Justin Bieber's poll for his next tour has North Korea ahead by about 5,000 votes. Personally, I don't even know why North Korea is even an option. There are options that make no sense. Another odd choice in the poll is Antarctica. Nobody even lives there, yet it has more votes than Canada and The UK.
Jesus Christ, this is almost funnier than the wrath of Bub & Bob being visited upon the GameFAQs character polls. Those /b/astards have still got it.
If I'm not mistaken they're also e-mailing their government and trying to get North Korea to really hate Bieber.
Justin Bieber had himself ruined by Usher. He could've been a successful doctor, scientist, lawyer, architect, even a real musician. But, no. He made the wrong movie and said "Mom, gimme money so I can ride with Usher!" Mom: "wut" *Hands money* Mom: "Don't get lost sweetie!" J.B.: "I won't! Gosh you're so annoying! Wow! I wish you didn't exist! So gayy! Go away! Buy me some dollies! SO ANNOYINGGGG!!!" Mom: "Have fun too!" What has our society come to? Where are these "kids" going?