The Kids Are All Right

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Jiku Neon, Nov 6, 2008.

  1. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Is everyone above average? No, average by definition states that you are in between good and bad, high and low, or whatever two things represent the opposite ends of the spectrum.

    So why is it that people are always encouraged to think themselves better than their fellows? Blatant and unwarranted pretension is instilled in the children of America as soon as they can understand enough words to get the gist of it. Why? It's called a self confidence, or rather 'self esteem' issue. However are delusions of grandeur really what's best for unmotivated failures? Those failures who cannot even live up to the lowest standards of achievement in any field?

    On another note, how can intelligence be quantified? Comparison? A test doesn't mean anything without comparisons of scores. So if that's true, what defines the average intellect? If there was only one human capable of adding in the world and the rest were unable to even conceive this notion, would that hat human and all those other humans people unintelligent and primitive? So is it our environment that defines our view of intellect? Does being around smart people make one smarter, or does it make one stupider because of their relative difference?

    What do you think of all of this?