The Inbetweeners

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Darkandroid, Feb 28, 2009.

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  1. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    I came across this the other day after watching Skins. It's brilliant.

    It's about the lives of 4 17 year old guys in Sixth Form, unlike Skins it's actually quite an accurate representation of teenage life, bunking off, trying to get served at a pub, driving lessons, attempting to get laid, crush on neighbour and of course the school dance. Most of the situations are actually based on what happened to the writers when they were teenagers.

    I actually wasn't expecting much from the series, I saw trailers and it didn't seem that interesting, seemed liked a show running on the success of Skins, I'm glad to say I was wrong. Written by the creators of Peep Show and was in production before Skins was ever aired, it's a surprisingly funny series, a bit crude and at times seems lowbrow. But underneath all the sex jokes is a clever and well written comedy.

    I recommend you all to watch it. I was surprised with how many situations I related to, especially the throwing up part. Here are some clips for your amusement. Contains strong language.

  2. Senbonzakura Kageoshi Kingdom Keeper

    Nov 11, 2008
    Kyoto, Tsuzuki-gun, Ujitawara.
    i like it! it looks like my kind of movie.
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