The Old and New Feeling

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Amaury, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    What better time to make this thread than now when @Misty and staff released new styles!

    What exactly gives you that feeling of something being "old" or "new"? To explain what I mean, when KH-Vids 7.0 was released, it wasn't that hard to get used to since it was kind of the same as KH-Vids 6.0. However, when KH-Vids 8.0 was released, it was a big change from KH-Vids 7.0. Eventually we got used to it, but then when we--or at least when I did--went back and looked at screenshots of KH-Vids 7.0, it looked new to us.

    Why is that? And now it's the same thing with KH-Vids 8.0 > KH-Vids 9.0. As soon as we get used to it, KH-Vids 8.0 will feel completely weird looking back at screenshots of it.
  2. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    I guess I'm confused on whether you want this discussion to only be about KHV changes, or changes on a whole.

    In regards to changes made to the KHV site, I think I left around KHV 6 or 7.0. Coming back was a shock to the senses, to say the least. It was like figuring out your way around a new computer or a new ISO. Now that I'm slowly used to it, I'm forgetting the way the old one used to be. It's simply the way our brains work. We get used to seeing something the way it is, and then when a site goes through a major update, a phone gets a major reboot, or even moving to a new location, our brains register the change and uses it to help us understand the new change.

    It probably all started way back in the day when we were all hunched around fires and snacking on burned haunches of animals. Changes to our surroundings could be beneficial or dangerous, but noticing them was the first step to understanding which category they fell into. The same can still be applied to situations today. When something new occurs, we register it and analyze it, then put it into a category. After a while, we stop thinking of that item as new and accept it as normal. When the item is changed, reverting to its original form or into a new form, we again perceive the change, analyze it, and react to it. And on and on it goes.
  3. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    In general. I just used KH-Vids as an example.