So, I've been learnnig how to smudge- it's not somethnig I'm great at but I think I'm getting better (it helped that I found some good smudging brushes). Anyway, I created this instead of revising for that exam I have tomorrow D: and am quite proud of the outcome but, KHV, I want your CnC if you would be so kind.
I like it. You have a good stock image, I like the colors you used, liked the lightning you did and the smudging looks good. Keep it up!
This is beautiful, Enzy! You have every right to be proud. The lighting and colors work wonderfully together. I'm impressed by the smudging, too. You didn't go smudge crazy and smudge everywhere because hurr hurr smudging is fun. Lovely work~
This is really good. I can never see all the detail someone puts into a piece because of my stupidly bright laptop screen but i love this. The stock placement is good, it's not too close to the middle but it's not been shoved into the corner. You've stuck to a good colour scheme which matches the stock. There's a nice variety in effects... the list could go on forever xD Good Job x.
Wow, a Final Fantasy tag. I never expected to see that from you, dear. Anyway, I absolutely love it. Lightning is blended in so well and the colors totally coliment both each other and the stock. Wonderful job~
The only flaw I see in this one is the placement. I feel like Lightning should be on the right side instead of the left because of the direction she is looking and is about to slash in. Other than that I like it. You could stand to add a bit more effects so that the background is not as empty, but I like how simple it is and how well everything blends. Maybe she could stand to be slightly less sharp; not sure if you sharpened her or not.