Anyone remember reading this book? Basically, it's about a stingy 10 year-old boy named Milo who has so many toys and games, but he's never opened any of them, so he's been pretty bored. One day, he gets a mysterious package that includes a go-cart and a kit to set up his own little tollbooth. Turns out it's a magic portal to a fantasy-type land where everyday ideas (words, numbers, sounds, sights and excuses) take literal form. He's thrust into an adventure to bring peace to the land by finding two banished princesses in the darkest recesses of the map. With the help of a watchdog (a dog with a body of a clock) named Tock (who actually ticks) and a cowardly, but boastful, tall insect called the Humbug, Milo sets off on a life-changing journey that will make him realize that there's always something to do. Was and still is one of my favorite books. The 70s movie adaptation wasn't bad, but I almost wish they would redo it like they did with the Chronicles of Narnia. ;)
I remember reading that 3 years ago, but i wasn't really paying attention, I was rather daydreaming I bet
If you've ever seen Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (Gene Wilder, NOT Johnny Depp), it was pretty much in that style. About 3/4 of the movie was pure cartoon (think Schoolhouse Rock). Granted, they did skip some scenes (Valley of Sound and Point of View), but it was slightly true to the book. Of course, Milo actually won using a combination of the Mathmagician's pencil to create a bow (a number "4") and King Azaz's words ("Foresight"). Four and Foresight, get it? :sweatdrop: The music was pretty much 70s as well (a la Oompa Loompa).
Ah yes, I remember this book. I was like, 10 at the time? It was rather entertaining... and it was also the time where I learned what the word "ignorance" was. Hmm...
I actually read it long after my reading level had surpassed it. Still an interesting read though; I was surprised at the level of vocabulary they used, i.e. 'Dissonance'. My friend had lent it to me, it was one of her favorites, so I borrowed it and couldn't beleive she'd read something at such a low level until I got into it. Then I figured out even if it didn't teach vocabulary anymore, it's just an ageless style of comedy. It's virtually a pun book, absolutely loved it.
i remember reading that. the part i remember the most is when milo ate subtraction soup and got hungry instead of full
I actually just read this book...last week. It's pretty good, i think. I like the use of words and how everything is taken literally.
I read that book for a book report. It was pretty good...yet strange at the same time.:p There were some pretty weird characters like Tock. There were also wierd foods like the subtraction soup. I would like to see the movie, since I didn't even know there was one!