The Keyblade War - Hope is Gone

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Vladimir Makarov, Nov 23, 2009.

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  1. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    RP Made by Twilightman on KHN forums​

    "The Keyblade is said to hold phenomenal power. ​

    One legend says its wielder saved the world... ​

    while another says that he wrought chaos and ruin upon it.​

    I must know what this Keyblade is. ​

    A key opens doors. ​

    It must be connected to the door I have opened."​

    --Ansem Report 9



    The legend of the Keyblade extends back to the beginning, when all worlds were one. The legend has been told many different ways, but in two major fashions: one says that the Keyblade's Master wielded its phenomenal power to save the world. The other says that the Master of the Keyblade sought much ruin and chaos, and used the Keyblade as a weapon with which to achieve those ends. The latter, being true, engulfed the world in darkness, and separated the world into many different worlds. This Key Bearer was the center of the chaos, and there was much suffering. The light in the peoples' hearts was almost completely snuffed out. But, an ancient deity, who, according to legend, will save the world from darkness, rose to challenge the evil Key Bearer, and defeated him, bringing the worlds to peace again. Along with the help of the children, pure of heart, tiny fragments of light remained. These fragments shone, and together rebuilt the world. And thus came an era of peace.​

    Before being defeated, the evil Key Bearer swore that ones like him will rise to power.​

    After the battle, the ancient deity disappeared, promising that they will return in the world's most dreadful hour. But, his promise had seemed to have faded away, as a man known as "Master Issac" began to rise. He had also trained an apprentice known as An'ya Kuro, The Dark Woman, who helped him with his Master Plan. The two men grew in strength, gaining much power. Eventually, bit by bit, the darkness broke its seal. It made its way into Kingdom Hearts, the heart of all worlds, and merged with the light. Now both light and darkness were combined into one source of ultimate power, and the dark, given new power, was allowed to reign once more. The world was split into many smaller worlds, which were then surrounded by "walls" which cut them off from the rest of the worlds. All were sealed off from one another, and presumably the darkness was sealed away from other worlds, too. But the two men and their allies slowly ate away at the walls, seeking to invade and consume the hearts of those worlds and gain new power.​

    The Keyblade chose a new master in a King named Mickey. Before he could begin to engage the two, he had to go under the tullege of Master Yen Sid, a greatly revered sorcerer, who taught him the ways of magic. When King Mickey finished his training, he was told by Yen Sid that there are other Key bearers just like him, and he would have to seek them out first if he was going to face the two evil Key Bearers, who recruited many dark Key bearers, and were now going by "The Chaos Bringers." Mickey questioned on how he could seek out the key bearers of light, but Yen Sid told him that his keyblade, the Star Seeker, will lead him to them. After seeking out and discovering 300 key bearers of light, the King and his newly formed "Army of Light" returned to Disney Castle to began battle strategies to take back the universe they once knew. But, they will have much work ahead of them, as the Chaos Bringers' numbers have steadily increased to more than 1,000 dark key bearers. ​

    When the time came, the Army of Light showed themselves and began the opening fire of the War of the Key Bearers, better yet known as the Keyblade Wars. There still seems to be no end to the mayhem and destruction, and the knights mentioned previously have still not appeared. Will the Army of Light stop the Chaos-Bringers from sending the universe into complete darkness? Nothing is known about the outcome of the war... Only that it will end... where it began.... at the Crossroads...​


    1. First off, this RP is set about 20 years after Sora and Riku's time, and they will have NOTHING to do with this RP.
    2. Even though there are 1300 key bearers in the RP, only 14 may be controlled: seven Light key bearers, and seven dark key bearers.
    3. The two men (Master Xehanort and the Dark Soldier) may NOT be playable.
    4. No god-modding or power-playing
    5. Literacy is a MUST!
    6. Romance is allowed, but keep it PG-13!
    8. Put "Darkness Revealed..." on top of you template so I can know you understand the rules.
    9. Last but not least, HAVE FUN!​



    The Army of Light:
    King Mickey (Leader) -​

    Neoph Rampart (Second-in-Command) -

    Nicholas Tetsuro (General) -

    The Chaos Bringers
    Phenox (Leader) - ​



    Name: Your full name. Try to use something unique.
    Age: Simple enough. The Keyblade has chosen candidates from the mid teens yo the early twenties range.
    Gender: I hope that I shouldn't have to explain this.
    Homeworld: What world were you born/raised on? Make a world up, or use one of your own. You may use worlds from the games if you want.
    Alliance: Are you with the army of light or the chaos-bringers? You could, in theory, be neutral if you come up with a VERY good backstory.
    Appearence: What do you look like? Be as descriptive as possible. Includes facial features, build, clothes and other such things. Must be at least one paragraph long. Paragraph must be at least four sentences long each. You can post a picture also. You do not have to give a description if you post a picture.
    Personality: How do you character act? Passive and lazy, or moody and sharp? Bipolar? And what makes your heart strong enough to wield the keyblade? Remember to keep your strengths within certain limits and checked out by some weaknesses. Again, be descriptive and use at least two paragraphs. Picture may accompany, but written description also required.
    History: So, give us some backstory. How did you get to were you are today? What horrors are in your past, and what made you chose the path you took to light or darkness? I want a minimum of three paragraphs at the least.
    Keyblade Name: What do you call the (one) Keyblade that you wield? Something simple that reflects on who you are. You may use a Keyblade from the games, but do it justice.
    Keyblade Description: You may use a picture of your keyblade, but I still want at least a paragraph of description.
    Keyblade Ability: What unique ability does your keyblade posess? Keep it within reasonable limits.
    Other: For miscellaneous things that dont fit anywhere else. (Left-handed, accompanied by an animal, etc.)​


    Accepted Characters​

    Name: Nicholas Tetsuro​

    Age: 22​

    Gender: Male​

    Homeworld: Lumeria (Under control of Chaos-Bringers)​

    Alliance: Army of Light​

    Appearance: Soon​

    Personality: A cool, collected, and kind-hearted man who lets his wits get the best of him. Often ignorant, he brags about having a Keyblade and tends to get into many arguments with those who are not wielders of the Keyblade. But, although he is ignorant and stuck-up, he somehow tends to make many friends, and makes allies for the Army of Light. He gives his allies and friends much loyalty and is very trustworthy. But, in return, demands loyalty, trust, and much, much respect for himself in the army. In battle, he uses aggression and is always determined to win. ​

    History: Nicholas was birthed on a peaceful little haven known as Lumeria, alongside his younger sister. He came from a line of royalty and leadership; his mother is the queen of the world, and his father is the leader of the armed forces on Lumeria. When he became four years of age, he became a child soldier in a civil war that completely tore Lumeria. The war started because of one man who believed in anarchy in the world. After gathering many allies, this man started civil war. Nicholas became the central figure at the end of the war after he defeated and killed this anarchist. Over the next few years, Nicholas began training to prepare for anything that would threaten his family, his friends, and his homeworld. ​

    When he became 16 years old, Lumeria was attacked by the the Chaos Bringer's forces. Nicholas went in hiding, and, after surviving the attack on his palace, he received his Keyblade for having such a strong heart that could not be taken by the Heartless. The next day, he was discovered by a mouse named King Mickey who came to him in need of help. After the King explained to Nick the story of Master Issac and the Dark Woman, Nick agreed to help King Mickey on his quest to stop the darkness, thus making him the first Key bearer of Light to be found. He and the King began searching every corner of the Universe to find those of light with Keyblades, while remaining in hiding from the Chaos Bringers in any ways they could.​

    After they gathered about 300 key bearers of light, the two took their army, now known as the Army of Light, back to Disney Castle to create battle strategies. The opening of this new war, now universally known as the Keyblade Wars, began when Nicholas lead a legion of key bearers to a world known only as Traverse Town, to take it back. He and his men were successful in the take-back of the planet, and his actions gained him the rank of second-in-command. He has always wanted to take back his old homeworld of Lumeria, which is now the headquarters of the Chaos-Bringers, but King Mickey believes that it is not time for him go back there yet. According to the King, Nicholas must first learn the truth behind the rise of the Chaos-Bringers.... And, in some point in this war, Nicholas will learn that someone close to him is also a Chaos-Bringer, and is personally seeking him out, so he could kill Nicholas in his own cold hands....​

    Keyblade Name: Redemption​

    Keyblade Description:

    Keyblade Ability: MP Hastega ​

    Other: N/A ​
  2. AmericanSephiroth Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 1, 2009
    Loveless Ave. missing the point of it all
    "Darkness Revealed..."
    Name: Demetrio Zannetti
    Age: 21
    Gender: male
    Homeworld: Hellion
    Alliance: chaos-bringers
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    Personality: he is a very calm and collected individual but in battle he has an insane personality in battle. most of his strengths include his violently powerful magic and slightly on the fast side of speed he also is quite durable and sneaky. his weaknesses include his erratic magic, if he gets really upset his power becomes out of control. his strength is also so-so but not very great. also, he hates to get his hands dirty
    History: on his home planet being evil is looked upon very highly but not only that he takes pleasure in suffering. most of this is deep-rooted in his very lonely life. he loves to hurt and be hurt but sadly lost his mind when he was 10 because a heartless tried to possess him ,he overtook it but it shattered his mind along with the heartless, it remained in his body pushed down. this is the very reason he is bi-polar in battle.
    Keyblade Name: Key to the gates of hell
    Keyblade Description: Its name literally describes it but he can use the keyblades power for necromancy. it also allows him to create and summon heartless. Insane magic, low attack
    Keyblade Ability: Mages boost(raises magic highly but makes strength plummet)
    Other: he has defeated the king in battle but never finished him because he didnt want rat blood on his hands
  3. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    OCC: I saw on your backstory you had a little sister may i be your little sister?
  4. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    OOC - Sure. ^^

    @AS - Accepted.
  5. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    OCC- thanks how old should she be?
  6. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
  7. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Darkness Revealed.

    Name: Mauritus Desilets
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Homeworld: Disney Town
    Alliance: Army of Light
    Personality: A kind hearted man who always seems to keep his wits behind him and is quick and to the point. He may appear lazy sometimes but wastes no time in showing loyalty to others. He uses cunningness and his quick skills to defeat his foes, he doesn't back down from fights either. However when he comes across or the enemy or if they are mentioned, his personality changes, he becomes cold and arrogant.
    History: As he had no idea where he was born, he was adopted by King Mickey and was raised in Disney Castle where he learnt many things from the court wizard Donald Duck and the Knight Goofy. He soon received the Keyblade for his strong heart, will and determination. Mickey had personally taught him how to use the Keyblade along with the help of Yen Sid and Merlin the Wizard. Once he grew up enough he was able to do missions with Donald and Goofy around the worlds and soon became a Royal Captain of the Knights. He soon met another friend, Alice, who he grew close to and discovered she also had the power of the Keyblade.

    At the age of 15, the Chaos Bringers attacked Disney Town. Fire swept across the world as the bringers of Chaos showed no mercy in killing the citizens. As they marched towards the Castle. Mauritus, Alice, Donald and Goofy were left to protect the world as Mickey had gone to Radiant Garden at the time on a important meeting. The battle raged for a hour until...Alice had been killed, right in front of Mauritus eyes, this had sent him in to a rage and tried to battle one of the Chaos Bringers. And then, the Chaos bringer soon had managed to shoot Mauritus in the eye and left him to die. Luckily he was saved by Donald and Goofy as he was brought back to the castle.

    He now uses a eye patch and still doesn't forget that dreadful day. The town had easily been rebuilt in two years He left the Castle and the world after that incident and went to live in Radiant Garden helping the town out against the Heartless. Soon Mickey came to him again and asked for his help. That he wanted him to help him and other Keybearers defeat the Chaos Bringers and end the war. He agreed reluctantly and started serving under the Army of Light at the age of 19.

    Keyblade Name: Rising Phoenix (and Star seeker for duel wielding)
    Keyblade Description: Light keyblade, long ranged and easy to use, has high attack power and middle ranged magic, good at defending.
    Keyblade Ability: Hastega (Air Combo plus for star seeker)
    Other: N/A
  8. The Graceful Assassin It's Just Like Christmas Morning

    Sep 27, 2008
    "darkness revealed..."

    Name: Ickaigo Unlanentai
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Homeworld: Hollow Bastion.
    Alliance: Chaos-Bringers
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    Personality: He is very brutal to his prisoners. He has a taste for torture, and is a formidable sword-fighter. His main belief in the "Masters" was keeping his heart strong, making him wield the incredible power of the keyblade.
    He'll do anything for his masters. He is very loyal to them. He hates the army of light. He can be an enigma at some points, but still turns out OK.
    History: As a kid, Ickaigo used to slice the tails off of horrified kittens with a Katana. He was always disobedient to his parents, and always wrote hatred notes in his journal about them. One day, the Heartless invaded. He was fighting them off. His parents were about to be killed by heartless. They pleaded for help, but Ickaigo ignored them.

    10 years later, he was recruited in a concentration camp for Chaos-Bringers. He was a torture adviser. He's seen all people of ages die from his doings.

    Another year passed, and he was an actual soldier in the Chaos-Bringers. He fought valiantly. Eventually, he became an apprentice.
    Keyblade Name: The Killer of Light
    Keyblade Description: A red handle, with a black blade. The blade was shaped like wing, with the Chaos-Bringer's symbol on it. His keychain was a picture of a Katana.
    Keyblade Ability: The Keyblade uses darkness to vanish a single space of light.
    Other: He is right-handed.
  9. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Alpha is accepted.

    TGA, you're forgetting something. xD
  10. The Graceful Assassin It's Just Like Christmas Morning

    Sep 27, 2008
    What're you talking abou-

    ....Oh yeah.
  11. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
  12. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    Name: Lita Tetsuro
    Age: 12
    Homeworld: Lumeria (Under control of Chaos-Bringers
    Alliance: army of light
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    Personality:Lita trys to stay clam as much as possible. She is helpful and caring. She loves her family. She always wants to help even when she shouldn't.
    History: Lita like her brother Nick was born in Lumeria.She also came from a line of royalty and leadership. Before she was born there was a civil war. Her borther defeated and killed this the starter of the war.

    When she was born Lumeria was in the middle of a war with the Chaos-Bringers. Her brother is 10 years older then herself. Her family was in hiding. After her brother got his keyblade. Later when King Mickey found her brother she wanted to go with them. In the end she couldn't go with them because it was not safe.

    Finally Lita got her own Keyblade. She was one of the 300 keybearers of light her brother and King Mickey found. Lita fights very well and she will be helpful to win this new war....
    Keyblade Name: Star Seeker
    Keyblade Description: The guard appears to be two shooting stars. The blade is blue and decorated with stars, while the end is a crescent moon and star. The key chain design is a crescent moon. The Keyblade's name seemingly references Mickey and Sora's journeys to the various worlds, which are seen as stars. It also makes a reference to the worlds in the universe of Kingdom Hearts, since stars refer to the worlds.

    The Star Seeker is part of a group of weapons associated with Yen Sid's tower, along with the corresponding staff and shield. These weapons are decorated with crescent moons and stars, and are the second set of weapons available to the party

    Keyblade Ability: Air Combo Plus
    Other: Loves to Sing
  13. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
  14. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    Who is playing that Neoph Rampart?
  15. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    I am. Just waiting to put up a form. ^^
  16. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Name: Lyria Teppa
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Homeworld: Satre (now destroyed)
    Alliance: army of light
    Appearence: manga girl/sakura24_photo/anime_girl.jpg
    Personality: Most of the time she is fun loving, up for anything, over eager and always wants to challenge herself. She acts like she is oblivios to the perils around her although she isn't but acts like this to hide how she really feels. She doesn't like to talk about her past. She sometimes ruses into things without thinking about the consequences.

    History: Lyria was born into a high family for her small world of Satre, she had 3 brothers and 4 sisters in her family. She was happy with her life and was unaware of the chaos going on else where. She was especially close to her sister, Mia and her mother.

    That all changed when she was 12 years old, Chaos Bringers came to her small world and tore everything apart. Her world fought bravly but were no match for the Chaos Bringers force. Her mother helped her escape, but sacrificed herself to do so. Lyria saw her mother being cold hearted murdered before her eyes. She never really recovered. She got away and was taken in by a kind family but she never saw any of her family again.

    Years later she found her keyblade and was one of the 300 keybearers Mickey found. She is detemined to put her past behind her and avenge her world. She is very determined and fights well. She will do whatever it takes to beat the Chaos Bringers.

    Keyblade name: Moon Rider
    Keyblade description: It is silvery-blue and has a cresant moon on the end, as well as several small stars. It is strongest at night especially on a full moon.
    Keyblade Ability: ???
    Other: n/a
  17. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
  18. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    1. What is the approximate age of the leader of the chaos bringers? I have a character that might just go well with him.

    "Darkness Revealed"

    Zeije Calabaz

    Age is but a number, one that holds no true merit other than saying that one has existed for so long. But there are those who have existed for ages, yet haven't truly lived. If Zeije had to date himself in any form, he would be somewhere within the 25 to 26 years of age range.

    Keyblade/Keyblade Power:

    Betwixt -
    In days passed, this weapon was merely a simple broadsword, which bore no extravagence in decor, and no name by which it was known. Yet after unwillingly travering through the corridors of nothingness, the weapon underwent a change of an extreme nature. The simple braodsword shifted shape, forming itself into a Keyblade. eing a product of The Realm of Nothingness, the Keyblade, known now as Betwixt, is literally loaded with the raw essence of that which is and isn't.

    Home World:
    He's not entirely clear on where he comes from. The journey to here would have appeared to have wiped his memory, leaving only the events that lead to him being here.

    It should be noted that Zeije has had a humble life up until this point in time. In his home world, he was known wide by many as a hero of the highest standard, slaying beasts and foes of various sorts. Under his watchful eyes, his home world was kept safe by its armies, and peace was an absolute truth. As a general of the armies, he became respected, and cherished by those peasant to politician. But things were soon to show themselves for what they were. The hearts of mortals are easily swayed, and poisoned.

    Zeije's people would betray him, the politicians of his home organizing an alliance to recify the issue of his massive popularity. The simple truth was that they were fearful that his power would lead him to usurp their dominance. With the support of a series of other generals, less distinguished than Zeije, jealous of his fame they organized a coup against him. Their armies marched upon his estate, burning all that lay within their path as they went. Zeije's own armies had been convinced that he was not to be trusted, that his lead would wind up in tyranny.

    The long story made short, is that Zeije, despite all of his fame, and his skill as a warrior, was unable to fend off the combined forces of those whose skills he had helped to shape. His honor, and revere had been used as a blade against his character. And so, he fled from his estate, unable to hurt those who had tried so hard to hurt him.

    Durning this time, his memories began to become skewed, and his poersonal skills deteriorated as his contact with others became less frequent, and less potent in his heart. So he wandered aimlessly for some time, though it wasn't nearly as long as he had thought it had been. The few months, to his now departed mind, had become made out to be years by his count. Eventually, he stopped bothering with the counting, and found himself in and uncaring position, ready to get underhanded in his pursuits.

    After some more time wandering, and coming upon death's door at least twice, he became caught in an awkward flux of power, which consumed the majority of his being. His mind, his body, his soul, they all fell into the chasm of nothingness, and ultimately, emerged through this void, and into the world of Traverse Town. What he will do now, as he realizes, is entirely up to him. He can do as he likes with his new found power. he can create, he can destroy, if the mood suits him. By and large, he can create a new name for himself here, in whatever manner he so desires.

    Standing at his fullest height, heightened by any devices, Zeije stands at roughly 5'11'' having a seemingly perfect physique, masculine, with a well defined, and graceful posture. His muscles, while not terribly jacked, are nonetheless well toned, and at a near peak in physical stregnth. he is of a paled, yet healthy complexion, boasting a handsome face, and a calm and shasrp expression mounting his narrowed, pointed face. Eyes of a cold slivery blue stare out from their sockets, eyeing those who he meets with suspicion, and yet, an overall callousness. His head is adorned by a neat, shining clad of hair, of similar hue to his eyes, which falls cleanly down to his shoulders, and has no facial hair.

    Zeije is adorned, these days, by a newer set of armor, which he seems to have acquired sometime between traveling through nothingness, and coming out in the town. The armor consists of a set of flexible armored plates, colored blue, which tends to bode well with his hair color. It bosts a full torso piece, off of which run a set of arm plates, which leave the under portions of his arms exposed. The ends of these armored plates are capped off with beast clawed gauntlets covering the top of his hands. His legs boast a similar array of armor, having leg guarding plates over his quads, hamstrings, and calves, covering only the front. The backside of his lower body his covered by a knee length pair of silken, purple shorts bunched together at the bottom. The feet of the leggings are completed by a similar set of beast clawed armor.

    While once a man of unshakable honor, and respect for all others, except for those that did harm unto others, he has, by the effect of his experiences, he has grown into the very kind of person he could never stand in the past. He has withdrawn himself from massive social interaction, and generally distrusts those around him, even if they may prove to be his allies. To work with others, by his new ideals, is to open one's self to further betrayal of trust. He has, reasonably, lost all faith in his old ways, seeing them as his downfall from true happiness. The knowledge that his attempt to aid others had put him under the knife, has undoubtedly caused this shift.

    Yet some of the other key features of his character have persisted upon his persona. He has been, and is, one that is quick to think, and quick to act. When he battles, he goes all out, and in many cases, shows a stamina that many others just can't seem to muster up. His moves are swift, and well balanced, and his scrutiny with the use of the blade has not faltered under any curcumstance. Still, he has now begun to succumb to brief bouts of instability in his cognitive process, going insane in quick burst.

    None, seeing as he has only just arrived in what was once known as Traverse Town, though now, it appears to go by a new name.
  19. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    1. Try somewhere between 25 - 56 ^^

    2. Accepted. ^^
  20. Heart ❤ Enjoy every moment with all ya got

    Mar 2, 2009
    OCC- when are we starting?
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