The Sagging Trend

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Amaury, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Short Version: Do you guys sag? Why or why not?

    If any of you remember, sagging is a pet peeve of mine, which was brought up in this thread. So now I figured I'd create a discussion thread that solely focuses on this, seeing as it's both a common trend and a common pet peeve, to see what people think.

    KH-Vids males, do you sag your jeans / pants? If so, why? If not, why and what is your opinion on those that do?

    I'll admit, when I was a sophomore in high school, I had this one pair of jeans that were too big for me -- big enough that I could pull them down like pants / shorts when they were fully zipped up and buttoned -- so I decided to take advantage of that whenever I wore them and would go as low anywhere between the middle of my butt cheeks or below them -- in the former's case, if they slipped down a bit, I didn't bother pulling them up. I stopped when one of my male friends said it wasn't cool, although he ironically did the same beforehand, but it might have been for the same reasons as me (too big), minus the taking advantage part.

    Sometime after that, it became a pet peeve of mine somehow and I would sometimes get after my friends that did it, whether it was intentional or not. If I even saw the littlest bit of underwear, I would give them a hard time, although that was more on the joking side. There was a friend whom I took to lunch one day who had his friend drive us -- and I became friends with his friend -- neither of which are saggers, but when I jokingly got after the friend I took to lunch because his underwear was showing a little in the commons (cafeteria) after we got back from lunch, he said that a little underwear showing isn't really bad, and if you pulled your pants up to the point to where your underwear didn't show, you'd just look weird, to which both his friend and I agreed.

    Anyway, like I said in that other thread, I don't really care nowadays how much underwear I see (a quarter, half, etc.), it's where your jeans / pants are that I care about. If your jeans / pants are somewhere above your butt cheeks, then I know that it's one of two things: your jeans / pants slipped down either just from walking or from sitting down or your underwear rode up on you and you just don't care enough to fix it or you don't notice -- I think the latter's the case a lot of times. However, if your jeans / pants are below your butt cheeks then I know that's most likely intentional, though there are rare instances where it just may be that your jeans / pants are too big for you and you don't have a belt. However, if your jeans / pants are below your butt and you have a belt on, then I know it's definitely intentional. The point of a belt is to help keep your pants up in the waist area, not to keep them from falling down when your jeans / pants are below your butt. However, I've never told anyone, friend or not, who sagged intentionally to pull their jeans / pants up. I can tolerate it more with friends, also.

    I'm not including shorts in here because I noticed that most of those intentional saggers out don't do it with shorts for some reason, only jeans and pants (I wonder why -- can anyone answer this?). The only time I ever saw someone sag their shorts was during my junior year. It was a homosexual classmate in my Junior English class -- not insulting him, just saying he was the only person I've seen sag shorts. The other times I've happened to see underwear show with shorts were with people and friends that didn't intentionally sag, and it's when they were sitting down, which, of course, pulls their shirt (and sweater if they're wearing one) up, makes their shorts slide down a bit, or both.

    Moving on to something else that sort of relates to this, do you think that female cleavage can be considered the equivalent of male sagging?

    Finally, where do you guys think this started? I've heard stories about how it started in jail because it meant someone wanted to do it. However, when I asked my friend whom I took to lunch and the friend that drove us what they thought, they both thought it was just a normal fashion trend that started, and I happen to side more on what they said than the other.

  2. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    If the clothing i'm wearing is too big for me, I let it sag. To be honest, I'd pin it down to me being too lazy to fix it. If they fit then I just let them fit, clothing really doesn't bother me too much so I see no need to prevent sagging.
  3. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    The ladies sag too :B

    But nah, I usually wear a belt if I feel the pants sliding down. Most of the shorts I have fit me pretty well without a belt, but I typically wear one anyway since I feel weird without one on, lol.

    Also, on this:

    Not really? That's like saying a dude wearing a low neck shirt is the equivalent of sagging. If anything quite a bit of summer clothes for women seems to be designed to show off a bit of it --while it is socially deemed a ~private & sexual area~, I'd rather see some cleave of a stranger vs the buttcrack of a stranger.
  4. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    But do you consider yourself a "sagger"? You sound like I used to be with that one pair of jeans I have that were too big for me my sophomore in the high school.

    Truthfully, I'm like you sort of. I have these lose fitting sweatpants and even shorts that fit me well that will slide down if I do things like jump, get in the car and sit down, etc. and I won't pull them up. However, if they start getting too low, like the middle of my butt or lower, then I will pull them up.

    Overall, though, now, I just find it somewhat repulsive to see males' butts -- not literally, of course. But think about it, if their pants were below their butt and they weren't wearing underwear seeing their actual butt and penis wouldn't really be a pleasant sight -- not in public, anyway. If they want to do it within the privacy of their own, let them, just as long as it's not in front of family members or friends.[DOUBLEPOST=1377056085][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Yeah, but it seems more known with males for some reason, don't you think? In my four years at the high school, I never once saw a female sag, while I saw plenty of males, friends and non-friends alike, sag.

    Also, are all your shorts the jean material shorts (if that's the correct term)? Because the felt and fabric-type shorts obviously don't have things for belts to go through. I have one pair of jean material shorts, but the rest are just slip-ons (no zippers and buttons).
  5. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    I wouldn't consider myself to be a "sagger", mainly because I neither try to sag or try to prevent it. Though if I had to pick one "side" or the other, I'd probably be more of a person that doesn't sag. Although, I do have to admit that I have a tendency to assume someone is lazy or doesn't care for their public appearance if they do sag.
  6. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    I'm assuming by that statement, then, that you're just lazy about it when you're just at home and not out and about?[DOUBLEPOST=1377057695][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Well, guys just have nipples, which are okay to show (even though they usually don't even with low neck shirts), unlike woman's breasts, so I don't think that low neck shirt is a really good example.

    On most of the guys I've seen with sagging pants, whether intentional or not, when they squat down to look for something, such as a book on a bookshelf in a library, I've only seen their underwear. I've probably only seen the butt crack out of one in a million. Although it should be noted that even those that don't sag, intentional or not, if they squat down, their butt crack will sometimes show a little just because of their position, which can be really awkward for some if they're doing the same thing they are (e.g., looking for a book).

    Also, this is kind of a weird one, but I've sometimes seen males that don't intentionally sag, but it looks like their trousers and underwear are low enough to where you can see their waist (even the intentional and non-intentional saggers at least have their underwear covering their waist). I'm not sure if it's something intentional they do, if there's even a technical term for it, or if maybe it just looks that way before they're well fit?

    It's kind of hard to explain, but am I making sense?
  7. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    I don't think you understood, lol. By the low neck example, I meant showing that small amount of chest, regardless of sex, is hardly another way to sag. People can't really do much to control the amount of chest that shows with certain shirts because everyone's bodies are different. You can't really expect someone who has a lot of breast tissue to cover themselves entirely during the hotter times of the year (especially considering there is clothing tailored to show off a bit of chest).

    A woman showing cleavage isn't something that can be related to sagging, because it's often out of control because of the way the shirt is designed & their chest size. Obviously no one is going to walk around flashing their boobs to the public eye, but some amount of cleavage showing is something that just happens at times. While it can certainly be done intentionally, often times depending on the body type and such, it just happens.

    this sounds redundant OH WELL
  8. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    This is Jessica Albert, a character in Dragon Quest VIII, in her regular outfit; to me, it looks like one of those intentional times, but I could be wrong.

    Click for enlargement.

    Jessica Albert.jpg
  9. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    Preferably no. If I'm too busy doing something to readjust my belt, I normally wear my pants/shorts as they should be. Then again, it all comes down to personal preference. That is to say, I'd deny having ever met you if you let your pants sag around me. You might as well just walk around in briefs if you're going to wear your pants that low. A little sag is fine, caused from big clothing is preferable rather than of your own volition.

    Like I said, personal preference. Do I personally sag? No. Do I personally like saggers? No. Do I hate them for doing it? No.
  10. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Should have asked this before.

    Can't the same be said for those males whose jeans (it seems to be more common in jeans than pants) sag down, whether by a lot or a little, because they're too big, not because they're doing it intentionally? Like I have this friend that was in my Accounting class my senior year for part of the year and whenever he wore jeans they would keep falling down -- not all the way down to his ankles, but at least to almost below his butt -- and he kept having to pull them up. I also don't think he had a belt to put on, so he had to endure it.