The First Adventure

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by TacoGrenade, May 17, 2008.

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  1. TacoGrenade King's Apprentice

    This is a story of a boy.

    Name: Don

    Age: 11

    Power: none yet

    Weapons and equipment: rusty sword from his dad, jean shorts, leather shoes, red longsleeve

    Occupation: adventurer

    Apperence: mint green eyes, long brown hair, pale white skin

    I will be accepting up to five characters including mine. if you want to add a charcter use the same setup as me and if i like it Ill message you. if you have a picture of the character thats great too.
    ~Catonis Catis for short
  2. Tertoo Moogle Assistant

    May 8, 2008
    i think i will try this

    name: Alexander
    age: 14
    weapon and equipment:daggers left by my grandfather and some rusty armor
    occupation: thief
    appearance: Grey spiky hair, green eyes,white skin
    (i might not always be role playing)
    can you tell me how to put a pic, lol am new in this web
    i drew the character in paint and by the way can i be a villan
  3. TacoGrenade King's Apprentice

    Yeah you can be evil and I'm not sure how to put a pic from paint in unless you put it on the internet.
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