The Lost Ones

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Doukuro, Sep 21, 2007.

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  1. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Ok this is a remake(kinda) of the city of dreams and this will be the sign up and idea sheet....heres how it starts

    An old lady opened the door quickly "Hurry some werid people are here!"she warned us and we moved the table in the living room and than the red rug under it showing a trap door that we climed into and we found ourselfs in a maze of tunnels. I was only two at this time and was beening carrried by a young woman while the old lady stayed behid to rehid the trap door and there was also a young man carring a small child who couldnt be much older than I and was a bot. Behid us we heard gun shoots but didnt look back or stop runing. We reached a huge matel door that was slowly closing and we went under it quickly and saw stairs and anther door closing and started to run towards it but the door behid us blew up and a buch of men came through it as the two people fell down and the bot older that I picked me up, my leg us hurt, he carried me through the door and put me down and we ran through anther tunnel and up ahead by the dim light there was a leader that we climbed only to be met by some more of the strange men but I blacked out....

    Well seventeen years had passed from than and she moved to the big city and can barly rember that day and she is looking for that boy...

    add my person later*Good gammar is requried to join but misspelling is okay
    *No killing someone with them saying that you can
    *Love can be no higer than PG-13 but other than that like fighting I dont care
    *NO power-playing/god-moding
    *All I can think of but just ask if you want me to add any

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