The morning began as most Tuesday mornings do; the desire to not wake up and attend school, with summer break looming on the horizon. The twenty something rolled around, the lyrics of Barenaked Ladies blaring from his ipod speakers. As he drove to the light rail train, the sky began to creep slowly awake, the wispy cumulus clouds painting a dark contrast, he could not prepare himself for what that would transpire in mere hours. *** “And that is why the French Revolution had such a strong impact on Derrida’s writing.” The professor’s monotone voice covered the florescent classroom in a blanket of nodding heads. The student’s head lazily bobbed, his eyes staring distantly past the scribble of notes that he had taken in an attempt to fight off the sandman. His mind began to flutter to a world that his imagination had created, piecing together the possible story arc of upcoming chapter, when he felt a pen poke between his shoulder blades. His legs left his control as his entire body spasmed, sending his notebook rocketing to the floor. He quickly covered, acting as though a bug had crawled across his thigh as he annoyingly picked up his book, glancing back as Kalye tried to suppress a rage of laughter. “You are dead after class.” He whispered under his breathe, invoking a mirade of quiet giggles. “I’ve got something to show you after class.” She said, causing him to smile. He now had a reason to not push a letter opener into the professor’s jugular vein. *** “I suppose I should thank you for bringing me out of the war torn Destiny Island.” He joked, wrapping his arm around her waist. “You fall asleep again, and I won’t help you with your paper.” Kalye teased, leading him from the OSH building. “So what is this grand thing you want to show me?” He asked, watching a hoard of students pass discussing light wave fluctuations. She merely smiled, directing him down a stairwell situated besides the snow covered waterfall, towards the towering Social and Behavioral Sciences Building. Built in the late 60’s, the SBS building stood as a large eye soar above the campuses pride and joy: Rice-Eccles Stadium, home to the Running Utes, and resting beyond the southern field goal post, the 2002 Winter Olympic caldron sat extinguished, the mosaic glass panes glistening upon the remaining piles of snow. The two walked down the concrete stairwell, entering the double doors into the SBS building, as the clouds began to grow darker, hinting at another commute storm, and the possibility of more snow. “I hate this building,” he said eying the small impromptu convenience stand at the entrance, an older woman stood by the cash register, humming along to an unknown tune. “Come on, it’s on the 6th floor.” Kalye stated, walking over to the elevator bank. He glanced at the black encrusted doors surrounded by two feet of concrete, then oddly fake mahogany. “Come on, the elevators barely work, my English class last semester sucked trying to get across campus from the 4th floor.” “Kevin said he made a discovery, he thinks that he’s figure out—“ “Why is he playing Frankenstein again?? The last time he tried that he destroyed my brothers X-box.” “I know, but come on. He’s your friend two, you should support him. Besides,” an odd twinkle lit up her aqua eyes, “There’s a great make out spot up there…” “Babe, you had me at hello.” He laughed as the elevator rose shakily, swaying as if in a matter of seconds it would crash to the basement. The doors parted, revealing a stretch of cramped offices with barely enough room to open their respective doors. They walked past a series of small conference rooms where students were studying some collection of graphs and pie charts. Kalye stopped as an odd odor began to grow in intensity, next to a wooden sign hastily constructed. “Warning, experiment in progress. Please do not disturb.” She read, pointing quizzically at a drawing of two rats lying on their back. He shook his head, stepping forward. “I don’t want to know.” As he reached to slowly open the door, they flew out towards him, followed by a man racing past wearing a bleach stained smock and carrying a cage that’s current resident appeared none to happy to be moving. The man rushed down the hallway, reaching a dark office, and threw the cage inside, then quickly locking the door and removing a set of dark goggles. “Kevin…what the HELL was that?!” Chris demanded, his breathe slowly returning to normal. Kevin turned around, an unusually somber expression painted across his face as he slowly removed the smock, revealing a Metroid Prime t-shirt, gray shorts and black flip-flops. “Hi guys, didn’t expect you to actually come...your timing is…hey.” Kalye and Chris glanced at each other before moving towards Kevin, who began to slowly move backwards towards the elevator banks. “Kevin…what did you do?” Chris quietly asked, imagining some sort of test tube liquid currently consuming a hole through each floor. “Umm, nothing just…let’s move this way, it shouldn’t be able to get out…” “What get out?” Kalye asked, turning to stare at the dark, locked office door. From within the office, a series of crashes and the breaking of glass could be heard, followed by a gargling roar. “Umm, you remember when I said that Young Frankenstein was a killer movie? Well…” Chris slowly shook his head, squeezing Kalye’s hand. “What did you do?” he asked again, his voice growing more menacing. “It’s..alive?” Kevin whispered as the prisoner roared again, ramming itself against the door, causing it to flex near the impact, the springs groaning in complaint. The three instinctively raced toward the elevator, jamming the button furiously as it began to slowly creak up from below. The splintering of wood caused each head to turn as the creation began to exit the room. Chris stood in complete uncertainty at what he was seeing. “Kevin…did you—“ “Yes. I reanimated my dead hamster.” He explained nervously as the mummified remains of Fritz the Third clawed its way down the hall, coming towards the trio. From the laboratory, a series of squeals and roars echoed down the hall, causing him to push the button faster, “and ten others…” As the elevator doors slowly parted, Kalye and Kevin rushed in, Chris stared in fear as an army of undead hamsters charged toward him. Leaping inside, the doors began to close on the approaching death, but not before one crossed the invisible barrier, springing the doors open again. Kalye’s eyes raced across the operating panel and stood in shock. “There’s not a close door button, they have every other freaking button on here but the damn door close!!” As she said this, a calico hamster leapt, its vacant eyes locked on her throat. Chris unleashed his Italian textbook, solidly colliding with the zombie. The attacks continued unrelenting, as Kevin and Chris began to throw a collection of pens at the hamsters before one leapt high, it’s body becoming lost in the overhead florescent lights, and coming down on Kevin’s head, impaling it’s small teeth deep into his neck, unleashing a torrent of blood. Kalye screamed as Kevin fell to the elevator floor, being consumed by the experiments. Chris grabbed her hand, yanking her from the elevator, and running toward the stairwell. Floor by floor past as the two never glanced back, but heard the screams of other victims as the stairwell soon became a flood of students trying to escape. Suddenly, all power dissolved as the students rushed for the exit, and watching as the security gates lowered on the outside, locking them inside. Chris and Kalye stood amongst the throng of confused students, wondering if they would survive to tell the tale…
Awesome! Totally worthy of Le bumptauge! *Bumps to the first page* But is this the only thing you're going to write of it? T.T