The Forsaken Castle

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Xendran, Oct 26, 2007.

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  1. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007


    Name: Xendran
    Played By: Xendran
    Birthplace: Xenmaarria
    Weapon: 2 Swords
    Build: Dark Knight
    Power: Extreme affinity with the power of darkness
    Element: Oblivion
    Race: Xenmaarrian (similar to human, with powers of darkness)
    Name: Kirazmaeux
    Played By:
    Age: 23
    Birthplace: Xenmaarria
    Weapon: Right: Sword Left: Claws
    Build: Dark Knight
    Power: Extremely Agile
    Element: Oblivion
    Race: Xenmaarrian
    Name: Kirux
    Played By:
    Age: 25
    Birthplace: Unknown
    Weapon: Staff
    Build: Mage
    Power: Healing
    Element: Light
    Race: Human
    Name: Lynn
    Played By:
    Age: 19
    Birthplace: North Dirkkran
    Weapon: Crossbow
    Build: Archer
    Power: Able to shoot many arrows at once
    Element: Thunder


    Name: Diahaujn
    Played By:
    Age: 27
    Birthplace: West Dirkkran
    Weapon: Greatsword
    Build: Tank
    Power: High Strength, low speed
    Element: Ice

    Name: Fharzen
    Played By:
    Age: Unknown
    Birthplace: Darkness
    Weapon: None
    Build: Demon
    Power: Immense affinity with darkness
    Element: Darkness

    Other Characters
    (these characters can be used in any way)

    Name: Anne
    Played By:
    Weapon: Daggers

    Name: Kanto
    Played By:
    Weapon: Shield

    Name: Valhala
    Played By:
    Weapon: Bow + Arrow

    This is a VERY simple storyline due to the fact that the story i made for this is not written down and would tkae about 8 hours to write (its part of a videogame storyline so it has scripts, etc)
    your in a castle
    its plagued with demons (the antagonists)
    there are other people in the castlewho are on nobodies side... yet. (Other Charactrers)
    the protagonists fight with each other andmush support each other.

    When we have enough peopel we will start. anybody may join at any time after it has started as one of the demons hthat we must try to eliminate

    Element Wheel (only using elements used in this rp due to not all characters being included)

    Light >>> Darkness
    Oblivion >>> Light
    Darkness >>> Ice
    Ice >>> Thunder
    Thunder >>> Oblivion
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