The good guide with friends

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Rhoppergaurd, Jul 4, 2009.

  1. Rhoppergaurd Banned

    Jun 10, 2009
    Destiny islands
    User 1:Thanks for teaching me good grammar! I'm bored, so i think i am going to be mean to my friends!
    User 2:But,You are not really they're friend if you be mean to them! Shees,Do i have to give you another guide? Very well then...
    The good guide of making,Keeping and getting respect from friends! Number 1:Making friends!

    Don't be jealos of them
    Don't be jealos just because they are getting more respect than you! One day,You will get the same level of respect! Just try you're hardest!

    Don't share they're secrets
    Don't say things like:''Jimmy has a rash on his butt!'' or ''You picked you're nose yesterday!'' Because that won't get you any friends!

    Number 2:Keeping friends!

    Don't say they are too less a level for you
    Don't say things like,''I'm waay too cool for you!'' or ''Im waay too pretty!'' Because then you are just plain Dumb!

    Don't lose them for other friends
    Don't stop being they're friend,just because you have new,cooler ones! They will feel left out and be very sad!

    Number 3:Getting respect from friends!

    Do good things for them
    Do good things like,tell them how great they are,or do a favor for them! They will really respect you!

    Make them feel better
    If they are sad because they're boyfriend/girlfriend has broke up with them or something,Make them feel better!They will like you for it!

    Hope you enjoyed this thread!
  2. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    Thank you Rhoppergaurd.
    You should've posted this ages ago :v
  3. Rhoppergaurd Banned

    Jun 10, 2009
    Destiny islands
    Thanks!I try.Except i haven't been on here since about a month ago :lolface:
  4. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    OOH. Nice guide to getting friends!