there was two to light and one to darkness.someone opend the door of darkness and let all hell break lose.they let demons out and the demons destroyed the door of light but that was a thousand years ago.chaos still rains in the lands and a group of people are trying to either stop the darkness or find a new door of light. but its getting worse.people are losing there hearts now...and heartless are coming.people are losing faith in the a group of teenagers go on a journey to find the door of light again. there journey is not a easy one.heartless and other demons are chasing them everywhere they seems they cant escape.until they decover their powers that will help them along the way. but time is running out.the darkness is claiming more and more people back home.they find coloured crystals that give them even more power.will they stop the darkness before it takes over there hearts too? sign up sheet name: age: gender: light or dark: un known powers: the crystal you will find: heres mine name:rikka age:15 gender:female light or dark:light unknown powers:invisibility force feilds and fire the crystal you will find:fire crystal