The rose_rosy[一朵玫瑰色的玫瑰]

Discussion in 'Archives' started by fengwenshusanglin, Mar 11, 2011.

  1. fengwenshusanglin Moogle Assistant

    Mar 11, 2011
    Say hello to this beautiful site in all cultural, artistic, literary friends,

    Ask you to appreciate my work



    [Romantic dream of a small green leaf]

    [A piece of small green leaf's romantic dream]

    Chinese poet fengwenshusanglin for,


    My ever wandering in the snow country in the small green leaves,
    Is fantasy -----If I have one bed which does with the flame,

    very, very good,

    If I do have a bed with a flame,

    I would not have night

    after night ,

    In is howling on snowstorm this bed sleep,

    My ever wandering in the snow country in the small green leaves,
    Is fantasy -----If I have one bed which does with the flame,

    very, very good,

    If I do have a bed with a flame,

    I would not have night

    after night ,

    In is howling on snowstorm this bed sleep,




    The rose_rosy[一朵玫瑰色的玫瑰]

    Chinese poet fengwenshusanglin for,


    My space 's small emperaror--my son--

    As a Roseate for endless routh,

    When unborn my son ,

    Lived in lofly belly of a flowering tree of dreaming .

    And fire phoenix fly, like one single moonlight_azure,

    In phoenix's body breed ,

    In rosy rose had

    Vomit and lent to the nigths,hills,

    Rivers,grasss,groves ,

    And greatures.her sweetly joy and

    Fire of love,

    I sangs upon my son,with words of cloud_white and,

    Or words of green water of flows,

    Day after day, month after month,

    And i made meselves a little cicada,

    In apparel,sometimd,

    I being katydid,a skirt_green,sometime,

    I made meselves a orchid ,

    In white apparel,sometime,

    I turns a petty siklworm,

    In white robe,simetime,

    I into Nature 's greatures,

    To body of flowering tree of dreaming flew,

    As if a dragonfly,came to dim bamboos,

    Of summer,
    And my firegod_minor me sings

    Or told,for my fairgod_ minor

    Being lonely,stir and peaceless,

    I become one single flower's sweetly,

    Or Music of heavy sweet,

    kissed my son_my ideal ,

    As shepherd kissed his snowsheep_small,

    And passed sun,moon stars's kingdom,

    This flower's sweetly.true, twelve years

    My little flower_spirit grew in milks

    Of spirit ,and milks

    Of spirit ,art me created [Shao Music] of my own,

    Like infant of cloud_dark grew in milks,

    With red magma, true, twelve years

    My little flower_spirit grew in milks

    Of spirit ,and milks

    Of spirit ,art me created [Shao Music] of my own,

    Like infant of cloud_dark grew in milks,

    With red magma, true, twelve years

    My little flower_spirit grew in milks

    Of spirit ,and milks

    Of spirit ,art me created [Shao Music] of my own,

    Like infant of cloud_dark grew in milks,

    With red magma, true, twelve rears

    My little flower_spirit grew in milks

    Of spirit ,and milks...
  2. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    So, you wrote this, correct?

    In that case, ~moved~ to Poetry and Lyrics <: .