The myth and double-standard of "militant" atheism

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Mirai, Aug 19, 2007.

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  1. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    *taken from a Myspace thread made by a member named ..::[Free Your Mind]::..*

    I really like this message, but apparently, the R&Pers at Myspace are too lazy to read.

    Discuss what you think about this.

    Personally, I think it's very true. Where demonized for having an opinion by some, yet they shrug off the crusades.
  2. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Atheism is a generally new belief and idea, christianity has been around a very long time. Whoever wrote that whole thing, they said it themselves. Every new idea must suffer critisism and trials before it can be properly accepted. To say it's unfair that atheism is questioned, and to say that it should be the other way around, like they were saying, is hypocritical. I'll admit, they have a point, but I don't think they realize that what they're saying attempts to take away the right to be saying what they're saying.
  3. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    He's not saying that atheism shouldn't be questioned. He's saying it shouldn't be demonized and hated.
  4. Repliku Chaser

    That was a very interesting read and I do have to agree that there is a serious double-standard going on not just for Atheists but anyone not of monotheistic faith. Also, the monotheistic faiths cannot agree and call each other out constantly declaring that they have the 'real' God and the others are evil representations, worshiping the devil. I am Zen Buddhist and have faced serious scrutiny, been told I am going to Hell, and told I am a blasphemer and that I am out to disprove God's existence and lumped with Atheists. In the end, I do not suppose I mind being tossed in with Atheists since they are not 'militant' and fundamentalist Christians are just scary people that can look at you with weird gazes and grins and tell you that you will suffer eternally.

    Fortunately though, even as people use 'God' as a reason to fight and slaughter others still, it is not like the old days where saying you were of a belief or not of any could get you in your neighborhood stoned to death. We have an amount of protection due to the right of freedom of religion and that includes the right to believe in anything or nothing at all, and for that, I am grateful. It is one thing to hear the words or watch these nutcracks on TV spew out rotten messages and another to live in fear hiding beliefs, thoughts etc. Though we may be questioned for science, ridiculed by the majority etc, at least we can still endure and hopefully the fact that 'ideas' are just that will someday hit the fundies of any religion. There are many people out there that do not wish to cause violence, tell others they are going to hell etc.

    To me, this is one thing people must face from fundamentalists of any sort. We also still are dealing with such issues as racism and gender bias which have the majority of people tolerating and learning acceptance, but there are those who are still zealous on either side of the fence. The extremists are annoying of any cause but at the same time, they can be the people that help push society in more positive directions. They cause change in people that would be ignorant otherwise, whether they are doing something really hideous or tremendous. We have a long way to go to get rid of double-standards in so many ways in society but if we keep working for it, these problems can be alleviated if not banished.
  5. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Even if that's what he's saying, how can he expect it not to be demonized and hated? Atheists are the the exact thing that christians hate, sinners that refuse to believe they are what they are.
  6. Repliku Chaser


    In the end, Atheists and anyone of any other religion than Christianity are going to be demonized and hated by fanatical Christians. To not do so is for them to sin and absolute blind ignorant faith is their focal point. So let them scorn and use the 'martyr card' and just laugh and move on. It's not like the old days where they could 'burn the witch' fortunately. The worst things that they do now are trying to govern how we act in our homes, our sexualities, what games we play, what books we read, whether we can dress how we want, etc. These things we can fight for more peacefully than some of them want by using the government rights we have, just as they do. Let's be grateful.
  7. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Exactly, I don't quite get how people feel they can complain these days, things are FAR better then they used to be. Especially in cases like religious acceptence.
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