The Rise of the Forgotten Sign-Up/Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Sessamaru, Oct 14, 2012.

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  1. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    The world of Soringaard was quite ancient, seeing many wars and many evolutions. In its youth, Soringaard was ravaged by war and the raw primal powers of the Omniverse: Ki and Mana. Ki was the power of the physical body, made up of natural energy that allows vitality in those of the living and grants gifts to those with strong amounts of it, allowing them natural flight and great physical strength, amongst other things. Mana was the power of the spirit, made up of eldritch energy that allows one to call upon the elements of nature, amongst other things. They were two of the same, yin and yang. These powers tore asunder the world, creating mountains, vast oceans, abysmal ravines. Since then, humans have learned to hone these primordial powers within them to prevent the absolute oblivion of their world. Though more wars followed, civilizations arose from the ashes and the world did not change or die. Humans then delved into technology when the wars subsided, focusing on other means of advancement. Weapons evolved, machines arose, and history began to change. Ki soon fell into shadows, never to be used by Man, and with the advancement of technology came an advancement and fusion of Mana, which was thus dubbed as Magic.
    Magic evolved naturally and its art became stronger and more arrayed, no longer a thing of simple elements. The Laws of Magic were also founded, much like the Laws of Physics have been established by Nature itself.
    In the midst of this, wars broke out once more when other civilizations founded their own powers of weaponry, magic, and machinery. All that was left was pure nihilism, wars fought over for the sake of power, land, and wealth. Though humans had grown stronger in the use of Mana, Ki fell away and humanity became weaker and far more mortal.
    And to the dismay of Man, the Daemons of Hell broke through the barriers that divided them and a more crucial war was fought. Many humans died, and very few demons, daemons (greater demons), and Devils suffered any casualties. Though humans had great strength in their technology and magic, it was not enough to harm the vast number of Hell's legions. As if to remind Man of their true strength, the gods sent forth a Champion. He was an unusual human who could access Ki and Mana in perfect harmony. Were it not for this Champion, mankind would collapse beneath the hordes of Darkness.
    After the triumph of Mankind, the humans began their lives anew. The Champion, however, grew restless during the era of peace. With the power of the gods in the palm of his hand, he began to wreak havoc upon his own kind. He dwelled into the darker aspects of magic, of Mana, and performed acts that were sacrilegious. The gods grew angry with the man and stripped him of the gifts. The humans also took revenge upon the Champion, their once beloved Hero, and banished him into the depths of Hell... to be tormented by the very enemies they once resented. The gods, ever a fickle bunch, cursed man and stole away their use of Mana and forever locked away their potential.​
    In the end, humanity was "normal". They, restless, continued to advance their technology. One particular human, a scientist by the name of Schrodinger, discovered a secret that even the gods failed to hide... the world of Soringaard possessed its own energy source beyond even electromagnetism: Primordium. Primordium, it was theorized, was the true state of all energy sources; a sort of soup that existed before the ingredients were ever created for it. A paradoxical thing, Primordium was a liquid thick with radiation; a raw element of pure chaos with infinite energy output.​
    Once discovered, Schrodinger created the Machine-City, Deus. Deus was thus deemed a city-state, and capitol, of Soringaard. The gods became forgotten in time, as did Ki, and the scientist was later worshiped for his genius. Though despite the power of the gods, Mankind evolved to the point that they re-developed the use of mana.​
    As time went on, Mankind descended into darkness... and awaiting them to fall further into the abyss was a vengeful enemy.

    About the RP
    Congratulations, you made it through the wall of text. Now time for you to learn about what your roles are. As the protagonists of the story, you're going to become a strange anomaly amongst mankind. Your ability to use Ki and Mana will be heavily emphasized in the RP and the results may or may not be pretty. Because you're all so different from normal humans, you will be looked upon with either awe or scorn or both. How you gained this ability is unknown, but as the story progresses, you'll learn a lot of startling things that will, in the end, (re)define your characters.​
    As you journey throughout Soringaard, you'll fight cultists who also gained this ability through secret means, find mystical creatures who lay dormant since the dawn of Man, secret weapons, the spawns of Hell, and discover ugly truths about the past, present, and future.​
    Since you're so ungodly powerful, with enhanced reflexes, immense speed, etc., you're not going to need guns (though having a weapon may or may not help). Swords, pikes, and so on still exist and are commonly used by the more powerful people of Soringaard, who also possess unique abilities. (Cultists are a prime example, and so are those infected with... well... you'll find out later :p)​
    Also, this is an "Advanced" RP, so don't slack.​
    Anywho... if you have questions, please ask.​
    About Ki
    Ki is the power-source of all physical matter, imbuing it with vitality and pure energy. Though Ki is a unique source of power, it is very similar to the human body: in order to make it grow, hard-work, effort, and experience are needed. Ki isn't unlimited, either, for it relies on the raw physical stamina of the person possessing it. It runs on a tank of metaphorical gas, so don't overuse it or you'll probably die. The abilities that accompany Ki is flight, enhanced speed and reflexes, heightened "sixth" sense (and the other five senses), superior stamina, and increase of raw physical power (i.e. greater strength).​
    Despite this, your character's comprehension of Ki is quite limited and therefore you're just slightly stronger, faster, and better than "normal" humans. I'll elaborate on this more later.​
    About Mana
    Mana is the spirit-fueled power source for magic. Since the creation of all, everyone and everything was imbued with the four elements: Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind. Like Ki, Mana can grow though effort and experience. Your spiritual power, though strong, isn't unlimited. Spells, depending on the focus needed and its sheer magnitude, can either quickly or slowly deplete your reserves. Once you use up that tank of gas, you're left with either ki or your own ability as a normal human-being. Any attempts to use a spell will either fail or cause death.​
    As you begin, you start with an affinity to a particular element. Later on, as your character grows, you will learn how to use more elements. As you learn more about the elements, you will later access a new repertoire of spells that combines these elements... and access even the darker sides of magic.​
    1) Despite being an avatar of pure awesome, you are not allowed to godmod/metagame/power-play. Even though you're practically superhuman, you're still susceptible to wounds from bullets, sharp cuts, and blunt objects. Not to mention that sometimes numbers can, and will, overcome you. So be wise about what you do.​
    2) I'll allow 2 characters per person, but no more than that. They must also be of differing affinities.​
    3) Posts must be at least 6 sentences long. That's a paragraph. Any less and I'm going to have to ask you to edit. Detail is important, as are emotions. This also applies to the OC form's "Personality".​
    4A) If you're gone for a week without notice, I'm killing off your character(s). If you're in the middle of an important event (such as a fight), you have three days to post before he/she dies.​
    4B) Please let me know how long you're going to be gone for so I can put your character(s) aside until you return. If you lose interest, let me know and I'll do something with your character(s). (Either I'll kill them or use them for plot purposes).​
    5) No personal drama!​
    6) No player-killing without the consent of both the player you're about to kill and myself (if I do not know of this, it did not happen and I will kill your character).​
    7) I have the right to add/edit MY rules.​
    8) Obey the Role Play Arena's Rules, please.​
    9) I am exempt from these rules. I have a life outside of the forums, you know, and I will need the ability to alter/usher-on the RP/story if progress needs to be made.​
    10) I encourage you all to have fun with this RP, since it is your all's playground.​
    OC Form
    Age: (Between the ages of 15 and 20)​
    Appearance: (Pictures are fine, but if you want to write it out, I prefer a well-detailed description of the character).​
    Weapon/Equipment: (You can have more than one weapon if you dual-wield)​
    Other: (Optional)​
  2. Ghost King's Apprentice

    Oct 5, 2012
    Username: TheWorldThatNeverWas
    Name: Roda
    Age: (Between the ages of 15 and 20) 18
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: (Pictures are fine, but if you want to write it out, I prefer a well-detailed description of the character). Short, jet black hair. She wears a white, sleeveless, turtle neck shirt. She wears black shorts. Her eyes are bright green. Her height is about 4'7", she's short.
    Weapon/Equipment: (You can have more than one weapon if you dual-wield) She uses hand on hand combat( hands and legs)
    Affinity: Wind
  3. Sessamaru Traverse Town Homebody

    May 12, 2008
    Beyond the Trivial Aspects of Spacetime
    I prefer that you don't use guns. I highly dislike them when used in RPs. You need to give her a personality, so please be 3 dimensional with it. Also, so you know, this RP is advanced, so you're going to have to get used to detail and long descriptions.
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