The Ghost Of You~ Naminé/Roxas FanFic

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Rissy, Jan 12, 2009.

  1. Rissy Queen of the Clouds

    Jul 16, 2008
    in the Sky
    I drew a drawing of Roxas and Naminé, coming up with this. I'm not sure if anyone else has thought of this, but it's kinda a Romance/Murder Mystery Story. Well, here is the First Chapter.

    Chapter One; Borderline

    She could smell him. Feel him breath down her neck. She knew he wasn't gone. She just knew. But, just to think, why would he leave her like that? She couldn't decode why she felt as though he was still here, somewhere, within her house, waiting to be found. She layed in her bed, still crying, after it being two days since he was gone.

    "I can still hear your heart beat," Naminé whispered, smelling a some sort of doubt in the air. She was just saying this for her room, not for herself. She already knew that he was gone. Forever. She rolled over onto her side, facing the wall, in her plain white bed, in her plain white room. He kept her together, her alive. She was lost now, and no one told her that it was going to be this way. She felt some pressure in her throat, as if more tears were coming. She fought with all her might to keep it in, ending with the tears victorious. She let out a wimper, letting the air know to be ready to be sucked in. Naminé opened her eyes, seeing the dim light of her white walls, and her own night gown. She rolled over onto her stomach, putting her face into the pillow. She didn't know what she was going to do, how she was going to survive her own life. Suddenly, she felt her own body lift from her own sheets, her standing in front on the bed. Was she sleep walking? No, she was awake. She felt her legs carry her downstairs, no one in the lonely house of the Mansion. No one came here anymore, now that Roxas was found dead in the gate. Yes, in it. Naminé suddenly saw the image, tears sliding down her cheeks. She thought that that day was going to be great; Hayner, Pence, Olette, Herself, and Roxas. She couldn't bare the thought anymore, her pace picking up, the noises of her footsteps occupying her attention. She found herself in the Kitchen, where she never was. Normally Roxas and Axel were in here, making food, and mostly noise. It was abnormally clean, from the maids coming in. Naminé made a note to tip them tomorrow. She gently pat the counter top, wondering why she was in here. Suddenly, her legs moved, going towards the knives, and silverware. She didn't want to do what her body wanted, thinking it was impossible for her to do it. Her hand invollentaryily reached for the butcher knife, gripping it with such grace, and strength. Strength the Naminé knew she didn't have. Naminé felt another wave of pressure press at her throat, and her own emotions agreeing with what her body was going to do. Her other hand posed with her pale wrists facing her own eyes, the knife going closer to it. Naminé let out a short cry, suddenly hearing the door to the Mansion open and close with a creak.

    "Y'ello?" A familiar voice said, making Naminé imediatly dropping the knife, making a terrible crash on the floor. You could hear the alarm in the footsteps now, running for the Kitchen. The door to the Kitchen was open from Naminé before, but someone peeked inside, with spikey, red hair. Axel, of course. He ran over to Naminé's side, looking her over in a frantic motion.

    "No blood? No bo-bos?" He said, grabbing her posed arm, and her side, and her neck. Nothing. Axel still continued to look for some sort of abraisal, anything that looked pained. Other then her face. Axel then stopped quickly stopped, looking down at Naminé's face. It was terribly tear staind, her eyes bloodshot red from crying. Her nose sore from sniffling, with some snot even coming out. Axel grabbed Naminé by the sides, hugging her tightly.

    "Don't do that, Naminé." He said quietly, Naminé not knowing what emotion to show. She wanted to be embarressed, upset, angry, sad, all at the sametime. But she knew that her own mind would go passed the Borderline if she did. It was already too close to it. Axel let go of her, making her sit down at the table, the seat she normally sat at. It was white, as always. The whole Kitchen was chrome, including the Appliances. They had a clean look to them, and how they were used was proper, other then Roxas and Axel using it. Naminé sat down, her arms spread on the table in front of her, keeping her head from slumping.

    "W-What are you doing here?" She finally said, surprisingly finding her voice box still connected to her, from all the pressure on her throat. Axel was still up, preparing for some sort of meal. Naminé wouldn't eat, and he knew that. But just to keep himself busy, he was cooking grilled cheese.

    "Xemnas sent me to look after you." He answered, looking back some from his work. Naminé sat back in her chair, her night gown's straps falling down her shoulder as she slumped.

    "Why would he do that?" She asked plainly, wanting to know why would he do such a thing.

    "No idea. He must want to know if you're not... suffering." He finally said after an awkward silence. He didn't know what else to say. Suddenly, he remembered the scene.

    "What do you think happened?" He asked, knowing that she would know what he was talking about. Naminé looked over at Axel, her eyes dry from crying. She honestly had no clue, but was curious to know. Why would I want to know why? She thought to herself, trying to convince herself not to answer. Soon enough, her voice box had a mind of it's own, answering with;

    "I don't know. But I'm going to find out."

    Chapter Two; Breathing

    "You're what?!" Axel yelled, turning abruptly, seeing Naminé stand. She walked out of the room, whipping tears off her face. Axel followed in a insanly run, grabbing her shoulder.

    "W-What are you doing?" He asked, seeing a sudden different Naminé she never seen before. She stared back at him, her eyes keeping a cold blue it always had, ever since he met her.

    "I already told you. Roxas is dead. And I can't take this." Naminé said in a different tone, something more brave, serious maybe? Axel stared at her, dropping his hands. She has chosen to take action. If she was, Axel will too. As soon as Naminé was free from his grip, she turned gracefully, going up the stairs to her White Room. She opened the doors with both hands, the large table out stretching the room. She never really saw it at this angle, and diddn't notice it. She was too busy going towards her closet in the corner, no one really saw it, it was only a door, going into a small closet. She saw only white clothing, and one dark colored object in it. It was an Organization jacket, Roxas gave it to her, letting her wear it whenever she wanted. She grabbed it in anger, yanking it off the hanger. You could see Axel at the door, waiting for Naminé's next move. Naminé wraped herself around the jacket, smelling Roxas's aura, that he was inside this very jacket. She put her arms in the sleeves, her fingers coming out the ends. The bottom half was rather long, almost dragging the floor. Axel walked across the room, where Naminé was stuggling with the zipper.He grabbed the zipper, kneeling down to the floor, zipping it up to her chest. She bottom flared out, suddenly making her look like a shorter, cuter version of Larxen.

    "You look like Larxen. But cuter." Axel commented, laughing at his own joke. Naminé waited until he was finished with his work on her new outfit, taking a step back. Axel stood fully now, towering over her from about a foot. Naminé looked up at Axel, putting her hands to her sides.

    "C'omon. Take me to them." She demanded, seeing Axel's expression change from smiling to serious.
    "I don't care. Take me to him." Naminé interupted, getting a little impatient. She was ready to give the Organization a piece of her mind. Axel sighed, waving his hand, making a portal beside them. Naminé patted his shoulder, then stepped inside, taking her somewhere. Axel shook his head, putting his right hand to his temples, messaging them.

    "God, help her." He said sympathetically, stepping insde as well. He went through the phases of purple and black, arriving to the bridge of The World That Never Was. Naminé was already halfway across it. Axel seen her, and made a surprised face, running to get up to her.

    "You'll need my help getting in, you know." He said, noticing she didn't even look up when she heard him. She continued to look forward, as if this wasn't her. It was someother Nobody, some Heartless taking over her.

    "I know. That's why you need to tell them to let us in." She said, looking forward, not moving her gaze from the doors to let them inside the Castle. Axel sighed, as they continued across the bridge. They finally get there in about a minute or so, Naminé waiting for Axel to take his demand. He did so, going towards it, opening some sort of tablet in the right door. He punched it, mushing the numbers at the same time. Oddly, the doors opened, Demnyx waiting. He jumped back in surprise seeing another Organization member with Axel.

    "Uh, Axel; Who is this??" He asked in a nervous voice, pointing at Naminé in surprise. Naminé walked passed the two, making Axel sigh again.
    "I'll explain later. Unless you want to join us." He said, Demnyx nodding and holding a box of some sort of snacks. They followed Naminé who was about six or seven feet in front of them.

    "Err... Do you know where you're going?" Demnyx asked Naminé not knowing it was her. Axel elbowed him in the side, making him almost choke on his little snacks he was munching on.
    "She knows where she's going."
    "Ohh, so it's a she?" Demnyx said in a jokingly mannor, looking over at Axel in a devious way.
    "Another score, huh?" He said, laughing loudly, making Naminé kind of stop. Demnyx suddenly stopped, looking at Naminé in a serious face. Naminé turned, making Demnyx see her face first. He gasped, dropping his box of snacks onto the floor, making a huge mess.

    "N-Naminé?" Demnyx said, Naminé not changing her expression. She waved her hand, making him fly back. Axel watched him slide along the tiled floor, making a long screech noise at the end of his sliding. He looked back at the two, getting up after stopping against a wall. He was kind of dizzy, pointing to the wall behind them more to them themselves.

    "I'll get you back, N-N--" He stopped, seeing her pick her hand up again, making him scared. He ran into the nearest hall, making Naminé turn again, walking towards the wall, taking a sharp right. Axel followed, not commenting. Jesus. Naminé must be really pissed. He thought, hoping she can't read minds. Naminé didn't react, which ment his mind was safe. They went up to the main room, where the past Sora fought most Organization members. They both continued on, going upstairs. They soon became to a big doorway, which was black, and rather large. It had the symbol of the Nobodies on it, printed rather largly, halfly split from the door's opening. Axel walked up to the door, hestitating some. He turned, looking at Naminé, who actually looked at him for the first time.

    "Are you sure you want to do this? Xemnas might not like the fact of you sniffing your nose around here. He barely lets us in the Castle alone." Axel said, trying to convice her otherwise. She looked detirmined though, and not wanting to change her mind. Axel nodded once, his head down. Turning, he pulled another tablet out, punching it the same way the other was. The door opened in a gradual fashion, revealing a dark room.

    "Come in." A dark voice said, making Naminé look up, with an angered face.
  2. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006
    This is a really awesome story, I'm glad you decided to write it. The characters seem to be in their essence. The only thing I would say is to make the font bigger, I had to zoom in to be able to read the story.
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Aw. No Roxas ass kicking yet? 8D8 This was goooood. ^-^ Although...the font is small. ; ; Ah well.

    EDIT: Me and Spunkehhhh want your font bigger. :3
  4. Rissy Queen of the Clouds

    Jul 16, 2008
    in the Sky
    There, I changed it. (:
    I sorta just started at the top of my heaed, to be honest. ._.
    But I think I did well. <3
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    D8< Make the text bigger. ; ;
    And you have to keep it all in your first post, silly. :3 Edit in your chappys.

    What I put in red was your biggest mistake. Larxene! And..."more cuter" sounds odd. Just "cuter" does the job fine.