The Essece of Darkness

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Dmaster, Jan 29, 2009.

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  1. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~
    The Essence of Darkness
    The Other Side


    May 29th, Overview of last news cast​

    On the year 2015, a series of unexplained explosions took the world by storm, causng massive damage to northern amerca and China. In the preceeding years, many assumptions were made about this, one that it was terrorists, others that it was an attack by a bordering company, however none of these were even proven.

    Now in the current day of 2025, the bombing is at it's worse, leaving Australia completely decimated, alongside several other bordering countries.

    Among the issue of the bombing, Japan's supply system has died, many citizens falling to this lack of food, while a new disease has shown itself, killing the host within 51 hours of containing it.

    During this time, multiple residents of Northern and Southern America have been dying of at an alarmingly increassing rate, with one recent bombing killing the scientist Cole Prior, and his adoptive son, Cian Prior.

    June 2nd, Eastern District Library​

    The story didn't end there.
    Soon afterwards, Cian and Cole found themselves sinking inside of a black ocean, which now envelopes this side of the world. Noticing the never-ending black clouds, they went looking for shelter, so as to nurse their alreay poor forms.
    During this time, however, they met a sage of this planet,

    Ok, that was rather long and... different, for an RP story, but it was originally a piece i was going to write for fun.

    Anyways, basicaly, the other side stands for the side they go for after the bombing kileld htem, and depending on hw this goes, i'll amke the 'Living Side' later.

    Now, in this other side, everyone has the same basic ability, with only slight alerations. You see, every soul is born with some connection to an element and since we've died, we're more in touch with our soul. So, thereby, once we have learned how, we can gain dominance over said element (The Elements will be listed below).

    Anyways, the story goes that Cian and Cole go searching for the reason of the black sky and sea, and a number of events transpired, but this was only in my original planning, RP's never go the way their meant to, so just try to enjoy yourself and place your character(s) where-ever you may like.



    1. No inapropriate language.
    2. A maximum of 3 OC's please.
    3. Keep all relationships (Straigh or otherwise) PG-13 please.
    4. No Powerplaying/God-modding.
    5. Keep it realistic. eg: If someone is hurt, please be HURT not shot then running around like nothing happened.
    6. Upon registering OC's, please make sure registration contains the word 'apples'
    7. Each OC is allowed but ONE element.

    OC Slip

    Fighting Style:
    Played By:

    Existing OC's:

    Name: Cian Prior
    Age: 17
    Apperance: [​IMG]
    History: Cian was adoped by Cole 6 years ago, after an unfortunate acciden killed his parents. Afterwards the two moved to one of the less public areas of America. Here Cole continue with his research, While Cian went about training himself.
    Personality: Naturally a deppreset, Cian rarely smiles, unless in the presence of either Cole or Trace.
    Element: Darkness
    Fighting Style: Unarmed, Imaginary blade.
    Other: During Cian's stage of training, he discovered he could not fight wit hanything but a blade of some sort. As a consequence, at the start of any small fight, he imagines he is wielding a small blade. A consequence of this is he hs never punched someone, however thanks to his agility and reflexes, he still manages to do damage with his legs.
    Played By: Dmaster

    Name: Cole Prior
    Age: 27
    Apperance: [​IMG]
    History: Cole Prior had quite a life preceeding the events of the bombing, having taken interst in all forms of litterature several years before hand, and was curently in the process of Pubilshing his own serieswhen the bombing took his life. At the of2 however, he found himself with a great knowledge and understanding of the human body and illnesses, trnscending to a scintist shortly aftrwards, and moving Cian and himself away so as to avoid the bombings.
    Personality: The exact counter-measure of his adoptive son, Cole Prior is a natual anti-deppresents, often making rando remarks about pirates or the like.
    Element: Light
    Fighting Style: Unarmed, Single handed.
    Other: Cole has never had to use his left hand in a fight.
    Played By: Destined

    Name: Trace Tenson (The Sage)
    Age: 17
    Apperance: [​IMG]
    History: As a young boy he had a normal life, he was quite smart, and he did what needed to be done, no more and no less. He was always quite the lazy one, and hed usually be the one in class who did his work then took a nap striaght away. He was then killed in the bombing and has now come to the other side and is the known as the "Sage" because of his connection to his elemental power.
    Personality: He's a real joker, he's lazy and quite easy going, but also very quick to aggitate and even quicker to use his element to resolve things.
    Element: Fire
    Fighting Style: Element and knife, single handed element use, single backhanded knife.
    Other: Because of his lack of focus and lazy nature, although he in completely tapped into his element, he isn't always able to use his element to it's full potential, but when he's serious his ability reaches its potential
    Played by: Pielover316

    Name: Lyra Rosentia
    Age: 18
    Apperance: [​IMG]
    History: Straight-A school girl, she always stuck to the rules and kept quiet. She died when she contracted a strange disease, which killed her in 51 hours, and Came to the otherside. Her element matched her living personality, sweet on the outside, but deep and deadly on the inside.
    Personality: Since she died, she's become a opposite of who she once was. She's outgoing, loves to talk, fight and is the first to speak her mind.
    Element: Water
    Fighting Style: Uses basic forms of Karate in fights, but uses a long Katana when in serious situations.
    Other: She gets distracted really easily.
    Played By: SoraNRikuNKairi

    Name: Samantha (Sam) Rose "Stitches"
    Age: 15
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    History: Lived a normal teenager's life. And as she laid dying in her death bed she listened to the sobs of her weeping family members as her vision faded from her and her life dripped away.
    Personality: Just plain weird and random
    Element: Wind
    Fighting Style: Hit/run/live
    Other: She loves writing/drawing on herself and apples
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Misa
    Age: 16
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    History: Misa was raised within the confines of the church, unable to make much contact with the outside world for reasons unknown. However once most of those keeping her in fell ill or died she bolted and never returned.
    Personality: Naturally curious and interested in finding an answer to everything.
    Element: Stone
    Fighting Style: A style loosely based on Capoeira, although she can also wield a very high number of weapons to a very good level.
    Other: Seems to be completely immune to the viruses spreading around the globe as she's never caught any despite a lot of exposure to them.
    Played By: Near-to-Tears

    Name: Maede (Ma-ye-de)
    Age: 13
    Apperance: [​IMG]
    History: Growing up, he was praised as a genious. A high IQ, which was obvious amongst his fellow students. His only problem was cooperation in school, since with most people he would end up taking the lead, even with teachers, having a full understanding of that which was going on around him. He died when he was caught in one of the explosions though.
    Personality: Very lazy, prefers not to do much work, and just does things at his own pace, even if it means that others leave him behind, or vice versa. If he can avoid fighting, then he will, but otherwise, he will do what he must
    Element: Fire
    Fighting Style: He controls magma, and can shape it into weapons. Preferably he can create knives and swords. Knives are used for explosive long distance purposes (which he prefers) while swords are used for close combat, which he is more skilled in if he manipulates the fire correctly
    Played By: deathsight44
  2. pielover316 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 2, 2008
    on the tennis court.
    Name: Trace Tenson

    Age: 17



    History: As a young boy he had a normal life, he was quite smart, and he did what needed to be done, no more and no less. He was always quite the lazy one, and hed usually be the one in class who did his work then took a nap striaght away. He was then killed in the bombing and has now come to the other side and is the known as the "Sage" because of his connection to his elemental power.

    Personality: He's a real joker, he's lazy and quite easy going, but also very quick to aggitate and even quicker to use his element to resolve things.

    Element: Fire

    Fighting Style: Element and knife, single handed element use, single backhanded knife.

    Other: Because of his lack of focus and lazy nature, although he in completely tapped into his element, he isn't always able to use his element to it's full potential, but when he's serious his ability reaches its potential

    Played by: Pielover316

  3. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~
    Accepted, i guess.
  4. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Cole shall be taken by me.
  5. SoraNRikuNkairi Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 7, 2007
    Just don't turn around, and you won't know (:
    Name: Lyra Rosentia
    Age: 18
    Apperance: [​IMG]
    History: Straight-A school girl, she always stuck to the rules and kept quiet. She died when she contracted a strange disease, which killed her in 51 hours, and Came to the otherside. Her element matched her living personality, sweet on the outside, but deep and deadly on the inside.
    Personality: Since she died, she's become a opposite of who she once was. She's outgoing, loves to talk, fight and is the first to speak her mind.
    Element: Water
    Fighting Style: Uses basic forms of Karate in fights, but uses a long Katana when in serious situations.
    Other: She gets distracted really easily.
    Played By: SoranRikuKairi

  6. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~
    ooc: Ok, in! ^-^

    now it's up to you's when we start i guess...
  7. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    You typed appearance wrong.

    Name: Samantha (Sam) Rose "Stitches"
    Age: 15
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    History: Lived a normal teenager's life. And as she laid dying in her death bed she listened to the sobs of her weeping family members as her vision faded from her and her life dripped away.
    Personality: Just plain weird and random
    Element: Wind
    Fighting Style: Hit/run/live
    Other: She loves writing/drawing on herself and apples
    Played By: Random Angel

    Rose is actually my grandpa's last name =D
  8. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~
    in, and i did too O.o
  9. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    Name: Misa
    Age: 16
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    History: Misa was raised within the confines of the church, unable to make much contact with the outside world for reasons unknown. However once most of those keeping her in fell ill or died she bolted and never returned.
    Personality: Naturally curious and interested in finding an answer to everything.
    Element: Stone
    Fighting Style: A style loosely based on Capoeira, although she can also wield a very high number of weapons to a very good level.
    Other: Seems to be completely immune to the viruses spreading around the globe as she's never caught any despite a lot of exposure to them.
    Played By: Near-to-Tears

  10. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~
    Hey Dem-Dem.

  11. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Name: Maede (Ma-ye-de)
    Age: 13
    Apperance: [​IMG]
    History: Growing up, he was praised as a genious. A high IQ, which was obvious amongst his fellow students. His only problem was cooperation in school, since with most people he would end up taking the lead, even with teachers, having a full understanding of that which was going on around him. He died when he was caught in one of the explosions though.
    Personality: Very lazy, prefers not to do much work, and just does things at his own pace, even if it means that others leave him behind, or vice versa. If he can avoid fighting, then he will, but otherwise, he will do what he must
    Element: Fire
    Fighting Style: He controls magma, and can shape it into weapons. Preferably he can create knives and swords. Knives are used for explosive long distance purposes (which he prefers) while swords are used for close combat, which he is more skilled in if he manipulates the fire correctly
    Played By: deathsight44

    ((Been a long time dude. hope this bio is ok. Ik its a young kid but I'm pretty sure that I have a way to explain any good fighting he might end up doing. There was a reason why I put in the genious part))
  12. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~

    You forgot something but since i know you, i'lllet you in this one time, deal?
  13. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ((Dang. I finally start making sure to read the rules and this is the one thread that I 4got to read. "Apples". Sorry, and thanks for accepting me. Didnt mean any offense by not reading them, lol))
  14. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~
    OOC: It's fine.
  15. pielover316 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 2, 2008
    on the tennis court.
    OOC: ok then, i guess i can start this now.

    Opening the door to the Prior's bedroom quietly so i wouldnt wake them. "Now for a 5am wake up call courtousy of the elements" i wispered to myself. Creeping up to Cian's bed and with a flick of the wrist, lighting the bedside lamp on fire, I yell at the top of my voice "WAKEY WAKEY CIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  16. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~
    Cian sighed scratching his head as he queitly walked back to his room, queitly ponderng where his prey had disappeared to this early in the morning, when he heard Trace's voice bellowing from down the hallway.

    Charging down, he couldn't help but notice the red-ish glow splaying out form his and his adoptive-father's door, and within a second he knew that both he and Trace had, had the same smart idea to wake each-other up.
  17. pielover316 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 2, 2008
    on the tennis court.
    Staring at an empty bed i realised my plan had failed. With another flick of my wrist i withdrew the fire that was begining to engulf the bedside table. "Where the hell would Cian be at this time in the morning." I murmured to myself as i opened the door to let myself back out of the Prior's room. "Getting up this early was such a drag, and now i didn't even get anything out of it. Im going back to bed." I continue murmuring to myself as i go to close the door behind me.
  18. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~
    "Excuse me." Cian stated bluntly as Trace walked by him, his arms crossed. "Did you just light by bedside table on fire?"
  19. pielover316 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 2, 2008
    on the tennis court.
    Breaking my train of thought, i realised i had walked straight past Cian. Taking my hands out of my pockets in order to make the usual hand gestures i make while explaining things. "No, i didnt set your table on fire." I begin to explain. "I lit your lamp on fire, which then that flame engulfed most of your table." Turning as i finished my sentence to return to bed, hoping that Cian would not regester what i had said before i made it around the corner and out of sight.
  20. Dmaster Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 22, 2007
    In mah imagination~
    Cian shrugged, turning away from Trace's distancing image as he queitly walked down the hallway to a small porch they had. It was queit this time in the morning, and that was definetly something to be happy for.
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