I've never posted in the Spam Zone before, but a question randomly popped into my head and I'm rather curious how all of you here on KHV would respond to it. So here it goes: If you had a day where you could do absolutely ANYTHING you wanted (no rules, restrictions, no consequences, no side effects, nothing), what would you do?
I would do a whole bunch of crazy **** with my friends, confess my love to all the girls that I have feelings for and hope that one would say yes. Party Rock all dang day, do things I have never done before and go places I have never been before, eat things I have never eaten before ( they have to actually be edible food, not just random crap)
I would meet everyone from KHV that I care about. I am willing to bet that several other members would do this to. I would also spend the day buying every piece of art I could ever want. That would be so satisfying.