I was watching the Republican National Convention last night. I want to know what you think about it. If you watched it that is. I want to hear your ideas about McCain's and Obama's ideas and what you think of them. Please? lol :D
i personally thought that Democratic one was kinda boring, i think that one was made for people who has an attention-span of 5 minutes because they kept repeating themselves saying something like "we need to turn the page and erase everythign bad from the past 4 years", i remember them saying that quite a few times. for the Republican one, even though i consider myself Republican.... i'm not going to lie, it wasn't anything to brag about either. i just thot both of the things were pretty boring. after getting to know both Mc Cain and Obama, i have to say that i kinda lost confidence in both of them (not that I was an Obama supporter to begin with but i TRIED to be fair when judging him).