The entirety of the second half of season 7 in one skype chat

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Aelin, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    [9:21:43 PM] The Doctor: You think it's funny to hit Impossible Girls?
    [9:22:13 PM] Clara Oswald: *weeping* I just don't know why he hit me.
    [9:22:19 PM] The Doctor: Sh
    [9:22:25 PM] The Doctor: B(
    [9:22:50 PM] River Song: I know it is okay. Sit lets have some tea
    [9:23:07 PM] Clara Oswald: Okay.
    [9:23:29 PM] River Song: *makes Tea* I assume the doctor has talked about me
    [9:24:24 PM] Clara Oswald: Oh, um, yea all the time. He goes on and on about you.
    [9:24:36 PM] River Song: really now?
    [9:24:47 PM] Clara Oswald: N-no . . . not really, sorry.
    [9:24:58 PM] The Doctor: The Doctor comes in
    [9:25:02 PM] River Song: No it isn't a bad thing
    [9:25:13 PM] The Doctor: Okay, well, I seem to have scared him off
    [9:25:16 PM] The Doctor: Ooh, tea
    [9:25:33 PM] Clara Oswald: So, what exactly is your relationship?
    [9:25:43 PM] River Song: Here you go sweetie *hands him her cup and grbs wine*
    [9:26:10 PM] Clara Oswald: *takes the cup* Thank you.
    [9:26:27 PM] River Song: *looks at the doctor* :^)
    [9:26:30 PM] The Doctor: ...Clara that was for me B(
    [9:27:08 PM] River Song: I will get you another one sweetie
    [9:33:34 PM] Clara Oswald: Clara Oswald cries a bit at the thought.
    [9:33:35 PM] The Doctor: Well I'm retired
    [9:33:41 PM] The Doctor: I'm retired
    [9:33:49 PM] The Doctor: So I don't care anymore
    [9:33:50 PM] The Doctor: B(
    [9:33:54 PM] The Doctor: The Doctor is grumpy
    [9:33:54 PM] Clara Oswald: D-Doctor?
    [9:34:02 PM] River Song: Come on sweetie
    [9:34:05 PM] River Song: lighten up
    [9:34:09 PM] The Doctor: B(
    [9:34:35 PM] The Doctor: I'm going back to my cloud...
    [9:34:42 PM] Clara Oswald: You can't retire. The world needs a Doctor to heal its ugly wounds.
    [9:34:47 PM] The Doctor: I
    [9:34:53 PM] The Doctor: Am going back
    [9:34:53 PM] The Doctor: To my cloud
    [9:34:58 PM] The Doctor: B(
    [9:34:58 PM] Clara Oswald: . . .
    [9:35:02 PM] Clara Oswald: Pond
    [9:35:04 PM] River Song: No
    [9:35:13 PM] River Song: *follows*
    [9:35:19 PM] River Song: What is the matter with you!
    [9:35:20 PM] The Doctor: And don't you even- ...
    [9:35:23 PM] River Song: Listen to me!
    [9:35:26 PM] The Doctor: Did you say Pond?
    [9:35:29 PM] The Doctor: ...
    [9:35:32 PM] Clara Oswald: Y-yeah.
    [9:35:38 PM] The Doctor: .______.
    [9:35:48 PM] The Doctor: Alright fine. I'll... Look
    [9:35:53 PM] The Doctor: It's not investigating
    [9:35:59 PM] The Doctor: B(
    [9:36:04 PM] River Song: Thats my doctor
    [9:36:05 PM] River Song: sorta
    [9:36:09 PM] Clara Oswald: Sure, okay.
    [9:36:15 PM] The Doctor: >.>
    [9:36:23 PM] The Doctor: The Doctor walks to the Pond
    [9:36:23 PM] The Doctor: Hmm...
    [9:36:36 PM] Clara Oswald: It's been scaring the children.
    [9:36:55 PM] Clara Oswald: Clara Oswald walks up a little behind The Doctor.
    [9:37:03 PM] The Doctor: What did they say was in there?
    [9:37:16 PM] River Song: River Song standing back and watching thinking no one can see her
    [9:37:31 PM] Clara Oswald: An ice woman, I think.
    [9:37:43 PM] The Doctor: A nice woman?
    [9:37:44 PM] The Doctor: B(
    [9:37:54 PM] Clara Oswald: Clara Oswald giggles.
    [9:37:58 PM] Clara Oswald: An ice woman.
    [9:38:03 PM] Clara Oswald: ICE
    [9:38:04 PM] The Doctor: Oh >.>
    [9:38:14 PM] The Doctor: Of course >.>
    [9:38:36 PM] River Song: *to Clara* the mental link is still open so you can see me but no one else can
    [9:39:19 PM] Clara Oswald: What am I supposed to do then *@River*
    [9:40:13 PM] The Doctor: ...I'm going back to my cloud...
    [9:40:13 PM] River Song: Give him a reason to help. Something that catches his interest
    [9:40:30 PM] The Doctor: The Doctor grumbles and walks off
    [9:40:38 PM] Clara Oswald: W-wait!!
    [9:40:39 PM] Clara Oswald: . . .
    [9:40:53 PM] The Doctor: What? >.>
    [9:40:59 PM] River Song: Doctor No. Please... *goes up to slap him* What are you doing
    [9:41:06 PM] The Doctor: The Doctor catches hand
    [9:41:10 PM] The Doctor: Don't
    [9:41:10 PM] The Doctor: You
    [9:41:11 PM | Edited 9:41:16 PM] The Doctor: Dare
    [9:41:19 PM] The Doctor: B(
    [9:41:25 PM] River Song: B-but how
    [9:41:30 PM] River Song: you aren't suppose to see me
    [9:41:40 PM] The Doctor: I can ALWAYS see you B(
    [9:41:52 PM] River Song: Then why haven't you talked to me!
    [9:42:09 PM] The Doctor: ...I thought it would hurt too much.
    [9:42:25 PM] River Song: I think I could deal with it
    [9:42:31 PM] The Doctor: No.
    [9:42:39 PM | Edited 9:42:41 PM] The Doctor: I thought it would hurt ME too much.
    [9:42:50 PM] River Song: oh...
    [9:42:59 PM] Clara Oswald: Clara Oswald is lost in The Doctors time line.
    [9:43:07 PM] The Doctor: ...
    [9:43:14 PM] The Doctor: Where's Clara?
    [9:43:27 PM] River Song: in your timeline >.>
    [9:43:34 PM] The Doctor: ._.
    [9:43:43 PM] The Doctor: DAMN IT THAT GIRL!
    [9:43:46 PM] The Doctor: The Doctor dashes off
    [9:43:48 PM] The Doctor: The Doctor stops
    [9:43:53 PM] The Doctor: Before I go
    [9:43:54 PM] The Doctor: Wait
    [9:43:56 PM] River Song: But there has to be another way to get her back
    [9:43:59 PM] The Doctor: The Doctor kisses River
    [9:44:08 PM] River Song: River Song kisses him back
    [9:44:27 PM] The Doctor: Now
    [9:44:32 PM] The Doctor: I go
    [9:44:35 PM] The Doctor: Wait
    [9:44:38 PM] The Doctor: No one else can see you
    [9:44:46 PM] The Doctor: God knows how that looked .-.
    [9:44:52 PM] The Doctor: <.<
    [9:44:54 PM] The Doctor: >.>
    [9:44:56 PM] River Song: >.<
    [9:45:14 PM] The Doctor: Anyway, I hate goodbyes
    [9:45:21 PM] River Song: But there has to be another way. Use the TARDIS or something
    [9:45:39 PM | Edited 9:45:39 PM] The Doctor: No. This is the only way.
    [9:45:47 PM] The Doctor: B(
    [9:46:06 PM] River Song: Then say goodbye the only way I will accept
    [9:46:13 PM] The Doctor: Oh?
    [9:46:29 PM] River Song: Like I will see you again
    [9:46:37 PM] The Doctor: Well then.
    [9:46:51 PM] The Doctor: Until next time Professor River Song.
    [9:47:03 PM] River Song: Until next time Doctor
    [9:47:34 PM] The Doctor: Don't wait up c:
    [9:47:47 PM] The Doctor: The Doctor removes too hat and gets different coat
    [9:47:54 PM] River Song: goodbye sweetie
    [DOUBLEPOST=1371704044][/DOUBLEPOST]Of doctor who. I forgot to add that to the title >.>
  2. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    This was so accurate its not even ****ing funny at all.
  3. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    This is easily one of the greatest summations I've ever seen.
  4. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Came in expecting something like Supernatural

  5. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA

    Could probably do Supernatural, except I missed half of season 7 and everything after >.> Stupid TV not telling me it was back on.