The new member chapter 1-2

Discussion in 'Archives' started by RRMS, Jun 5, 2007.

  1. RRMS Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 18, 2007
    In a random empty void |D ~♥
    Due to this story winning the vite...i wrote it! Yay! my new story!...Chapter 1 isnt that long but chapter two is longer.....i hope you like my new series!!



    At the castle that never was:
    “Organization 13, to my office” said Xemnas over the loud speaker. Members popped up randomly, they saw two young girls one the age of Roxas an one slightly older. The younger one was standing up and looking around while the older one was sitting on Xemnas’ desk even though he was desperately trying to get her off.
    Xemnas managed to get her off the desk and from that moment on she had a strong disliking for him.
    “I have recruited two new members.” he said. The girl who got pushed off the desk crossed her arms then stuck her tongue out at Xemnas when he wasn’t looking. The members laughed but shut up instantly when Xemnas gave them a ‘what are you laughing at’ look.
    The girl who was standing said,
    “Hi, my name is Lexy!”
    The other girl closed her eyes and said,
    “Xiem.” Axel looked at her.
    “What type of name is Xiem?” he asked. Axel suddenly collapsed
    “That’s what type of a name it is.” She said.
    Roxas freaked out, and pulled out a pen and pad ‘Note to self….Do NOT get on Xiems bad side.’ he wrote.
    Demyx dragged Axel outta the room and chucked him on his bed. He went back to Xemnas’ office to find Xiem back sitting on the table. This time Xemnas didn’t try to get her off.
    Lexy looked at the members but looked down when she saw Larxene she seemed saddened by her; Xiem noticed and patted her on the back. They were best friends no matter what kind of life form they were. She looked at them all but avoided eye contact with Xigbar.
    “Lead us to our rooms.” she said. Roxas beckoned them to follow him; Lexy looked up and followed him along with Xiem
    “What happened back there?” asked Roxas.
    “It’s none of your concern” said Lexy
    “Would you like to share a room?” asked Roxas
    “No thank you” said Xiem
    Roxas led them to two rooms.
    “Here” he said. He showed them around the two rooms that were next to each other
    “Thank you” said Lexy. They went into their rooms and unpacked then Lexy heard a knock on the door.
    “Yes?” she said. Xiem came in
    “What happened back there, if you tell me ill tell you” she said
    “I-Im the daughter of Ralene, Larxenes somebody” She said sadly
    “Why so sad about it?” asked Xiem
    “Ralene died a few years ago, so Larxene can’t be whole.” said Lexy. Xiem paused for a moment then looked down in sadness.
    “I can’t believe it…….Larxene will never be whole.” Xiem said sadly. Even though Lexy was a nobody she started to cry because she missed her mother.
    “I want her back!” she yelled. She laid her head in Xiems lap and cried. Xiem stroked her hair.
    “Its ok” she said sounding very motherly. Lexy looked up tears still in her eyes
    “Why didn’t you look at Xigbar?” asked Lexy
    “Well Braig…he was my uncle….Braig is Xigbars somebody…so Xigbar is…Uncle Xigbar to me” Said Xiem. Lexy around stopped crying and laughed a bit
    “Really?” asked Lexy.
    “Really” said Xiem. Lexy looked her newly decorated room
    “I think im gonna like it here” said Lexy
    “Just remember…try not to act real sad around Larxene or she’ll get suspicious………And I’ll have to try to talk to Xigbar. With out calling him Uncle” said Xiem.

    It was a few days after the new members had joined the organization, and Xigbar was doing some target practice. Xiem ran passed and grabbed one of his guns. She started shooting, and she was pretty good too. Xigbar stared. Only someone with his somebody’s blood running through his veins could wield his weapons. How was this girl able to?


    The next afternoon, Xiem and Lexy went down stairs to the lounge where the others were. Axel was in his chair but quickly hid behind it when Xiem came in the room, Lexy laughed and pushed Axel from his hiding place and hugged him
    “Um why are you hugging me?” he asked
    “Because you’re cozy” said Lexy “and you’re very soft and nice to hug”
    Axel blushed a bit then sat down with Lexy still hugging him. Xigbar was sitting on a chair watching TV when Xiem jumped on him
    “Watcha doing?” she asked.
    “Watching TV.” he said flatly. She looked slightly hurt. Unfortunately, Axel noticed.
    “Well can I watch with you?” she asked, more subdued then before. Xigbar noticed.
    “Knock you’re self out!” he said, trying to make her happy again. Xiem stretched herself out on Xigbar them curled up like a cat watching TV. Xigbar swore he knew her from somewhere…but where? Lexy stopped hugging Axel and went to Demyx and jumped on him
    “What’s your name?” she asked Demyx
    “Demyx” he said flatly
    “Well you’re no fun” Said Lexy. Demyx got off the couch and Lexy got on his back and he piggybacked Lexy around the room. Lexy got off at the kitchen and came back with a big lollie pop and gave it to Demyx. Demyx also blushed and sucked on it.
    Xiem got off Xigbar and went over to Axel. Who hid.
    “You know, I get angry pretty easy. But I don’t hurt people for no reason.” She called over the sofa he was hiding behind. His head popped up.
    “Get over here and sit down! I’m not Saix people!” Saix looked up from his One Piece manga.
    Axel creeped back onto his chair, and Xiem went to the kitchen and came back with a sandwich.
    “What’s in that?” asked Marluxia.
    “Mustard and Tomato Sauce.” She replied.
    “Seriously? That’s my favourite!” exclaimed Axel.
    There was a knock on the door and a call: “Pizza delivery!”
    “Where’s all this food coming from!” yelled Vexen. “I didn’t know we had mustard or lollie pops in there! And why is there pizza in a place that doesn’t exist!?”
    “She ordered it!” said Roxas, pointing at Larxene.
    “No, it was Demyx!” she shouted.
    “No, it was him!” he yelled pointing to Zexion.
    This continued for a while, everyone avoiding the new members for fear of being eliminated, while Xiem went to the door and collected the pizza. She sat down next to Lexy, and they started eating the pizza by themselves.
    “SHUT UP!!!” yelled Axel, and the room fell quiet except for the people eating. “It was her!” he said, pointing at Xiem. She finished her mouthful and put her hand up. Everyone cringed away incase it was an attack.
    “It was me.” She stated, throwing a piece of pizza to Axel for guessing right.
    “One piece left, I vote it to Demyx.” said Lexy. She walked over to him and gave him the pizza. Demyx blushed. He had only known her for a few hours and he was getting some of her precious pizza?
    “Thanks Lexy” said Demyx
    “My pleasure” she said.
    Marluxia walked over to Lexy.
    “Hey what's your element?” he asked Lexy
    “My element you ask…its Earth” said Lexy
    “Wow! Same here.” Marluxia said. Roxas walked up to Xiem
    “What's your element?” he asked
    “I can use them all. I don’t really need them though, I usually use my telekinetic abilities.” She answered.
    Roxas blinked in confusion. “Well what’s your weapon?” he asked.
    “Two swords.” She stated simply.
    “Let’s see them.” Said Axel. Xiem looked at him, before summoning two swords, one white and one black. She unsheathed them, to show intricately carved blades.
    Xigbar looked on in shock but said nothing. Those were from his family.
    Lexy grabbed Xiem by her sleeve and dragged her out of the room.
    “Why was he looking at those swords like that?” she asked
    “Generally when a mother dies they pass down their weapons to their first child.” She stated
    “Yea well Xigbar almost found out!” shouted Lexy.
    “So? It will be a lot easier for me if he finds out.” she said calmly replied.
    “Well, we made a deal, if one finds out the other does but I cant tell Larxene she will never be whole…” said Lexy sadly.
    “But she’ll feel whole if she knows who you are. Connections like that go past whether or not someone has a heart.” Said Xiem. Lexy looked down and felt her chest, her mother had known she had no heart but still loved her no matter what, she remembered it was for reasons like this she and Xiem got kicked out of school. A tear went down her face and she walked off to her room.
    Xiem looked at her then opened a dark portal to the clock tower in twilight town where she watched the sun set.

    Xiem remembered a lullaby her mother had recited to her. It wasn’t really a lullaby, more like a poem written about freedom put to music.
    “My little birdie, cries in the night.
    Wanting to be free, but he doesn’t want to fight.
    I can’t let him out, or I’ll cry out loud.
    I can’t show my tears, no one’s seen them for years.”

    Lexy was walking to her room along the way she met Roxas
    “What's up Lex?” he asked noticing the little tear
    “I-I can’t tell…” she said walking faster to her room.
    “Wait up! You can tell me!” yelled Roxas.
    “No…I cant tell anybody…” she said softly.

    A little tear went down Xiem’s face…
    A little tear went down Lexy’s face…

    Xiem teleported back to the Castle That Never Was, to find Lexy being harassed by Roxas. He suddenly collapsed and Xiem led Lexy to the kitchen for some comfort food.
    “No thank you” she said softly. Xiem was shocked, she declined the chocolate.
    “But it’s your favourite!”

    Axel was walking down the hall when he saw Roxas ‘What did he do this time’ he thought. He dragged Roxas into his room and revived him with a Mega potion
    “What did you do?” Axel asked Roxas
    “Im innocent, I didn’t do anything! I swear! Lexy was crying and I was trying to comfort her and ask her what's wrong” he said
    “Has it ever occurred to you that certain people don’t want to be comforted?” Axel said as he sat on Roxas’ bed. Roxas looked down then at the picture of him and Axel
    “No…” he said
    “Its ok, we don’t know much about them.” Axel said. Roxas looked at him and smiled
    “Your right” he said

    Xiem was really worried for Lexy, she wasn’t eating chocolate, and she loved chocolate.
    Lexy walked away from the kitchen and remembered her mother; she ran to her room and cried. Xiem came in and Lexy put her head in Xiems lap
    “I want my mum! I want her to sing to me…I can’t live without her!” Lexy yelled
    “Hush. It’s ok Lexy, Were best friends we will do this together, no matter what happens to us.” Said Xiem. Lexy knew she did this before, crying for her mother, but she couldn’t help it.
    “I know…” Said Lexy wiping away the tears.
    “Lets go down to the lounge, I bet Axel and Demyx are fighting over who REALLY deserved the last bit of pizza.” said Xiem.
    Indeed they were. In fact, they were almost at the point of destroying each other.
    Xiem walked into the kitchen, and magically reappeared with a box of hot pizza.
    “Tournament decides. The first to fin ten matches wins this whole box of pizza.” She stated. “First three matches will be… Struggle Matches!”
    Demyx drooped. He sucked at Struggle, especially against Axel.
    He ended up losing all three. Lexy told him he’d definitely win the second lot of matches.
    “The second lot of matches will be… Blitzball!” stated Xiem.
    This time, Axel drooped. No one could beat Demyx at Blitzball.
    Axel lost.
    “The last four matches will be… dance offs!” said Xiem, grinning slightly as both boys almost died on the spot.
    They unknowingly thought the same thing at the same time:
    ‘I can dance, but why in front of them?’
    They both won two matches each, so it came down to a tie breaker.
    “And the tie breaker will be… a hug off!” stated Lexy. “Who ever hugs me first wins!”
    Axel and Demyx stood at the kitchen door, and Xiem stole one of Xigbar’s guns.
    “On your marks, get set… GO!” she yelled, shooting at the ceiling over the lounge room door, resulting in dust flying out into the hallway at an unsuspecting Roxas.
    They ran, pushing each other to try and slow each other down. Axel pushed Demyx into the couch, thereby winning the race and hugging Lexy first. Demyx crossed him arms but Lexy just got Axel AND Demyx and hugged them both, cuz she like them the best.
    “Heres your pizza” said Xiem as she chucked Axel the box of pizza. Lexy stole two pieces of pizza and gave one to Marluxia (He was sitting at a random table reading a flower book xD)
    “Here you go Marluxia, one pizza slice freshly stolen from Axel’s box of pizza” said Lexy
    “Thanks” he said flatly. Lexy stood there waiting for a more…Happy thanks. Marluxia looked up from his book, he saw Lexy’s face and thought for a second
    “Thanks Lexy! You’re a nice girl!” he said more happily taking a bite out of his pizza
    “Watch reading?” she asked satisfied that Marluxia was happy again
    “How To Make Your Garden Stay Alive” he said
    “Isn’t your garden alive?” she asked
    “No…it keeps dying” he said unhappily
    “Well…..dont you control earth?” she said
    “Yea….Its just flowers…that’s it... Lexaeus controls ground….but im stuck with flowers” he said
    “Well I control all earth…Need help?” she said. Marluxia brightened up
    “Really??” he said about to jump for joy
    “Yep…with the help of Demyx we can all make your flowers stay alive!” she said. Marluxia jumped up and down for about a minute
    “WOOOOO” he screamed
    “Ummm…..Marluxia……Shut up…..Everybody’s looking at us” said Lexy over the WOOING of Marluxia. He shut up then walked away. Lexy followed him to his room.
    “wow….they are dead” she said
    “Don’t rub it in…” he said. Lexy used some magic and BOOM! His flowers were alive.
    “Thanks Lexy!” he said as he hugged her.
    “Don’t mention it.” She said hugging Marluxia back. Lexy and Marluxia walked out of his room and went to the kitchen to eat something. They both went down to the kitchen and got bananas to eat.
    “Banana brain!” Said Lexy as she ran away. Marluxia rolled his eyes then went to his room to read a book on cats, since if Xemnas let him, he was gonna get one


    My and my sister made it!!! soo yea..and...well can a nobody be whole if their somebody is dead? im not sure of that....anyways if you think i can improve it in any way tell me...and be honest if you hate it tell me....! Oh and my sis (I cant mention her name or she'll killy me!) wrote most of the stuff bout Xiem...

    Hope you enjoyes