First time I've made a tag in about two years, I think. I finally got CS3 a few weeks ago and thought I might try and take up making tags again. I am rusty as hell, I'm not entirely satisfied with this but it's a start. Four versions because I am an indecisive person and I can't make up my bloody mind. v1 v2 v3 v4 I really need to start practicing again, never good to stop doing something for two years. orz
Liking V3 the most. I'm not entirely loving the effects around her, or how messy it is. The effects are my main gripe, though. I'm not really into the purple on her back. Plus, the lighting is a bit off. But overall, it's a start <3
I actually like V2 because it doesn't look as empty as V3, etc. and since the effects are purple it's not like a complete shadow of blank space like it is in the 3rd one. For the first tag you've made in a couple years it's a great way to get back into things, I remember seeing your tags all over the place on here back in the day!
Personally I like versions two and three the best. You did good for taking a two year break too. XP Anyway, if this is you doing bad work then I can tell that i'm gonna love your stuff on a good day...
Im loving v3!! Its really nice,in a kinda messy way,and everythings blended perfectly. That said,there all blended great so yeah :D I just dont really v2 though,the borders to bright or something... But overall,great work! :3