Since my friends IRL consider me an A-hole. They call me red so I made myself a Signature. CnC please. By the way, I am aware of the quality problem. I have no Idea why the program I use does that with certain pictures.
Horrid quality and bad stocks. It's okay for a first timer, though, keep practicing. Also, never save anything as a jpeg.
It's not terrible, but it's not a master piece either. Try to not use 2 separate renders, it gets hard to make it look professional and the focal point of the signature is kind of ruined. The text isn't bad but it's just not exciting enough, it looks slightly out of place in there. Practise leads to improvement.
I am aware of the quality problem. I have no Idea why the program I use does that with certain pictures. I did save as a .png
Then what is terrible? I struggle to imagine... It is not the program that is doing that. It is the fact that you uploaded it using the KHV attachment tool. Instead use something like Photobucket or tinypic to host your images and use the [noparse][/noparse] tag to post it. I repeat my advice about default colour palettes which can be found [URL=""]here[/URL] and [URL=""]here[/URL]. Even with [B]MSPaint[/B], you may manipulate colours to your needs and this is a simple step that should come before all else with all coloured art work: colour selection. Do not forget it easily.[/FONT]
So your friends call you Red? Creative making a Red Link. I don't think that quality is too bad, keep practicing. I liked how the two Links looks like, they are very good in red.