This story is about a war. Chapter1:the begging I awoke to find my self sleeping in my origanal bed in my same pj's from every night,I grabed my blue buttoned coat and,slip my arms in like a snake I walked out the door of my 2 room apartment,the night time sky was glaring,the stars look like flare guns in the air exept there were not red, I walked down the street until I heard a shake in the bushes my body froze I thought it was nothing and,started walking Then out of the bushes poped out a man he shoved me on the ground and,I skid my arm on the sidewalk,Out of the bushes came these big men in armor,with black and,silver guns in there belts and one sword in a sword socket,They grabed me and threw me some armor and weapons then threw me in the battel field They thought i was a soldier then guns started firering. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter2:a friend I rushed to get my friend Zero at his apartment,I told him everything that had happend"The only thing left to do is fight." he said he grabed his chain rod and normal gun out "LETS GO!" he yelled.we got in the battel field My heart was jumping like a jump rope,I grabed my gun and sliced heads off,Blood went in my face,I grabed my sword and,I grabed Zeros chain and,wrapped the chain on the sword,the sword turn gold,I slung it around and,around until everyone was on the ground dead exept me and Zero. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------