I don't really have any complaints with the Crash Bandicoot series. The long-ish loading times in The Wrath of Cortex were a pain, but they don't really deduct the gameplay.
Posting informal, unsourced youtube videos counts as a thread topic now? Oh, okay. I got PLENTY of those. Hellooooo post count climb.
I have many fond memories of playing 'Warped' way back during my childhood. Good times... Crash Bandicoot used to be such a good series, but things really started to go downhill after Naughty Dog stopped making games for the series. I don't remember much of 'The Wrath of Cortex', but I do remember how annoying it was to wait for things to load that I gave up on the whole game itself because of that. Now, Crash Bandicoot is nothing but a relic of the past, a shadow of his former glory on the PS1. I doubt anything Activision can do will successfully revive him. It'll be nothing but another failure.
Like I said in the OP, I personally don't think the long loading times deducted experience from The Wrath of Cortex because it's still a pretty fun game. A lot of people even look at it as the PS2 version of Warped.
Well it's too bad they were there in the first place because I couldn't stand the loading times and didn't think it was worth waiting, so I gave up on the game.
Have you played it since? If not, I strongly recommend it. The loading times may be awful, although it's a bit understandable considering it's an early PS2 game (its loading times are still a lot shorter than Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly, though), but the gameplay is top notch!
Nope. Probably threw it away. And I refuse to even get it again unless in the unlikely scenario they re-release the game with much shorter load times.
My PS2's barely alive, and the PS2 brand itself is pretty much dead. Which is why many publishers are re-releasing HD versions of older games (like Kingdom Hearts and the Jak series). I've moved on from the days of the PS2.
Unfortunately, that's all I have, and until I get a job, I'm stuck with a PS2, a Game Boy Advance, which I haven't used in forever, a PlayStation Portable and a computer. It doesn't really have me down, though. I don't think there are really any games for the PS3 or PS4 that interest me right now.
Crash Bandicoot was the shizz when I was younger. I was only a kid when I played my first one, and now at the age of 20 I still enjoy them just as much. The Crash series is without a doubt the game series that kickstarted my addiction to videogames. I pretty much knew the history of Crash Bandicoot, but these videos brought back a flood of happy memories :)