There was a topic for TMV, but it's rather old, so I shall start a new one. This band is easily one of the most interesting experimental rock groups I've ever heard. My personal favorite album by them is Octahedron. The chorus of the song Teflon has managed to be stuck in my head for weeks. Thoughts on this band?
If Coheed & Cambria and The Marz Volta are leading the modern progressive rock movement, then its in good hands.
A friend of mine introduced me to TMV's music like, five months ago. It sort of freaked me out as a listener, but I have to admit, they're something else, and certainly something interesting. I regret not having been listening to them more extensively... In fact, I think I will give them another try. There's so little things in the music world that are worth the time these days.
Amen, brother. The future of music is shining bright. The old thread I made for this died. Put so much work into it too ;A; But yeah, I've been listening to them for a few years now. My drum teacher introduced me; been hooked ever since. "Eriatarka" is an old favorite. To be honest, I'm developing a stronger taste for RodrÃguez-López's solo work, but I still love the whole gang. Here's all the info from the old thread, for anyone interested. Spoiler Omar RodrÃguez-López From Wikipedia: In a nutshell--and it's a difficult thing to put his unique style in one--RodrÃguez-López is an experimental savant, dabbling in nearly every form of music that's ever been described as unorthodox (usually in groups of two or three per song). He is far more unrestrained in his solo works than in his work for the band The Mars Volta, which is somewhat more thematic. Much of his work is influenced by a classical Latin style, as per his background, and a variety of psychedelic drugs. A comprehensive discography of his works--and there are an assload--can be found here. He also has a website entitled Omar RodrÃguez-López Productions. Below are some samples of his work, from the album Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fungus (2008). Spoiler Unfortunately, the Youtube versions of these songs are not very good quality. Just bear with me, and give the real versions a listen if you like what you hear. "Hands Tied to the Roots of a Hemorrhage" "Sex: Consolation for Misery" The Mars Volta From Wikipedia: The Mars Volta is probably one of my favorite bands ever, if not my very favorite. They bring to the table a lot of things you'd expect from contemporary post-rock, adding to it their Latin-jazzy charm, and their execution is nothing short of flawless. The only thing I can honestly gripe about is the genre-wide complaint: The singing can grate on one's nerves a tad. The lyrics, however, are inspired, albeit making System of a Down sound like a children's nursery rhyme; They could probably suffice on their own as course material for a musical-psychological analysis class. The discography is here and the website is here. Samples of their work below, from various albums. Spoiler "You Take the Veil Cerpin Taxt" "L'Via L'Viaquez" Yes, they do sing in Spanish. It's damn awesome. "Goliath" Oh, and as a little bonus, see if you can find the 8-bit cover of "Roulette Dares (The Haunt of)" by renowned chiptunes artist Anamanaguchi. It's pretty amazing. If anyone finds it, I'll post it here. Also, The Mars Volta released a click-escape horror game called "Goliath: The Soothsayer," allegedly based on their experiences with a Ouija board they picked up in Jerusalem. This experience also served at least partially as the framework for their album The Bedlam in Goliath. You can find the game here. (I doubt I need to say it, but it's not for the faint of heart. Although it's not the cutting edge of horror, it can be pretty damn scary, especially if you buy into the story behind it.) At the Drive-in From Wikipedia: To be honest, I don't have any real first-hand experience with At the Drive-in; I never bothered to look up their stuff. From what I can tell by reading the article, they sound pretty similar to The Mars Volta, just more hardcore. Anyway, discography's here, and they actually do have a website, which is here. It kinda looks like they're planning on putting new stuff out under this name. Is this band still active? I really have no idea. Zechs Marquise From Wikipedia: The above is not very informative... Basically, Zechs Marquise is The Mars Volta, only softer, more psychedelic, and without singing. If you dig the style but dislike the abrasiveness of The Mars Volta, or you just want to hear more along the same lines, these guys will do you right. They are much newer, and as such their discography is only two releases long: the "34:26" EP and Our Delicate Stranded Nightmare; and their website is still under construction. I'm really surprised I found any of their stuff on Youtube, but here it is. Spoiler "Chase Scene" "Sirenum Scopuli"