The Flying Boy

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Sorikai, Aug 16, 2007.

  1. Sorikai Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 19, 2007
    Destiny Islands
    Is this in the right place? I dunno but I'm making a book called The Flying Boy ( I hope Square Enix doesn't mind! ) and I'm gonna use Sora's name. I was wondering if I could get some ideas from u all? Here's the story so far:

    A girl called Lauren ( one of the main characters ) leaves with her evil dad who doesn't like Lauren to have fun ( obviously, the bad guy ) out to sea in their boat forever. While she's out at sea, Lauren has to eat fish every day ( whitch she's not to keen on ). One day, she decides to go up to the look-out, hearing a boy laugh in the distance. She falls off and finds herself above the clouds, flying with the flying boy ( the other main character ) who saved her.

    Sooooo. Do u like it so far? I'm also gonna add another bad guy to it called Hex witch is a man in balck coat that always has his hood up ( ring any bells? ). Give me some ideas so I can get it finished and published.
  2. Antidote Façade

    Nov 26, 2006
    >_> This topic should probably go here in the Creativity Corner, since it's a fan-made story and doesn't actually have anything to do with KH.
  3. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    Interesting. Hopefully, the book will have better spelling.
    Anyway. I don't see how the man is evil? I mean, eating fish every day? I have to question on how they drank water. Yeah. Anyway. My advice, get a basic plot down, then start working out the small details. That will make the story good.
    Good luck to you on your story writing.
  4. Sorikai Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 19, 2007
    Destiny Islands

    U no, I never thought about the water thing.... I guess I got thrown off with the being surrounded by water all the time I guess I just assumed they'd drink out of the ocean but I guess it wouldn't taste very nice, being salt water and all lol. Oh, and the evil man thing, he doesn't let Lauren have fun so u can imagine his reaction when he finds out Lauren has made friends with a flying boy.

    That's great but.. uh.. hehe. I have no idea how to move this!
  5. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    I'll contact a mod to move this for you.
  6. Sorikai Traverse Town Homebody

    Jul 19, 2007
    Destiny Islands

    Thnx. I'm kinda new to the forums and I normally just use the first one I find. I put it in here cause The Flying Boy is Sora when he was 14 but his clothes and hair are silver and instead of a crown he has a tear drop hanging from his necklace. Maybe I should call him something else.....