The Organisation Band~ 1,2,3,4~

Discussion in 'Archives' started by RRMS, Dec 31, 2007.

  1. RRMS Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 18, 2007
    In a random empty void |D ~♥
    I haven’t written one of these in ages..
    Don’t eat me alive for it!..
    I’ll do a quick reminder of who’s on who..

    Axel – Band Manager
    Demyx – Sitar
    Marluxia – Piano/Keyboard
    Larxene – Singer
    Roxas – Backup Singer
    Zexion – Base Guitar
    Xaldin – Drums
    Flame (Axels Hamster) – Mini Hamster Guitar

    Chapter 1 -
    Chapter 2 –
    Chapter 3 -

    The organisation Band!
    ~Chapter 4~

    Axel creeped into the chair room and hid behind his Chair.
    “Axel’s Here” Saix said.
    “Obviously, You can see his red hair pointing out from behind his chair” Xigbar said lazily.
    “I Have a new place to perform! It’s a bar…In a place called Australia.” Axel said, teleporting up onto his chair.
    “It better not be a girls bar like LAST time”

    ~Flash Back~

    “Now that we have Roxas let’s go!!” said Larxene happily
    They walked through a portal and found themselves in an all Girls High school.
    “Ummm Axel are you sure this is where were we are meant to perform….” Asked Xaldin
    “Well…Ummm…” Axel said as he started running away from the angry band members
    “Well I like it” said Larxene
    “Duh, you’re a girl” Said Zexion

    ~End Flash Back~

    “Oh No, I went there and checked!”
    ”Ah, That’s why you seem so... um…” Larxene tried to find the word.
    “Drunk” Xigbar Finished.
    “Well, Yes…” Larxene giggled.
    “Hey, I’m not Drunk! I just had lemonade…” Axel protested.
    “With some Rum a bet you” Xigbar whispered to Larxene, Who laughed aloud.
    “Well, We’re all going and We have 2 security guards here to make sure we don’t get crushed by fangirls.” Xemnas said., Pointing to Sora and Riku.
    “Hey, Why the Kids with Hearts?” Zexion asked.
    “Guards! Leave the room for a minute” they left “I want to see them be crushed by THEIR fangirls!” Xemnas whispered to the organisation. They all laughed.
    “Can we Go?” Demyx asked. Axel opened a portal to the bar.
    “Here we are” Axel said.
    “Music, Dancing … Perfect to perform.” Zexion said.
    The band walked up on stage, They set up their instruments and then got a drink.
    “We’ll be performing in a few minutes” Axel said. Flame, His pet hamster, came out of his pocket and nodded.

    “AND NOW…WE HAVE A LIVE BAND…THE NOBODIES!” An announcer called.
    The band all ported onstage and Xaldin hit his drum lances together,
    “ONE TWO, ONE TWO THREE FOUR!” He yelled over the clapping of the crowd. While The nobodies were playing, Sora and Riku were drowning in a sea of Fangirls.
    “WHY? Why did we agree to do this?” Sora Asked.
    “Because…Xemnas offered us 9000 munny!” Riku said.
    “Bah…Oh, Fine!”
    When the band finished playing, They all called out ‘thank you’ and things. The packed up their instruments and sat down at the bar.
    “Well, That WAS fun!” Roxas said, Almost out of breath.
    “Yea!” Saix said. When the Bar was almost empty, The band went home, And forced Sora and Riku to walk back to the castle to get their reward!

    The Lulz!
    Its my first one in a while, I had major Writers bloc, I tried to write other stories to get rid of meh writers block but it failed..
    AND YES, The whole organisation get along..