The Gathering

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Deathsight44, Feb 26, 2009.

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  1. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((Note, I might refer to some things concerning God as not being as ‘godly’ as everyone refers to him as. But remember, this is a ROLEPLAY. So if you have any problem with it, then atleast keep in mind that this is not reality, ok peoples?))

    Every century it happens. The Gathering. The Gathering of those souls lost to the depths of hell. Hell being the most appropriate place to host it of course, or so it is thought by those who participate in it. Whether it may be for the most extreme sins, or a gathered up amount of small sins, all may join, though of course, not on their own accord. Life? Heaven? Power? It is your right and duty to finally choose just what it is that you wish once you have won, but the question that most would wonder is “How”, and “Why” play such a game? Is there a purpose to it? But considering the choice of remaining in the fear filled realm of Hell, or playing the game to attempt to have your life’s desire granted, the choice is most obvious.


    Alrite, so here is the deal. Welcome to The Gathering, the greatest (as well as the only) tournament in hell. You have only arrived a few days ago, to find yourself in a world where your greatest fear is reality, and in this place, there is no escape. Fearful by day, and resting by night within your own cell (or so they are refered to), you suddenly find yourself in a wasteland like area, with many others surrounding you. And all that you are left to wonder is, “Where am I?”. But The Gathering is a collection of people brought to hell, brought together as a form of entertainment, as you are challenged to come out as the strongest while living out your current days within new environments, with new rules appearing whenever the chance is given. The question is though, can you take on the challenge? We’ll see once the tournament has begun…
    The tournament rules:
    The rules are quite simple really. It goes as follows
    1. Always respect the game masters. Those who question them will be targeted as dangerous contestants, and there for, shall be hunted down, and brought back to the depths of fear from hence they came
    2. Do NOT fight when there is a cease fire in order. In doing so, u break your chances of winning. Of course, if it isn’t done infront of any gamemasters….>)
    3. These are the only 2 main rules. Cruel, isn’t it? See, there are 5 different area’s total. This is purely for the meaning of entertainment, and each area has different rules. So things will be updated as time moves on, ok?
    4. In total, each person has 5 dents in each arm. You start out with 3 orbs in the dents. In order to be able to have a chance to win in the final round, you must have an orb in each dent, or else you will merely be able to watch (a privalage for still surviving before you are sent back to your cells).


    The actual thread rules :
    1. I’m going to make these rules VERY strict. It is merely for the purpose of ensuring that no godmodding occurs, while I may keep watch on all, so the first rule is to read all of the other rules. Or else D<
    2. Follow the basic rules in the rp zone
    3. Keep it pg-13. Time skips are aloud, but so help me god, I hear ONE bit of detail and I’ll steal your guts and feed them to a man eating human D<
    4. God mod, u die. Don’t worry though, if I see any extreme god modding , then I’ll be sure to give your character an interesting death. Then we can all lauph about it (except for you)
    5. No yaoi. Yuri on the other hand……….wait, dam, no, no yuri ><
    6. Ur in hell people. Give a lejit reason of why your character might possibly be in hell. In this rp, both the good and the bad go to hell. Yes, that’s right, the bad people obviously go to hell, and good people may have gone when it comes to merely crossing their limit in some sort of sin. Savvy?
    7. You godda have details in your post. I can understand a one liner being done once or twice, but if I see it happening too often, then your charecters gonna have to leave, b4 I make it :P
    8. You cannot kill someone else’s character without their permission. And YES, it is possible. When it is done though, then there exsistance goes straight back to their cell. Besides, you’ll understand everything else as you read on
    9. If you quit then you cannot have your character back. I will be making use of your character to support all of the other charecters
    10. Alrite, now here is a major rule. If you read the rules, then I know you did since this is the most important rule out of them all. After making your bio, when you put in your powers for each orb, you MUST pm me first. Here is how things will work. There will be one weakness for each orb. If that weakness is met, then you WILL lose that orb. Now you can block someone from attempting to take the orb, since you as the owner will have knowledge of it the minute u enter the wasteland where we will begin, and will learn more of you orb before the actual tournament. But if the weakness is met, then, you WILL lose that orb, and the person who hit its weakness will recieve the orb, as it will become one of theirs.
    This is a rule which i am attempting to experiment with, to make it so that way everyone is not invincible. Even the best rpers don't want to lose orbs after all, so I will be very strict with this rule, and expect everyone else to follow them. Understood?


    Bio Format:

    Name :
    Weapon: (ya, you’ll get a weapon. Remember, it’s a game, so you’ll be granted the skill to use it. How this is done though will be taken into importance later though…)
    Physical Orb: (the first orb that you will have. This orb basicly can alter your body in some way, basicly giving it a physical attribute, as super strength, or something along those lines)
    Enviromental Orb: (the second orb. This one can somehow effect the environment, change it perhaps. Such as one which could create vast amounts of water in the area to flood it out, or maybe even it can liquefy the ground itself. Use your imagination on this one and think carefully, cuz it can be useful)
    Elemental Orb: (it speaks for itself, but it can do much more then just use elements. Think of it as your wild card. It can do anything, but the catch is that it can’t do what the physical or environmental orb does. PLUS, you can only use it one way. Like if a person shoots fireballs using it, then that’s the only way that they can use it. To create fire balls. If u have any questions, then ask)
    History: (include why they are in hell. Whether your character is a good person or a bad person, fact is, they must’ve done something pretty bad to land them their. Even if they had good intentions, the fact that they did it is good enough)


    Bio list:

    Username: deathsight44
    Name: Matt
    Age: 19
    Gender: male
    Weapon: --this drawings are not mine--/Spear.jpg
    Personality: A total loose cannon, doing whatever he feels like doing. He never lets anyone bother him, and acts purely on his own random impulses. He hates being bored, and loves it whenever something interesting is going on, whether it is good or bad, and nothing will change that. He treats the world like its his, and expects it to respond as if it is his.
    Physical Orb: Paralysis. It basicly allows him to generate small amounts of electricity through his punches, and if he hits someone with his palm, then it'll paralyze the area that he punches
    Enviromental Orb: spear field. Basicly, he can plunge his spear into the ground, and in doing so, he can make a spear pop anywhere out of the ground.
    Elemental Orb: He can create light shards all around him, which he can manipulate to his liking
    History: DIeing at an early age from a shooting, he got shot after he got a little too greedy for his own good and trying to mug a group of burglars (big mistake) after watching a local heighst go down. ALways known as a trouble maker, and considering God to be nothing, he constantly would challange him, though it never really did seem like a big deal to anyone else. None the less, his actions landed him in Hell, though he has no regrets of his death.

    Username: deathsight44
    Name: Toby
    Age: 21
    Gender: male
    Weapon: none
    Appearance: ((Obviosuly he has no wings))
    Personality: A very cold, yet calm nature. He acts purely on his morals, and will do whatever it takes in order to achieve his goals, whether it be good or not. He has always been one to play by the rules though unless nescasary to break them. He absolutely hates people who never consider the consequences that their actions might have on others.
    Physical Orb: Illusion. His body gives off a special kind of 'wave', which tricks all others into believing that he might be wounded somewhere, though it is impossible to tell if it is a real wound or merely a fake one. In doing so, this includes the illusion of whether or not he may have been hit, or how badly he has been damaged
    Enviromental Orb: A special orb which attatches itself to the ground and all other physical things, slowly spreading, eating away at ANYTHING that gets in its path.
    Elemental Orb: Illusions. He has the ability to make it appear as if there is more then one of himself, though he can only create up to double then the amount of orbs which he has.
    History: A former officer of the law, only doing his job for about 2 years, he died during a drug deal. The matter of the problem was that he had been the one who had been dealing the drugs, as an arrangement to fix off his sisters 'debt', which she had originally been paying off through prostitution. His sister though ended up committing suicide though, and so, because of Toby's influence amongst others to spread greed, and due to his sisters sins of greed and, what was judged by God as lust, they both were sent to hell. Now all he has done is wished for a way to free his sister from something that he believes she does not deserve, since it was originally not her fault for getting involved.
  2. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: muhahas, i am first reply! i conquer lol....okays, I will begin....yayz, I'm finaly in hell....xD, I can have 2 right? One will die during it okay with you if i make one die?

    Username: Kekeira
    Name : Katsuya
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female (duh)
    Weapon:Tetsugen (i can use it right? if you dont know what it is tell me....)
    Personality: She does not like to take orders from anyone, unless there's no other choice. She not one to give up a fight so easily. She has never shown mercy and she is not hesitant to kill.
    Physical Orb: Speed (i'll need that if i am to fling the tetsugen quickly...xD)
    Enviromental Orb: Lava flow (causes a massive amount of molten magma from the depths of hell to rain down upon the unlucky opponent. :)
    Elemental Orb: Incinerate (burns everything and leaves them in heaps of ashes
    History: Raised in an assasin's clan and an orphan, she knows nothing of the love and affection of a mother. Her clan has taught her well in the art of stealthy attacks. On her last day, she was sent on a mission to assassinate the opposing clan's leader, Blackheart, who has been destroying and claiming the lives of her people. She succeeded in her mission but was caught and immediately killed. (does that sound good enough? oh and the reason she has the ears...they're fake, she's part of the Fox Clan...cuz foxes are hella stealthy...xD)

    Username: Kekeira
    Name : Anne
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Weapon: A scythe-like weapon
    Appearance: Anne
    Personality: Doesn't talk much, but that's because she was beheaded. So obviously she can't talk. She doesn't seem to stay in one mood for long. She can communictae with others using telepathy (Can I use that?).
    Physical Orb: Accelerated healing (can help clear her wounds, but only for a short time, the orb has its limits, so she hasn't fully mastered it yet).
    Enviromental Orb: Quicksand ( causes the ground to sort of 'liquify' and sink the foe into the ground.
    Elemental Orb:
    History: Born in the time of the French Revolution (Woop-Woop!), and was part of the revolutionary group. She had murdered a total of 4 French soldiers who stood guard at the palace of Versailles, home to King Louis XVI and his wife, Marie Antoinette. She also murdered a few members of the Committe of Public Safety and about 3 Swiss guards. On July 13th 1793, she had tried to sneak into the Bastille prison to steal their weapons when she was cuaght by the prison guards. Robespierre sentenced her to be beheaded by le guillotine. (I amazed myself with this historical this good enough?)

    Tell my if there's anything wrong and I'll fix it...kays? ^^
  3. Varnor Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 22, 2007
    Username: Varnor
    Name : Yuu Noburu
    Personality:he has two, one peaceful and caring and one bloodthirsty maniac
    Physical Orb: Strengthens legs so that he may jump higher and move faster
    Enviromental Orb: Create metal pillars
    Elemental Orb:Generate lightning from his hands
    History: not knowing of his second personality Yuu travelled the world with a circus. he was a famous magician and impressed several people with his illusions. though far to often his sidekicks would disappear and later be found brutally murdered. It was his other personality who did this. In the end he was cough and sentenced to death for his crimes.
  4. Kekeira Destiny Islands Resident

    OOC: D.S...I will kill you if you dont show up today... D< *cough* schizophrenic *cough*, lol
  5. Emzy ♥ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 11, 2008
    Username: timexhasxgone
    Name : wolfe Vandetta
    Age: 24
    Gender: female
    Weapon: a large black scythe-like staff.
    Appearance: black, cropped, spikey hair with red eyes. slim figure and pale skin. wears jeans and a random tshirt mostly.
    Personality: she is quite aggresive and has a short temper. she loves to fight and had a reputation on earth for being a populr undefeated street-fighter.
    Physical Orb: large black thorns shoot from her palms. (lol...she's weird...
    Enviromental Orb: she can use the darkness and shadows around her to create a fog substance that hides her from the enemy.
    Elemental Orb: flames of pure darkness that burn flesha and skin ^^
    History: She started off playing in her band as a guitarist, but, after a few months, the band threw her out. she had no income of money and no home, so went into the street-fighting circuit and became a well-known fighter.
    she then turned to gambling on the fights she competed in and got into debt. the man went to her house (she had one when she became well-known and got some money^^) and threatened to take whatever he could. when he broke into her house and went into her bedroom he found a pearl necklace on the cabinet, which was Wolfe's mothers necklace which she left for her when she died. wolfe found him there and basically killed him. very violently.
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