Announced today, this game is a prequel to the Ace Attorney series taking place during Japan's Meiji period (aka the turn of the 20th century, about 100 years before the Ace Attorney series). The game stars Phoenix Wright's ancestor, Ryuunosuke. Shu Takumi is heading up the game's development, and it's said to "completely shake up the series." Here's the teaser trailer! *Note: The title shown in the thread title is actually what a localized title miiight look like; the game's translated Japanese title is "Great Turnabout Trial: The Adventure of Naruhodou Ryuunosuke".
omg is their family name seriously Naruhodou in Japanese that's hilarious This'll be interesting, since the judicial system was a little different back then. Wonder if that will come into play in certain cases.
Shu Takumi, my god, you have made my jaw drop. This is going to be absolutely awesome. The game hasn't even come out and I want to listen to this damn track that's playing in the background, sounds like a bland of Layton and Phoenix Wright.
Surprise! Guess who's a character in this game? SHERLOCK. FRIGGIN'. HOLMES. He, along with eight-year-old girl Iris Watson, will help Ryuunosuke out in his investigations. A new game mechanic, Joint Reasoning, will help the player keep Holmes from drifting away from the truth. The game will have 3D models and environments, just like Dual Destinies. A new feature, though, is that the depths of the backgrounds will be part of the gameplay, with characters moving in and out of the backgrounds. source
Some extra stuff regarding Sherlock and Iris: While the game does take place in Meiji-era Japan, part of the game is also in Victorian London, explaining Sherlock and Iris' appearances in the story. Iris is an eight-year-old girl with a Ph.D. who wrote a series of novels called The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Ryuunosuke can team up with Sherlock for "collaborative deductions." Also, here are some pictures: (source)
Another new character has joined the cast! Meet proto-Edgeworth Kazuma Asougi, Ryunosuke's friend who is also studying to be an attorney at the Imperial Capital Yumei University (though he's apparently plenty qualified already to be one). Given the newness of Japan's judicial system, he aims to travel to the British Empire to complete his studies. He's calm and full of confidence, and supports Ryunosuke, who doesn't really have much of an idea of how to be an attorney. There are some gameplay features that are different from the Ace Attorney norm, though they're not entirely new. Firstly, the strike system is back from the first game, replacing the health bar. Secondly, in a similar move to the group cross-examinations from the Professor Layton crossover, it's possible to cross-examine two witnesses at once in this game, pointing out lies and contradictions in both as usual. The third is a smaller change: Usually in the series, when presenting evidence or a contradiction, the player character would shout "Igari!" ("Objection!"); in this game, however, Ryunosuke says "Hai!" ("Yes!") instead, which is a bit more congruent with the time period. Spoiler: screenshots source
The game will come out in Japan on July 9! Still no news on a localization. Check here for a breakdown of the trailer!
If you're seeing this new reply to this thread and hoping that a localization has finally been announced, well, believe me, I'm sorry to disappoint on that count. But! Just announced was a sequel to this game! Introducing Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2: The Resolve of Naruhodo Ryunosuke!
I'm a very big fan of the Ace Attorney series, how have I not heard of this(these) game(s)! I believe to have seen some pics of the main dude at some point though I honestly thought that was from a completely different game or that it was photoshopped. >.> Welp, looks like I'm going patch hunting then.
I heard DGS had somewhat underwhelming sales numbers, not sure how true that is. Little surprised to hear of a sequel! I'm happy for that, it's really too bad that it's looking like these will never be localized though. Knowing the Ace Attorney fanbase we may well see a fan translation, but (not to downplay the incredible work fan translators have done for the series) it's still a bummer to miss out on an official version... I always thought DGS in particular had a really charming/appealing aesthetic. Doesn't seem to be a whole lot of new footage in this teaser, but it appears that will apply to this one just as much. Looking forward to what this next title has in store!