The Journey for Hope

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Fellangel, Feb 22, 2008.

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  1. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Hope you enjoy this RP.

    Prologue~For many years, the high priest chooses one person with companions to go on a journey. The reason for this is that a huge dark sky called Hronox is spreading. Oncve it goes over an area, it turns into a dark wasteland. So far, all the chosens (the person who the priest chose) have failed to fend off the Hronox. They only have one more chance before they become engulfed into the darkness the Hronox brings. That means one more journey for one more chosen.

    Keep it PG-13
    Romance is ok
    No Yao/yuri
    No God-Modding
    No Killing without my and his/her permission
    Keep it clean and HAVE FUN!

    Character Basics~ Only 3 Ocs please

    Chosen's Companion or Hronox minions:
    Other (optional):

    Name: Nova
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon(s): A sword and a bow
    Element(s): Twilight, earth, and thunder
    Chosen's Companion or Hronox minions: He is the Chosen (durr)
    Bio: His family died by a deadly disease exept him, his brother, and his sister. His sister was killed by his brother and fled off.
    Other (optional): He's the Chosen for the journey and is Brendan's brother

    Name: Brendan
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Weapon(s): 2 swords and a javllin
    Element(s): Darkness, fire, and wind
    Chosen's Companion or Hronox minions: Hronox minion
    Bio: He was jealous when his sister fell in love with Nova. he killed her and fled to become Hronox's minion.
    Other (optional): Nova's brother.

    Name: Saxen
    Age: 18
    Gender: male
    Weapon(s): Chains and daggers
    Element(s): fire and steel
    Chosen's Companion or Hronox minions: minion
    Bio: Always a follower of darkness, he looks for ways to help its spread even giving himself up to make it spread.
    Other (optional): N/A

    Name: Raxira
    Age: 15
    Gender: female
    Weapon(s): chains, sword
    Element(s): twilight, metal
    Chosen's Companion or Hronox minions: companion
    Bio: She's just a good kid looking for ways to help in any way she can before she dies. She was bron with a disease that slowly kills her off and doesn't have much time left.
    Other (optional): N/A

    Name: Zarach
    Age: 19
    Gender: male
    Appearance: [​IMG] ( he's blind in his left eye.)
    Weapon(s): he has a hand-and-a-half sword in addition to an arsenal of knives
    Element(s): water and ice
    Chosen's Companion or Hronox minions: companion
    Bio: he was fighting the Hronox by himself but he lost his eye and people convinced him to find others to fight with
    Other (optional):

    Name: Blaine
    Age: 16
    Gender: male
    Appearance: [​IMG] (without the wings of course)
    Weapon(s): a long double edged spear with two sharp ax sized blades at both ends.
    Element(s): Dark Toxin (not exsactly an element, but it is just listing the form of darkness that it is)
    Chosen's Companion or Hronox minions: chosen's companion
    Bio: He is known as a town show off. He likes to be flashy, showing himself off, saving dansels in destress, beggers from corrupt officers,traders from robbery's, and little kittens stuck in a tree. Why? Well, he usually does it for attention from the feminen members of the side of town, always making sure to show his signature, a perfect white smile. Ladies love him, people respect him, and yet he can always find a way into trouble. Though, it partially might have something to do with a large hidden tattoo made of an unknown ink that is upon his back.
    Other (optional): N/A
  2. hidden_light Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 31, 2007
    In a house...
    Name: Saxen
    Age: 18
    Gender: male
    Appearance: Guys/ninja-bloodstainedmoon.jpg
    Weapon(s): Chains and daggers
    Element(s): fire and steel
    Chosen's Companion or Hronox minions: minion
    Bio: Always a follower of darkness, he looks for ways to help its spread even giving himself up to make it spread.
    Other (optional): N/A

    Name: Raxira
    Age: 15
    Gender: female
    Appearance: girls rock/breakthechains.jpg
    Weapon(s): chains, sword
    Element(s): twilight, metal
    Chosen's Companion or Hronox minions: companion
    Bio: She's just a good kid looking for ways to help in any way she can before she dies. She was bron with a disease that slowly kills her off and doesn't have much time left.
    Other (optional): N/A
  3. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    Name: Zarach
    Age: 19
    Gender: male
    Appearance: [​IMG] ( he's blind in his left eye.)
    Weapon(s): he has a hand-and-a-half sword in addition to an arsenal of knives
    Element(s): water and ice
    Chosen's Companion or Hronox minions: companion
    Bio: he was fighting the Hronox by himself but he lost his eye and people convinced him to find others to fight with
    Other (optional):
  4. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Name: Blaine
    Age: 16
    Gender: male
    Appearance: [​IMG] (without the wings of course)
    Weapon(s): a long double edged spear with two sharp ax sized blades at both ends.
    Element(s): Dark Toxin (not exsactly an element, but it is just listing the form of darkness that it is)
    Chosen's Companion or Hronox minions: chosen's companion
    Bio: He is known as a town show off. He likes to be flashy, showing himself off, saving dansels in destress, beggers from corrupt officers,traders from robbery's, and little kittens stuck in a tree. Why? Well, he usually does it for attention from the feminen members of the side of town, always making sure to show his signature, a perfect white smile. Ladies love him, people respect him, and yet he can always find a way into trouble. Though, it partially might have something to do with a large hidden tattoo made of an unknown ink that is upon his back.
    Other (optional): N/A
  5. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    Thanks guys. You're all in. We can start now.

    BIC: The priest walked over to Nova. Have you made up you're mind yet?

    He loooked up. That's the problem. I need more time to choose.

    We don't have time! The Hronox is getting bigger every second.

    Fine. I'll find some. He stood up and left the chapel.
  6. hidden_light Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 31, 2007
    In a house...
    Raxira coughed as she walked, sighing when it was over. How am I suppose to help anyone like this...

    Saxen grinned as he watched people pass him. Fools....The day is fast approaching...
  7. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Blaine sighed, kicken back and relaxing atop the roof of his house, looking across the town. "So many women to impress, so little time. I'd better get started on my daily run soon" he muttered
  8. hidden_light Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 31, 2007
    In a house...
    Raxira looked around and saw some guys beating up another weaker person. "Hey! Back off will ya!?" Raxira yelled without thinking. The guys stopped and turned to her, they seemed a lot bigger now. "ha..ha..ha....." Raxira stood her ground. I can do this...I think.....I'm a top fighter, this'll be easy...Maybe..

    "Heh,Heh. First trouble of the morning. This seems more interesting than the others..." Saxen chuckled, "But there's so much more trouble to cause and evil to spread..."
  9. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Blaine heard a yell from far away, a woman's voice, yelling at some people to stop. A grin then appeared on his face. "Already, my day is started. THIS JOB ROCKS!" he said as he began to run towards the edge of the building he was on, and hopped to the next roof top, not taking care to actually consider what might happend if he should fall. He looked towards the direction of where the yell came from, and saw a clothes line, luckily long enough to lead down to the ally way where the yell came from. He began to run towards it, quickly grabbing onto a bra, as he threw it over the clothes strap, holding onto both straps, and he began to slide down it. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" he yelled, as he came down towards the group, as he extended his feet, kicking on of them down, and landing on his back, letting both of both straps, as it flung up in the air. "FEAR NOT, I'LL SAVE YOU!!!" blaine said, not realizing the full situation, but wanting to make a good impression as good as possible, as the bra slowly fell from the air, landing on his head.

    ooc: now that's a real way to make an entrance!
  10. hidden_light Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 31, 2007
    In a house...
    OOC: That has to be the best awesomest and funniest entrance I have ever seen so far. XD

    BIC: Raxira stared at Blaine, both impressed and stunned. Whio is this guy? Despite the situation, she had to stifle some laughter when she saw the bra on his head. The guys simply burst out laughing. "You're going to save her!?" One of them jeered. "I'd like to see that!"another sneered.
  11. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: AWSOME!!!!!!!!!

    bic: Blaine pulled the bra off of his head, as he grinned. "Ya, I think I am" he said as he pulled out what appeared to be a small rod with an indent in the middle, as he helled it down, and began to spin it around in the air, as both sides of it began to expand due to the air spinning around it, as it slowly moved out to the size of a battle staff. "Besides, why pick on a girl when you can pick on someone your own size" blaine said
  12. hidden_light Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 31, 2007
    In a house...
    The first guy snorted, "Then I guess we should go look for someone huh?" They took out their own weapons, their fists. The second guy charged and swung at Blaine.

    Raxira watched, absorbed and horrified. "Oi, watch out!"
  13. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "My mother is tougher then you" blaine taunted as he ducked down, and hit the guy in the center of his chest as he ran towards him, lifting him up into the air due to the rate at which he was running, and then throwing him up into the air behind him, into a wall.
  14. hidden_light Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 31, 2007
    In a house...
    The guy slumped to the ground, groanning. The others got scaredand backed off. "hmph, we have no time for you anyway punk" they quickly left, almost running.

    "Hmph, bullies always run at the first sign of trouble..." Raxira muttered as she walked up to Blaine, "Thank you for saving me from them"
  15. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "Please, no need to thank me. I'm just doing my job" blaine said, standing there in a heroic pose, smiling. Oddly enough, his smile was white, shiney, which was extremely odd to see, but dear god, that was one well brushed smile right there
  16. hidden_light Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 31, 2007
    In a house...
    Raxira blushed slightly and looked away. Wow..." Well, thank you anyway. If it hadn't been for you, well..." She laughed, "I should probably start thinking before i get myself into these things"

    OOC: g2g, later....XD
  17. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "Well, not like you need to really worry about it. After all, all you have to do is give a hollar, and if I'm near by, then I'll get right to ya" blaine said.

    ooc: alrite then, seeya
  18. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    Zarach clapped from behind them. " Bra stunt was purty funny, I've gotta say. But I would have personally just beat them into submission, not scared them."
  19. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "But then not only would I have been able to go zipping down a clothes line in midair, but also, there would be more of the pain of having to fight all of them. Was the goal not to save the young beautiful maiden in distress?" blaine questioned.
  20. BlackKeyblade706 Destiny Islands Resident

    "Yes, but I'm not desperate. I have better things to do and would have gotten longer lasting fun out of my way, no?" He answered, making a point.
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