hey im Rexmildd im new but i got help soo comment on this one ^_^ One moring it was peace-''ZEXION!!!!CLEAN UR ROOM UP!!!NOW!!'' Xemnas shouted out loud.''Xemnas...theres this thing called love and hate...soo you know i love you,but theres a proplem..you hate-'' Zexion halfely completed is sentense.In a ugly voice Marluxia sang the national anthom of the Student body of the organization XIII..''OoOoOH organizAtion OH YESSSS ...COME TO HelP WITH OUR PrIdE!!!ROCKEN ROLL WOOOOOH!'' ''ooh marluxia can u...SHUT UP!!" Larxene sang for a bad impretion for Marluxia to shutup.:yelling: ...."Larxene its really cool how we are alike in each way soo...lets sing together ^_^ BUT in rockin rule!!!'' Marluxia said.Zexion came up to Marluxia and whispered in his ear and said "thanks for letting me get away from cleaning my room....(outloud) AHEM uh dont you mean rockin roll :\..???" "oh so thats how u say it...Roxas you need to work on your spelling.Ok??" "Why i outta >:S" Roxas said and after he said that he grumbled and headed straight to his room. Marluxia sang to everyone but still in an awfull voice..Xemnas told everyone "Just keep smiling everyone dont look back"...Next morning...Marluxia ran in the hall way and sang "wake up" "WAKE Up!!! WAKE UP ON A SaTuRdAy uhhh MORNING!!!WOOOOOOOH" "you know i think he's good for an alarm" Zexion said to Xaldin...since Xaldin was carrying a pillow with him he threw it at Zexion."Ok first things first i made a list" Xaldin said "You keep a list pth your such a freak XD" Zexion said "SHUTUP!!any way... 1:clean your room 2:make your bed 3:wash your face 4:dress up 5:eat..after eating 6:wash your OWN dish 7:when Xemnas wakes up say"hi sir ugly" cuz i put i sign saying that for pay back 8:Run away cuz Xemnas is gonna smack you on the tooshy 9:come out and say "sorry sir ugly" 10:grab marluxia block his mouth with duck tape 11:lock him up in a closet..no no!wait hide him in the closet without duck tape BUT tie him up arms and legs! 12:go back in your room 13:when ur at your room...shutup and listen marluxia cry in sorrow and thats my list ^_^" "why 13 rules?" Larxene asked "cuz its organization XIII.is that soo hard" Xaldin responded he counted to 3 and said "GO" **************** Later they already did the rules ..list w/e and marluxia was stuck in the closet singing even worse ...."OOOH BABY DONT uhh GOoOoO SIMPLE AND CLEAN IS THE WAY THAT IM FEELING IN THIS DARK ROOMY THING TONIGHT OHH YESSSS ITS HARD TO LET IT GOOOOOOoooooooOOOOOO" next time..... "you can hear me sing awfull but also u can SEE ME LEAVING!! THIS THIS JUNK!!!" they had told the truth to marluxia but he had tooken it badly this is on the second chapter please comment on this first story i just made:)
another chapter of "The Horrible Voice" chapter one was tiny im gonna try to make this one bigger ^_^ "I think we should tell Marluxia how ugly his voice is which really is good by telling the truth..oh and 100% sure of it" Luxord said "NO NO NO!!I larxene num.11 says ^.^ >:| CRUSH HIS VOCALS IN TO SMITHEREENS!!!! Now..any questions" "THAT Larxene is rude.I do agree with Luxord as I Xaldin should tell the truth of how ugly Marluxia's voice is^_^.beside's its good telling the truth" "Earth to Xaldin,Marluxias behind you" Roxas said .As Xaldin had turn his head around he gave a little grin to Marluxia as if he hadnt heard the words Xaldin just said."You know after all i done for you which is...cooking food,brushing YOUR own teeth,making your bed,washing the dishes,and more infront of us>:|.And this is what i get.You may hear me sing,BUT you can also see me LEAVE THIS THIS JUNK!" "Noo,Noo.Marluxia dont go its just we dont like hearing song...*Roxas hits Larxene*ok ok..infact we all dont like your voice but after all we still are your friends and we all love you very much..OH and for this whole year starting now we are totally gonna do whatever you want us to^_^. Right guys*mumble*I SAID RIGHT GUYS" *everyone*"yah yah we all will do whatever you want us to*mumble* pth w/e " "soo Larxene will go out with me today at 9:00pm sharp,Roxas wash my clothes,Xaldin the truth teller X)..ummm go to the washroom and take a shower cuz you STINK oh and before that take a breath mint or somethin,Zexion stop reading books and thats all" Marluxia said "NO!I AM NOT TAKING A SHOWER THIS IS A RECORD!I HAVENT TOOK A SHOWER SINCE % WEEKS!!!well heh 2 months*smells armpit* woohy maybe a quik one...infact a 5 hour one AND QUICK!!" Xaldin the stinky body said "noooo way!b-books are my thing my HOBBIE!!Is that soo hard to under stand*takes out mirror*wwooaahh my eyes are red maybe just one year to stop reading"Zexion said "oH yah EVERYONE EVERYONE listen to me sing i gotten better!!!Ohhh santa can you hear me!i want a cookie five action figures,a date well thats coming true,a soccer ball*five hours later*AND!!!i beared like you oooohhhhhh yessah!!!" Marluxia sang to everyone "not bad just 50/100 half half right??" Roxas said "i agree sing more sing better first it was horrible but now it 50/100 keep it goin"Larxene said"AHAHAHAHAHAHA you guys are too easy actually this song was sang by...*drum roll* XEMNAS!!" *everyone* "XEMNAS!!!AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" "y-y-your joking right" Roxas said "in a madder of fact no he isnt i want all of you to SILENCE!!!!!And while that time go to your ROOMS!!!"Xemnas shouted "now this is me...OoOoOoOoOhHHHHHH!!!SANTA CLAUS HIS HANDS ARE ACTUALLY PAUSE FROM A DOG IN DREAMS!!!HE SING AWFUL HE SUCKS ON A WAFFLE GO AND RUB YOUR...FACE...!!!!OH JINGLE RISE COOK ME SOME FRIES NicE AND TIDY THOUGH!!" Every one left silently that way they could get away from Marluxias singing:rockdover: . someone random came out like one of the faries that gave that dirty sora the keyblade but shes with guns:guns: but that came out randomly everyone turned around and atacked her with there weapons:starwars: "i gotta say guys i had the funnest day in my hole life now from our deal follow on what every thing i say and Larxene *sexy face* dont forget our date at 9:00 pm it will be soo hot this night-" "AAAHHH"Larxene out loud and ran out the castle "l-l-larxene??LARXENE POOKY-KINS COME HERE":glomp: and this is the end of his story i hate sora just look at him standing there:ff10sora: >:| makes me wanna- oh heheh anyway cya later hope you lke it ^_^
Read the rules, only one thread per story. +Combined with your first chaper+ If I see it again, you are getting a warning.