The Keyblade Academy

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Vladimir Makarov, Nov 13, 2009.

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  1. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    A.K.A. RequiemX (RPGuild)

    In the years following Sora's Defeat of Organization XIII, The world's began to return to the light. As this shift in alignment took place, another amazing occurrence began to take root. New, young keyblade wielders were emerging on various worlds. With most of them aligned to the light, they were the ideal guardians for the Realm of Light. ​

    Realizing that darkness may some day come upon the Realm of Light, Sora, together with Riku, Kairi, and Mickey, with the occasional aid of Yen Sid and Merlin, under went a massive project: The Keyblade Academy. This academy, located in Radiant Garden, was a place where the other keyblade wielders could come, and learn their duties, and how to carry them out. But it wasn't too long until the academy came into the awareness of of a group of darkness.​

    Ten years following the defeat of Organization XIII, a darkness began to rise from The World That Never Was. This darkness, was a group, made up of both users of darkness, and nobodies alike, was known as The Remnants. They were a mixed force of all that remained after Sora's defeat of the darkness ten years ago. With the academy in their sights, they are poised to begin wreaking havoc upon the worlds, and topple the keybearers, exacting their revenge.​


    No Godmodding

    No Powerplay

    No more than 3 characters per person

    No one liners

    Ego Imperium is second-in-command

    We may add/change/remove rules later

    Canon Characters To Be Used (More to be added on request):
    Riku: Me
    Kairi: Reserved for Rexa
    King Mickey: Ego Imperium
    Yen Sid: leon47
    Cloud Strife

    Student Character Sheet

    Name - What your character shall be called

    Age - How old are they (14-18)

    Gender - Only two options - Male or Female

    Picture of character -

    Personality - What is your character like? How do they act around others?

    Keyblade - What is your keyblade called, and how did come to choose you as its wielder?

    Keyblade Description or Picture -

    Powers/Magic - 14 year old people most likely don't have any as of yet. others have to various degrees based on their age, and how long they have been in the academy.

    Character History -

    Remnant Character Sheet

    Name -

    Age -

    Gender -

    Picture of Character -

    Personality -

    Weapon - This can either be a keyblade if you so desire, or it can be another type of weapon. Include a description of what the weapon looks like, or a picture.

    Powers/Magic - What Kind of powers/Magic does your character possess?

    Character History -

    Accepted OCs

    Played by keybladewarrioroflegend

    Name - Phenox

    Age - 18

    Gender - Male

    Picture of character - [​IMG]

    Personality - Kind, caring, loves to fight.

    Keyblade - Redemtion

    His keyblade came to him because of his strong heart and fierce determination.

    Keyblade Description or Picture - [​IMG]

    Powers/Magic - Firagun, Blizzagun, Thundagun, Curagun, Aerogun, Magnegun, Gravigun, Stopgun, Reflegun

    Character History - Phenox was orphaned at a very young age. He blamed his problems on the world. To him, they were responsible for his parents' deaths. One stormy night, Phenox was attacked by heartless. That was the night his keyblade chose him. Phenox eliminated the heartless, Riku was watching. Riku took Phenox to the academy where he excelled in magic and fighting technique. While the seniors were out on missions, Phenox convinced The King to let him stay behind and help out.

    Played by xXRhian+RoxasXx

    Name - Rhixan

    Age - 14

    Gender - Female

    Picture of character - [​IMG]

    Personality - Happy-go-lucky, kind and caring. Easy to piss off over certain things.

    Keyblade - Oathkeeper

    Keyblade Description or Picture - What it normally looks like

    Powers/Magic - She was born naturally with magik and can use it easily.

    Character History - Her village was attacked and destoryed by darkness. In that attack, she was separated from her brother and almost lost her heart. The keyblade chose her in time and she was protected from the darkness. Waking up by the academy, she joined to help her weild her keyblade.

    Played by xXRhian+RoxasXx

    Name - Alphonose

    Age - 14

    Gender - Male

    Picture of Character - [​IMG]

    Personality - Quiet and calm, he keeps to himself alot but has a short temper.

    Weapon - Keyblade (Bloodkeeper)

    Powers/Magic - All magiks aswell as being able to shapeshift

    Character History - He woke up one day, having no memories of his past. The Dark Side took him in and he stayed with them. He does wonder alot of what his past was though.

    Played by leon47

    Name - Sylis

    Age - 19

    Gender - male

    Picture of Character - -[​IMG]

    Personality - Cruel and sadistic

    Weapon - This can either be a keyblade if you so desire, or it can be another type of weapon. Include a description of what the weapon looks like, or a picture-A corrupted oblivion keyblade covered in purple vains

    Powers/Magic - What Kind of powers/Magic does your character possess?Dark versions of mnagic spells

    Character History -He was about 7 when he got his keyblade but when creatures attacked he wondered in a corridor of darkness and got lost and infused with darkness he was possesed by it and no longer had any control he change into an inhumane monster because of the darkness and looks for fights against other keybladfe weilders.
  2. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Here. :lolface:
  3. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
  4. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    Found this and can I have Yen sid
  5. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
  6. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Name: Alexander "Alex" Zachary Snowe

    Age: 14

    Gender: Male

    Picture of character: Minus the earring

    Personality: Alex is a jokester and likes to mess with people. He has a very high temper, so don't get him mad. He has many friends and keeps them. He doesn't tell other their secrets and he's not a back stabber. He acts cool and calm arouns his friends most of the time. On the inside, he wishes that his family was there to support him.

    Keyblade: Destiny (his keyblade) was given to him by his father.

    Keyblade Description or Picture:

    Powers/Magic: He has the power to control wind but he doesn't know it yet.

    Character History: His father had given him Destiny at a young age to play with. Alex had no idea he would use it to save his life. It was a normal peaceful, sunny afternoon when all of a sudden, Heartless attack his house. He managed to escape but his family didn't make it. He decided to enroll in Keyblade Academy to learn magic, make new friends, learn new skills for the keyblade, and most importantly, to join the fight against Heartless.
  7. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
  8. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    I am going to lay down just one general rule to everyone:

    Please, try to avoid one line posts. I know that we all have it in us to get at least a paragraph out for each post we make. Now...

    Someone Here will certainly know the name......

    And that someone, they know who they are, is in trouble.


    Zhyriad (Formerly Known as Jerrick Nualt)


    Zhyriad... One so dark, so vile in his intentions, can only be described as cruel, and bloodthirsty. He is lone wolf in all essence, uncaring of the pack which he has shifted his way to the top of. He would send any of his followers to their demise, were it known that it would yield his own personal advancement. And in the end, he would care nothing for their fate, nor the fates of those that were left harmed in their wake. He is also a man of veiled secrecy, harboring knowledge, and afflictions that no others could ever be made aware of. When conversation drifts in the direction of such information, he bluntly veers the topic off course to avoid imparting knowledge unto those that have no need for it.

    Zhyriad, being an incarnation of the purest of darkness, is endowed with a set of powers based around the manipulation of "dark energy". The term used to define dark energy is, not as an element, but a its quality of destructiveness. That is, energy based on the acceleration, and augmentation of power, and the consuming of the physicality, and mentality of others. He could shroud entire worlds in darkness, and, with the proper channeling, submit the minds of others to his will. He is also capable of infusing these dark energies with the baser spells, learned in his youth.

    With such a powerful amount of dark energy at his disposal, Zhyriad has seen little use for conventional weapons. He wields a simple bow staff, forged of a durable, largely magic resistant, and lightweight metal, though his precision with it makes it a boastful force.

    Why bother to delve into the past of someone who has pulled such a horrid 180 since his childhood? All that needs to be known is that Jerrick Nualt was once a mild-mannered boy, living in the basking eternal dusk of Twilight Town, attempting fruitlessly to learn the arts of magic from the legendary Yen Sid. From these days, he came to seek out a way to utilize the powers that had once eluded him, and as a result, fell into the possession of the dark incarnate, Zhyriad.

    His name, forgotten to those that had once known him, and now, inconsequential even to him, he has, with his demonic influence, gathered together a group of malevolent beings of such a nature that the worlds themselves would crumble if they got their way.

    Kelly Aurorus


    Having been raised primarily by her father, Kelly has grown into being a girl of several, more masculine qualities. She has developed into a strong, male-like physique, and generally hangs around the males within The Academy. On a negative note, she can be rather irritable, and judgmental of others. Yet she is generally straightforward, and never holds grudge against others, unless seriously wronged by said others. If she has a problem with someone, she will most likely tell them that there is a problem, and hope, for their sake, that they comply with rectifying it.

    Keyblade - Judgment
    This keyblade, is mostly the embodiment of Kelly's persona. Judgment, is a striaghtforward, unmasked concept, and one of strength, and a hold fast nature, just as its wielder.

    Kelly possess one of the most unnatural, yet, in paradox, most native power that any individual within the Realm of Light could hold. What power could be so confusing? The very power of a symbiotic relation to the heart of all worlds, the fuel of life into the Realm of Light. Such a power's limits are widely unknown, though it has been agreed by the staff of The Academy that to allow her to fully utilize this power, would be something far to dangerous, even if it were used for the good of the worlds.

    As with any keyblade wielder, life for Kelly started off as being a generic childhood. She was born to her two parents, named Kalvin, and Veera, mother and father respectively. For the first part of her life, she lived in the world of Traverse Town, playing by night on the streets with her female friends. But good times can never last. Darkness was fast appraoching the worlds, and even the haven of Traverse Town would fall victim to the Heartless onslaught.

    In one such heartless attack, her home was directly invaded by a swarm of shadows, and she, and her parents, were chased to the streets. But this was for naught, as they were no safer outside than inside. The sahdows swarmed more densely, and her mother, losing her balance, fell to the ground, and was swallowed by the darkness. Her heart, being so weakened by the pain of losing her family in her death, and leaving them behind, was unable to produce any more than a shadow, and no nobody was created to go with it. She was, in all respect, dead on the spot. Yet still, her daughter, and husband pressed on, in order to make her sacrifice worthwhile.

    It was, when they were surrounded by heartless, when all hope of survival seemed lost within the horrors of the invasion, that they were rescued by a young boy wielding a key-like weapon. The boy, soon to be revealed by the likes of Leon, as being Sora, the Keyblade wielder, and the legendary hero who would salvage the worlds from the darkness. On this day, Kelly vowed to always remain loyal to Sora, even in the darkest of times. He was, on that day, her hero, and idle.

    With nothing left to live for in Traverse Town, Kelly, and Kalvin relocated to Twilight Town, where they reestablished themselves as a well meaning family. Her father, still loyal to her mother, never remarried. She liked it that way, and being raised by him, shifted her into a more masculine demeanor. She started hanging around with boys casually through her early school years, partaking their rowdiness, and sometimes, aggressive behavior.

    It was a year later, that the nobodies came at large in the town. Seifer, and his crew tried what they could to deal with it, but were oft defeated easily by the creatures. Again, Kelly was caught in the path of the affairs of the Keybearers. And again, it would be Sora that rescued her town, and her people. Her idolatry of him grew by leaps and bounds, and she vowed that one day, she would repay him for his heroic actions.

    Long story short, she found herself, at age 13, in possession of a keyblade of her own, and, even more shocking, and invitation to The Keyblade Academy, a place where she would soon learn her trade, and role as a guardian of the Realm of Light.
  9. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Sh!t... forgot to put that. Accepted.
  10. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    Donald Plz :D
  11. Ego Imperium Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 10, 2009
    I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
    While I'm at it, I'll take up King Mickey.
  12. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Are we gonna start soon??
  13. **Blizzard** Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 26, 2007
    Having tea with Charlotte
    ooc:"can i joins ^^?"

    Student Character Sheet

    Name - Kisa

    Age - 15

    Gender - Female

    Picture of character - [​IMG]

    Personality - caring, easy going, but get on her nerves, she gets very irritated.

    Keyblade - Silverwing
    Keyblade Description or Picture - It is a dark silver keyblade that is very detailed, and has a few words inscribed on it, but not being able to read them because it is written in a very ancient time.

    Powers/Magic - just beginning to unleash her power of ice

    Character History - Kisa has been an orphan for her entire life, she had no family, she had to grow up on her own, always being pushed to the limit, one day her very close friend had been killed by a heartless, she had recieved the keyblade the moment her friend had died, she felt something different, like the keyblade had chosen her , it had known her this whole time, she now has decided to use it , so she had joined the keyblade academy.

    Remnant Character Sheet

    Name - Ixka

    Age - 15

    Gender - female

    Picture of Character - [​IMG]

    Personality - mysterious, quiet, and easily angered

    Weapon - Dark Clash [​IMG]

    Powers/Magic - darkness and water

    Character History - After the organizations defeat, she wanted nothing more than to put an end to the keybladers, make the world better for the last of the organization.
  14. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    All accepted. I'm waiting for one more person.
  15. **Blizzard** Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 26, 2007
    Having tea with Charlotte
    ooc:"okay then :3
  16. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    OOC: He said we can start without him.

    BIC: Phenox walked along the side of the academy, bored out of his mind. "Geez... there's nothing to do here... maybe I should have gone on missions with the other Seniors?" Phenox laughed and shook his head. "Nah, I would much rather be bored."

    Riku made himself a cup of coffee. He sighed. "The newbies come today..." He mumbled something about so much paperwork as he walked towards Sora's room.
  17. **Blizzard** Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 26, 2007
    Having tea with Charlotte
    Kisa stood at the doors of the Academy, wondering what it would be like in the academy

    "I guess this is it...." Kisa said to herself, wondering where everyone had gone, she then walked inside, the clack of her boots echoeing throughout the hallways, she stopped in the middle of the main room, and stood there examining the room quietly, it was empty.
    Kisa didn't even notice Riku, she just stood there, Silverwing in her hand.
  18. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Student Character Sheet

    Name - Yuji

    Age - 17

    Gender - Male

    Picture of character - [​IMG]

    Personality - Yuji always keeps his cool during battle or training but he is calm and friendly towards others.

    Keyblade - Lunar Eclipse and chosen him before his 14th birthday for an unknown reason.

    Keyblade Description or Picture - [​IMG]

    Powers/Magic - Adept in Wind and Thunder based attacks as well as perfecting his own technique Light Aura (Similar to Riku's Dark Aura Attack)

    Character History - Yuji originally lived with his family but they were killed just when he was 11 so he used his inheritance money to travel to Radiant Garden and lived on his own, just before his 14th birthday, he had a mysterious dream and the next day, he found his keyblade beside him and remembered about the Academy so he enrolled there, training and working to pay rent to his house for the next three years.

    Remnant Character Sheet

    Name - Inasi

    Age - 20

    Gender - Male

    Picture of Character - [​IMG]

    Personality - Serious, loves to fight

    Weapon - Refer to Character Picture for Weapon

    Powers/Magic - Fire and Earth based attacks

    Character History - Inasi was born into a family of swordsmen who aided their village but one day the Heartless attacked and Inasi accidently wandered through a Corridor of Darkness only to end up in The World That Never Was and the darkness soon influenced his mind and told him to blame the wielders of the Keyblades and get revenge upon his hometown.
  19. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Student Character Sheet

    Name - Darryl

    Age - 15

    Gender - Male

    Picture of character - Pictures/RedHairGreenEyesAnimeBoy.jpg

    Personality - Happy, brave, kind always willing to help someone out, he is quite optimistic of life.

    Keyblade - Omega Weapon and chosen by the Keyblade on his 14th birthday because of his willingness to protect the light from harm. Receives Two Across later in the story.

    Keyblade Description or Picture - Omega Weapon[​IMG]
    Two across-

    Powers/Magic - Uses the power of light to protect his friends, mainly relies on physical attacks instead of magic ones. He still has a lot to learn however.

    Character History - Lived with his family and was a newspaper boy. One day he discovered his father was a Keyblade Knight, before he could inquire about his father's business. His world was attacked and his parents were killed. He fell unconscious and when he woke up found himself drifting through darkness, it had tried to take hold of him however Xignias continued to resist. Sooner or later Xignias began to lose all hope when a light appeared out of no where. He had been saved. In the distance was a man in a cloak who had told him to seek the Keyblade Academy in Radiant Garden. When Xignias awoke from the state of darkness, he found himself in possession of a Key...

    Remnant Character Sheet

    Name - Xignias

    Age - 19

    Gender - Male

    Picture of Character -

    Personality - Enjoys fighting, cruel and deadly.

    Weapon - Hallowed Darkness

    Powers/Magic - Uses the power of darkness and illusion.

    Character History - Daryl simply believes that Keybladers shouldn't exist. He promised to someone he would punish them. He is a killing machine which shows no mercy and the only reason he exists is to destroy every single source of light in the worlds. His main enemies: Sora and Riku.
  20. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    OOC: Both accepted.

    BIC: Riku entered Sora's classroom. "Hey? Sora? You here?" He looked around. "Hm... I guess not." He turned around. "Maybe he's outside?" Riku shrugged and walked out of the room.

    Phenox whistled as he continued walking along the academy walls. He decided to go inside. He slowly walked inside.
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