is televised. Because of this, the skies are full of aircraft and a reporter and cameraman witness the fight up close. The reporter is also the announcer, and she would often tell them to begin. Because of the need for the announcer/reporter and cameraman, there's a barrier that boxes in the combatants, this also cuts off their escape even if they have a high-jump. The barrier is impenetrable and unbreakable, and it is high voltage. Anyone who tries to escape becomes barbeque for the side-shows.

    Thankfully, there are rules that are explained and demonstrated to the combatants as to keep things nice and orderly.

    It's difficult to go into detail about the tournament, but I'll explain this either in the RP (when I'm not sick) or in PMs (send me questions and I'll answer them... and add them to the FAQ should it come to it). Ah well... now, onto...

    ...the Home Rules...

    1) No Godmodding
    3) OC's only, please.
    4) Since PvP is possible, I will say "Do not kill off that person's character with their and my permission". I would also like to add that damage will be calculated by me as to stray away from godmodding. So if you continuously go unpunished throughout a match without a viable reason, I will be forced to tell you to edit your post. Otherwise, I will kick you out for brushing too close to the first two Rules.
    5) You can either create your own race or use races from any source... so long as you ask me first. I may have questions.
    6) Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT try and manipulate MY rules. MY rules are in effect for a reason; I'm pretty laid back, but if you're consistently arguing with me and manipulating my rules to your whim, I will be forced to kick you out of my RP. I also won't hesitate to bring in a mod if it comes to it.
    7) Listen to the GM (moi). This rule is sacred. Even if the GM is wrong, the GM, by default, is ALWAYS right.
    8) Follow the Roleplaying Arena rules, too.
    9) Mind your cursing. If your character cusses too much, I'll be forced to ask you to edit. Remember, there are younger players here. (And don't you kids sass me, or I'll have to get my slapstick, dammit!)
    10) Follow the other rules, and you'll be fine.
    11) This RP is purely non-canon to any/all original works, meaning if you want to use a character from any currently active RPs (which involve OCs), I'll allow it.
    12) I will severely limit abilities and their capacities; I also do not want firearms or any projectile weaponry. This tournament is purely melee; though pragmatism (such as throwing a melee weapon or shoe) is accepted, just to keep the quasi-realism going.
    13) This RP is rated PG-13; it possesses potential blood and gore, some crude language, and some sexual themes (for the benefit of the RPers if they wish to have a romance to form; please refrain from anything too graphic, folks). (Nudity is prohibited; anything crude or disturbing posted (especially without my consent) is a one-way ticket to being booted).

    I'm not 100% sure if these rules are good or not, but if you all have questions or suggestions, lemme know. Again, sick me is a semi-operational me. Almost done, now we just need to review...

    ...the Tournament Rules...

    1) Do not attempt to escape
    2) Do not disobey your rightful duty
    3) All is fair, love and war (anything goes)
    4) Victories are decided purely by besting the opponent. Kill them, incapacitate them, or make them surrender. If you cannot do either of these, then you have already lost.

    That's quite lame for rules, but... really. This is a tournament based on survival, so you can't really do much in terms of rules '>.>

    Now for your favorite part...

    ...the Character Sheet...

    Race: (optional; humans are generic)
    Height/Weight: (Please convert lbs. to kg. and vice versa)
    Appearance: (Pictures are welcomed!)

    Details: (for people who don't want to or can't post a picture; otherwise, delete this part)
    Body build:
    Hair color:
    Skin color:
    Eye/Iris color:
    Notable Features:

    Clothing Description:
    Weaponry: (Melee only; polearms, swords, axes, ect)
    (Only 3 powers/spells/abilities; you may gain more when the RP goes on. Or, more than likely, the three you choose may simply evolve.)
    Other: (Anything you would like to add; likes/dislikes, talents, etc.)

    Now that this is done... enjoy! And now I'm off to dreamland. Hopefully. Whee!

    (Oh, also, the Dead World was uninhabited since before the tournament, so there are no natives of the world. So, hah! Destroyed that loophole! :P)
  2. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Name: Beucefilous
    Race: (optional; humans are generic) Human
    Gender: Male
    Age: 22
    Height/Weight: (Please convert lbs. to kg. and vice versa) 160 lbs. 72 kg.
    Personality: Laid back and carefree. Rarely serious about anything. He can be quite the comedian at times. If he has any friends, he'll stick by them to the end
    Appearance: (Pictures are welcomed!)

    Clothing Description: A long red trench coat and dark green pants. Wears unzipped combat boots and brown fingerless gloves.
    Weaponry: (Melee only; polearms, swords, axes, ect) A shape shifting ring called demithor.
    (Only 3 powers/spells/abilities; you may gain more when the RP goes on. Or, more than likely, the three you choose may simply evolve.) The shape shifting of demithor. The demon eye, which lets him see a split second into the future and predict his opponent's move. And slightly heightened natural abilities.
    Other: (Anything you would like to add; likes/dislikes, talents, etc.) Strongly dislikes the colors blue and yellow. He is a talented swordsman and one of the best at his full strength.
    History: Not much is known about his past In other words, i'm too lazy to write one.
  3. Rapid Ignis Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 31, 2012
    The depths of my soul
    Name: Kratos (though he says it is not his true name)
    Race: unknown
    Gender: Male (?)
    Age: unknown
    Height/Weight: 165 lbs, 75 kg
    Personality: Cold, calculating, and cunning, but not wasteful with sentient life.
    Appearance: Details:
    --Body build: lean but sturdy
    --Hair: covers his ears and touches his eyebrows, it is shaggy but looks clean. The bangs are slightly slanted to the left.
    --Hair color: light brown
    --Skin color: pale
    --Eye/Iris color: black pupils with hazel irises that have a thin gold rim.
    --Notable Features: aristocratic and scholarly looking features, a sharp nose, slightly elongated ears, and only four toes on each foot.

    Clothing Description: a gold-threaded red-leather tunic, red-fabric trousers with leather shin- and thigh-guards, and red-leather boots.
    Weaponry: two scimitars made with a strange alloy that doesn't conduct electricity, but aside from that is similar in properties to steel. Two knives, one in each boot.
    Powers/Spells/Abilities: Telekenisis (only able to lift objects up to 100 lbs or 45 kg at start); Shapeshifting (takes a little bit of concentration, more or less depending on how much and how fast he wants to change his body. Also needs to be into a form of similar mass at start); Energy Drain: can drain energy from the enviroment (or other people if they get too close) in the form of heat, electricity, or kinetic energy, and then release that energy in the form of heat, kinetic energy, or electricity at a later time. This would have a chilling effect on the enviroment, causing ice to form where he absorbs heat. (at start he can only store small amounts of energy, making him need to release it before being able to absorb again, he also can't absorb kinetic energy or electricity at start)
    Other: Talented at swordplay. He seems to make connections that others don't, while not making connections that would be simple for others to understand. Doesn't understand the concept of emotion.
    History: was somehow captured by Enigma, he rarely speaks of his past, and when asked he will simply state that he was once a god.
  4. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Name: Senri
    Race: + Anima
    Gender: Male
    Age: unknown (looks about 17)
    Height/Weight: (Please convert lbs. to kg. and vice versa) 5 feet 9 inchs. 160lbs. 72kg.
    Personality: Quiet and calm, he's ofted too quiet and described as cold.
    Clothing Description: tan poncho over a white long sleeved shirt with tan pants and moccisins.
    Weaponry: (Melee only; polearms, swords, axes, ect) short hunting knife
    Powers/Spells/Abilities: His right arm turns into that of a bear's, complete with fur and claws, he does have enhanced physcial strength and regeneration abilities.
    (Only 3 powers/spells/abilities; you may gain more when the RP goes on. Or, more than likely, the three you choose may simply evolve.)
    Other: Senri loves flowers, honey.
    History: When Senri was a boy an insane bear killed his father and when it attacked Senri, scratching his left eye, it transfered it's anima (spirit) to him, giving him the ability to change a part of his body into a bear. Senri doesn't speak anymore and when he does speak, people listen. A caravan leader named Crystal took him in until he was 15 but when they were attacked by bandits, Senri tossed the bandit leader and himself over the ledge and into a river. He doesn't remember what happened after that since he woke up one morning with Enigma staring him in the face and shackles on.

    Name: Kurou Tenma
    Race: Crow Demon
    Gender: male
    Age: 22
    Height/Weight: 165lbs. 75kg.
    Personality: Kind when he wants to be, often a bully to those stronger than him, and more than a little outspoken. (freaking obnoxious at times)
    Clothing description: torn up white shirt that no longer has buttons down the front and black jeans
    Weaponry: melee only with a long, black sword tied to his back that he rarely uses.
    Powers/Spells/Abilities: Kurou can fly with his large black wings, but with the thorn bracelet, only for a little while. Energy pulse that can push enemies backwards (used to be able to crack mountains)
    History: Kurou is the son of a long standing family of pride and power. Kurou grew his wings when he was 7 and trained harder than his brothers to obtain the power he once had. Having been selected to be in the Tournament, Kurou vowed he would be the winner and reclaim his power and the "absolute power" promised. Of late, he's become somewhat good friends with Senri, as the boy doesn't speak and can't get on his nerves.
  5. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime

    I'm already cackling madly. Oh boy, are you in for a treat :P

    Oh, and I must ask... why did you choose Shapeshifting? I doubt you'll be able to use it, especially if it takes a lot of time and concentration. The likelihood of him using it is... well... less than 1%, at best.

    Senri: Would you like to have a couple more powers? I mean, the bear arm is great and all... but raw strength and lethal tears won't keep him alive long enough. He's too underpowered to let in at this stage.

    Kurou: Accepted. If you want to add a melee weapon, before the RP starts, I give you permission to go ahead and edit. Would be nice if he had a weapon.
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Oh but Kurou doesn't need a weapon...but we'll give him one for the sake of emergencies.

    I don't know what else would be added besides what I did add...
  7. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime

    Also, Serin is now accepted.
  8. Rapid Ignis Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 31, 2012
    The depths of my soul
    Well, I'm not really sure what to say, I was planning on having his powers grow/evolve as time goes on, like you said in the intro post, and since shapeshifting, if used right, can be an almost unbeatable power, I wanted to limit it some. Otherwise I'd be able to counter most attacks. But if you don't feel that it would be over-powered I'd like to lower the concentration part, like maybe if he's only changing one part of his body then he wouldn't have to have full concentration?
  9. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Of course, I won't mind if you knocked off the concentration. Oh, and he's accepted. I forgot to mention it before.
  10. Rapid Ignis Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 31, 2012
    The depths of my soul
    okay, thanks... is the thread up for the actual RP yet or are we still going to wait a while?
  11. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Name: Raven (Natalya Darkwater)
    Race: Unknown (Appears human but is suspected not to be)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18 (though appears about 12)
    Height/Weight: 158cm 49kg
    Personality: Raven appears care free and innocent on the surface, she always seems to have a smile on her face and appears completely unsuited for this competition. That is until she starts to fight. She is calm and logical, she will always try to use her surroundings and her opponent skills against them. She has a fierce determination and will work hard to achieve her goals. She tries not too show any fear, unless of course, she feels it would benifit her. She is loyal to her friends and will stand by them, unless they betray her in which case she will hunt them down or she is forced to fight them to survive.
    ---Details: (thought I'd do this aswell)
    -Body build: She is extremely petite, but basically all of her tiny body is muscle.
    -Hair: Long and Straight.
    -Hair color: Black.
    -Skin color: Pale white.
    -Eye/Iris color: Brown.
    -Notable Features: She has a lot of scars on her body in various places but all of them are covered up.
    -Clothing Description: She wears practical tight fitting black clothes that allow her full movement and give her a striking figure. As well as boots and a jacket. At the start it has a skirt on it but that is only for her innocent child act and can be easily removed in a split second when it is not needed.

    Weaponry: Two diamond edged katanas and two daggers, she may also have other small weapons hidden on her body at any point in time.
    ~She is extremely fast and acrobatic, making up for her small size with speed and agility.
    ~She has the ability to turn invisible for periods of time. (Only a few seconds at the start)
    ~She can also teleport. (Only short distances at the start)
    Other: She is rumoured to be a good actress, lock picker and have a large knowledge of plants, both medicinal and poisons.
    History: Natalya was orphaned at an extremely young age and forced to live on the streets. She lived on the streets for a few years where she learnt how to fend for herself. However as she made a name for herself, she caught some unwanted attention and was abducted. She was placed into a instituion, where she was ruthlessly trained to become an assasin. She learn to fight and by the time she left that place she was an assasin to be feared and became known within the criminal rings in the Omniverse as Raven, the child assasin. She still has a childlike appearence, which means she is often underestimated. However on route to her next target, somehow Enigma got her. Now she is determined to get out of there alive and show Enigma they messed with the wrong little girl.
  12. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Not yet. I don't throw up RP threads until I get a good set of players.


    Oh man, is it starting to get good. I'm shocked you even wanted to join, Midnight '>.>

    Also, I will start the RP once I get 3 more players.
  13. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Honestly, I'm suprised at myself. It's not the type of thing I usually go for, I read through it a few times and simply dismissed it but then got bored and started planning my character for it in my head, then I had to. xD But yeah, like I said, not the usual stuff I do but I'll give it my best shot. Also if anyone knows who/where my character is based off then they're awesome by default.
  14. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    rofl, I see. Well, hopefully you'll have fun :P
  15. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Name: Keel
    Race: Half-Human, Half-Wolf Demon
    Gender: Male
    Age: 16
    Height/Weight: 5 foot 6 inches, 80 kg
    Personality: Calm, collective but he does have a bloodthirsty side of him that he rarely shows
    Clothing Description: Sleeveless white unbutton shirt with a black sleeveless shirt under it, gloves without finger hole on the index and middle finger. Blue jeans, and piece of both shirts around both arms
    Weaponry: Enchanted Sword
    1. Can change his sword into one of 10 forms
    2. Possesses great stamina, speed and strength
    3. When his eyes change, he gains traits of a wolf.
    Other: Prefers to be alone at times, Is able to fully utilize his wolf side (Signal by change of eye color) to gain the advantage and is Abidexterous.
    History: Raised to learn how to not only use his sword, but also his wolf side of him Keel often spent his days training to specificaly use each form of his sword except for one. While he did take his training seriouly, for the most part he just hung out wiht his friends and goof off. This was his daily routine until he used the sword of bloodlust and vanished with the engima, leaving behind a trail of blood. Though he doesn't what happend he's always felt a evil aura surround his sword eversince that day.
  16. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Keel is accepted, though you know his current powers are going to be highly restricted. The wolf traits are going to be weaker, the sword transformations are going to be either lower or have their power greatly reduced (speaking of, I want a list of each sword form and specialized power), and finally, his speed, strength, and stamina are also going to weaken.
  17. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    I kinda figure something like that would happed.

    Form 1 – The Metal Sword

    Form 2 - The Explosive Sword –Creates an explosion when it comes into contact. master/eexplosion3wo.jpg

    Form 3 – The Sonic Sword – Allows the wielder to move at sonic speeds

    Form 4 – The Sealing Sword – Can cut what a regular sword can’t

    Form 5 – The Twin Dragon Sword – Can attack with both Fire and Ice Swords/5bluecrimson.jpg (Both blades are purple)

    Form 6 – The Vacuum Sword - Allows the user to fire powerful bursts of air at the enemy to blow them away and paralyzes them.

    Form 7 – The Gravity Sword – Can cut very hard things, but is incredibly heavy

    Form 8 – The Solar Blade – Work extremely well against darkness, but can be use as a regular blade.

    Form 9 – The Bloodlust Sword – By sacrificing the all other emotion except for anger to give the user great strength.
    (Ignore the words)

    Form 10 – The Holy World Sword – The Strongest out of all 10 swords.

    The list of Swords and their power. Just to be fair swords 4-10 would be unable for him to use until later.
  18. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Alright... elaborate on the tenth form and you'll start out with just two forms. I would allow three, but... that would be allowing you to have a little too much power. Sword 1 and 2 (the base form and the first "optional" transformation) are good enough for now.

    Also, Rave Master is awesome.
  19. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Aside from being the strongest form, it has the power to dispel darkness though I don't know how well that going to work without magic.

    Too bad the anime couldn't end with the manga.
  20. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    Magic = Power = Vice versa

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