I need people to help me interpret a dream: So I was in a pool, and there was a shark. The shark had bitten me on the leg a little, but I could still get out of the pool. Then because the shark bit my leg he was able to turn human and chase me around the pool. I got to the gate but it wasn't working. Thats all I remember. Now I know my mind is pretty much completely messed up, but this dream was one of the weird ones. Help? :P
Isn't it obvious? The shark wanted you, but he wasn't human. He bit you as a sign of masculinity and chased you around to explain. I mean, it's not like sharks eat pe- oh wait...
My guess is that the pool represents a place you are very familiar with and maybe enjoy going had someone who you are scared of AKA the shark and the leg biting was meant to gain your attention but it didn't work and when you ran it gave chase saying it would continue to pursue you. So I'd say someone your scared of has feelings for you and your dream was trying to tell you that.
Well I got this from some Dream meaning site: Swimming Pool To see a swimming pool in your dream symbolizes relaxation, calmness, luxury and ease. You need to take a break. Alternatively, a swimming pool suggests that you need to acknowledge and understand your feelings. It is time to dive in and deal with those emotions. You need to cleanse yourself and wash away past hurts. Consider the depth of the pool. If you were swimming on the deep end, then it means that those emotions are deeply seeded and may be harder to confront.. You will need to work through it, no more matter how difficult. If you are swimming on the shallow end, then it implies that you should be able to easily deal with your feelings. Shark To see a shark in your dream indicates feelings of anger, hostility, and fierceness. You are undergoing a long and difficult emotional period and may be an emotional threat to yourself or to others. Perhaps, you are struggling with your individuality and independence, especially in some aspect of your relationship. Alternatively, a shark represents a person in your life who is greedy and unscrupulous. This person goes after what he or she wants with no regards to the well-being and sensitivity of others. The shark may also be an aspect of your own personality with these qualities. ...so basically, Im emotional.
Well given the descriptions of the pool and the shark you must be feeling like someone you dislike, or even someone you do like, is coming and ruining something you enjoy doing. Something that relaxes you. And even though you try to get away or maybe remove this person from said activity, you feel as if they won't go, or somehow, it doesn't work, and they keep coming back. That's my opinion, though, so take it as you will.
Or the person who is mad in love with you is actually an alien (probably one of shark descent) and is in a human form because he's just scared you don't might not want him for his true self aww
The pool represented the relaxed calm inner self, but the shark is basically the anger and negative emotion that intervenes with the calm and relaxation of your inner sanctuary.