The Final Existence OOC and sign-up

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Scarred Nobody, Aug 3, 2012.

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  1. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    From a young age, we are told that there are two places we are destined to go to after we die, and where we go is decided on how we lived our lives. Good and complete souls enter paradise while the evil and shattered souls enter eternal suffering.

    For souls that are either inbetween or are not complete, they are destined to wander eternity. However, there does lie a chance for completion, as well as redemption. They may chose to enter The Final Existence, a world much like the world they lived in. They must team up with a partner, and have one solar cycle to complete their tasks. If both succeed, they pass into paradise, but if even one fails before time is up, their souls are cast to terrifying oblivion.


    Simply saying, you have died, and have ended up in purgatory, either as a Tweener (someone whose soul isn't good enough to get into heaven but does not quite deserve hell) or an Incomplete (someone who feels they needed to have done something during their life in order to have a complete existence. The only hope of escaping into paradise is to enter The Final Existence.

    Only teams of two, one Tweener and one Incomplete, can enter TFE. TFE is a realm that mirrors the real world. You are sent back one complete year from when you and your partner have died. You have that full year to complete your missions in order to pass into heaven, but failing means an eternity in hell.

    Don't be fooled, The Final Existence is not a second chance at life. It is all an illusion, to test you if you are able to enter eternal paradise.

    There is also plenty of places to trip up, especially when the beings known as Crushers spot players. Crushers are demons that are invisible to the humans, but are able to enter the bodies of non players, and use them to trip you up and distract you. For every soul they send to damnation, their power gets stronger, and they build up to be powerful enough to leave The Final Existence and enter the real world to cause trouble there.


    Tweeners - the mission of a Tweener is redeem the darkness in their soul. The best way to do so is to aid those in the world, especially your partner.

    Incompletes - the mission of an Incomplete is to find the one thing that they wish happened while they were alive in order to have a "complete" existence.


    1. While teams must try to aid each other in completing their mission, it is okay to aid other players.
    2. You can have as many players as you can handle, but try not to team your players together.
    3. You can chose to team up with a certain member if you wish. You can also leave it to me to randomize who your partner is.
    4. General rules of KHV and the RP arena apply here.
    5. Romance is allowed, but keep it Pg-13. Fade aways and such are okay.
    6. Actually, all around Pg-13 should be followed for any violence, language, etc.. Hey, do you think I want to waste my time typing out stupid, common sense rules? No, I don't, but if I refuse to, staff will get on my case.
    7. No god moding
    8. If you have any questions, please post them below or feel free to contact me.
    9. Be commited
    10. Try to have at least three sentences in a post.

    Tweener/Incomplete sheets:
    Character name:
    Age: (when they died)
    Cause of death:
    Status: (Tweener or Incomplete)
    Special interests:
    Pet peeves:

    Crusher Sheets:
    Character name:
    Age: (how long you have existed)
    Type of non player you like to control:

    Username: V@nit@s
    Character name: Alexander Nox
    Age: 18
    Cause of death: shot in the chest
    Status: Incomplete
    Personality: while Alexander is a kind person, he tends to block people, so he tends to come off cold hearted. He isn't loud, and likes to tend to himself
    Biography: The day Alexander died, he was meeting a friend at the library. He grew up an only child and not many people spoke to him. He was in love with his friend because she was the only person he knew that treated him like a human being. Unfortunately, he was caught up in a drive by shooting, dying for no reason and not telling his friend how he really felt.
    Special interests: reading books
    Pet peeves: bright lights
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