The Darkest Castle

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Xert, Jan 10, 2008.

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  1. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    A Castle of black stone, graudgoyes every where. The moon is black absorbing light. The river besides the castle flows with blood. The ground around the castle... NO there is no ground only the dead bodies of the dead enemies to the lord of the castle. Iside the catle lies many creachers that feast on hearts. Rumored to still be beating as they ate them. The lord of the castle is crul and evil. But to his invited guest he is a gentalmen. He posins the minds of his guest so that they are loyal to him. He then reliaes them back into the world to do his biding. Many kingdoms and goverments have fallen beause of the castle's lord. Some say that he isn't human, that he is a demon dressed in black armor. Others say he is the devil himself. Many have tryed to march to the dark castle. But no army is ever seen again that dare march into that cured land. They say the lord canot be harmed by wepons. He knowns no pain. But he loves to cause it. If he ever captures you istead of killing you he will torchur you beyond even the worst pain. He goes into your mind and shows you your worst fears. In the end you will beg for death. So do you dare enter that cured land?

    -Private James Wood only known seriver of the 5th army died 5 days after being found.

    The people have always feard this dark lord but could never do any thing about it. No army ever marched into those cured lands ever lived. People thought that the only way to servive was to surrender to this Lord and almost all have except the Empire of Twilight and the Light Republic.

    Affitonal info:

    Locations: the Twilight Empire is on a large cotanit at the center of the world the main castle lays at (0,0). it has one main outer wall 100 feet thick and 200 feet high. and sevral smaller walls inside.
    The Dark lands and the Light rebublic are on the same contanit but are divided by the Red river which in the dark land is nothing but blood. The Dark castle also has many gaurd stachus of diffrent creaches with eyes made of gems.

    About the contries: The forest monks spealize in herbs, medicen and other plant based creations. Because of religous belifes the only wepon they can use is a sword. They side with the Dark Lord because he donates much to them.
    The Thunder Trading Company isn't on anyones side but they know that sevral of the Dark Lord's agents could destroy there trade system. But don't like him because they aren't aloud to trade the world famous Rockets (fire works) to anyone except other people in the Dark Lands

    Contry relations: The Fire Tribes and the Water Kingdom don't like each other due to many wars between the two.
    The Free people of the Ice don't like the Thunder trading company because they (thunder can make there inveshons better than they (ice) can.

    Races: the dark lords creachers are basicly people with diffrent colord skin twons, horns, tails and (optinal) bat wings.
    Elfs and dwarves don't like each other for some reason.

    Contry of orgin: because I want more diverce charaters now there are diffrent lands: The Fire tribes, water kingdom, light rebuplic, Thunder trading company, The Free people of the Ice, Earth (under dictatorship), The forest monks, the Dark Lands (rules over all in frount of this) the wind folowers (religous cult), And the Twilight Empire.

    NO god moding
    guns singal shot pistals muskets and cannons (only for the people on the Dark Lord side sorry to every one elce)
    no mechines unless I aprove
    no cannons... yet
    you may have Rockets (fireworks)
    no killing charaters without permission of the player
    PG-13 every thing except words Exaple F*ck
    To be a Dark Lord's chreacher you must be on the Dark Lords side (duh)
    Have fun
    OC sheet:

    Your user name:
    Age(must be above 16 at the least):
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect):
    Wepon (if any):
    Powers (if any):
    Contry of orgin (you must have one):
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect):
    Bio/ history:

    Light Reblic side:

    Your user name: Xert
    Name: Grand consulman Lux (dead killed by Erin)
    Age(must be above 16 at the least): 43
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): head of the Reblic
    Wepon (if any): none
    Powers (if any): none
    Side (you must have one): Light's rebublic
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): Elf
    Aperance: Graying hair talk hawk like face and blue eyes
    Bio/ history: he is in his 5th term
    Other: none

    our user name: #1 DinestyX
    Name: Erin (dead excuted for murder)
    Age(must be above 16 at the least): 18
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): farmer
    Wepon (if any): sword
    Powers (if any): invisubility
    Side (you must have one): light
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): human
    Bio/ history: orphan

    Your user name: #1 DinestyX
    Name: Anna
    Age(must be above 16 at the least): 16
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): baker
    Wepon (if any): bow and arow
    Powers (if any): flying and light powers
    Side (you must have one): light
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): human fairy hath breed
    Bio/ history: orphan
    Other: she tends to get made fun of because of he being a halth breed
    Other: he has a pupy named Bud

    Your user name: Luna561
    Name: Alex
    Age(must be above 16 at the least): 17
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): she will defend her home town with her life. she doesn't work.
    Wepon (if any): sword
    Powers (if any): twilight, dark
    Side (you must have one): good
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): human
    Aperance: [​IMG]
    Bio/ history: she defented many evil people trying to tale the town.
    Other: none

    Your user name:leon47
    Age(must be above 16 at the least):29
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect):Knight
    Wepon (if any):Crystal long Sword
    Powers (if any):Crystals
    Side (you must have one):Light republic
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect):Elf
    Aperance:Silver armor blond Hair Green eyes
    Bio/ history:Will be reveld in the Story

    Dark Lands:

    Your user name: Xert
    Name: Dark lord
    Age(must be above 16 at the least): belived to be in his 30
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): Rules over most the world
    Wepon (if any): two black swords
    Powers (if any): darkness
    Side (you must have one): the Dark lords
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): unknown
    Aperance: he wheres black armor and has purple eyes and white hair
    Bio/ history: no one knows how he came to power but he did it in one foul swope
    Other: none

    Your user name: Xert
    Name: nox
    Age(must be above 16 at the least): 17
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): priznor
    Wepon (if any): none
    Powers (if any): recntly discoverd Fire and telekanis
    Side (you must have one): The Dark lords (for now
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): human
    Aperance: He has lots of scars blue hair and green eyes
    Bio/ history: son of the Dark Lord the Dark Lord killed his mother in frount of him when he was 10 his father calls him a mistake and he has ben torcherd by his father all his life
    Other: none

    Your user name:leon47
    Age(must be above 16 at the least):40
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect)ark lords Pet
    Wepon (if any):Claws
    Powers (if any): Chaos
    Side (you must have one): the Dark lords
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): Dark lords Creachers
    Bio/ history:He has hunted and killed any the Dark lord Sends him after now he has awakened after a long Sleep to Serf his master again

    User name: tammylita
    Name: Tara
    Age(must be above 16 at the least): 17
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): in the military
    Wepon (if any): handgun and a sword
    Powers (if any): can move the earth
    Side (you must have one): Good
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): human
    Aperance: long blond hair, green eyes, kind of badass looking with combat boots and leather gloves...yeah...
    Bio/ history: no one knows where she came from exactly but it's far away. apparently she was banished because she was accused of a crime she didn't commit.
    Other: nope

    User Name: Wacko
    Name: Niko
    Job at home: kind of a caretaker at the orphanage
    Weapon: Bow
    Powers: hmmm... Don't think so.
    Appearance: About Myra's height, Spikey black hair, yellow eyes
    Bio/ history: Orphan, but half way raised Myra when she was younger
    Other: Slightly carefree, but knows when to get serious. Fairly cocky.

    Twilight Empire side:

    Name: Angel
    Age(must be above 16 at the least): 16
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): solger
    Wepon (if any): sword
    Powers (if any): light and fire
    Contry of orgin (you must have one): twilight
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): human
    Aperance: [​IMG]
    Bio/ history: she lost her family along time ago
    Other: n/a

    Your user name: hiddenkeyblade3
    Name: Keishou (japanese for title of honor)
    Age(must be above 16 at the least): 19
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): he defends himself at his home. he has no time to work
    Weapon (if any): Broadsword
    Powers (if any): Lightning
    Side (you must have one): Twilight
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): Human
    Aperance: [​IMG]
    Bio/ history: Keishou was separated from his best friend years ago. His friend was the one keeping him tied to the light. Half of him has become darkness. His mind is part light, part darkness.
    Other: he has a small illness.

    Ohh, I want join!
    Name: Myra
    Age: 18
    Job at home:
    Wepon: sword
    Powers: shapeshift
    Side: Twilight
    Race: human
    Aperance: look a sig
    Bio/ history: orphan; abandoned actaully.

    Your user name:sora117
    Age(must be above 16 at the least):16
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect):none
    Wepon (if any):sword and a hidden bow
    Powers (if any)ower to teleport and to move FAST
    Contry of orgin (you must have one):twighlight
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect):human
    Aperance: red smooth hair and a blue cloak a he wears that covers his body
    Bio/ history:he was found about 30 feet away from johnand was same age
    Othernly pewrson eh knows is john

    Earth (under dictator ship):

    Your user name: Xert
    Name: Ryan
    Age(must be above 16 at the least): 24
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): gambler
    Wepon (if any): a small dagger
    Powers (if any): fire
    Contry of orgin (you must have one): Earth
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): Drawf
    Aperance: black hair orange eyes
    Bio/ history: left the Earth when it became a dictator ship he is realy care free

    Free People of the Ice:

    Your user name:sora117
    Age(must be above 16 at the least):16
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect):farmer
    Wepon (if any):bow,2 swords
    Powers (if any):ability to read minds and teleport and control dragon wild dragon that protected him
    Contry of orgin (you must have one):ice
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect):humans
    Aperance:red smooth hair, black cloak that covers entire body
    Bio/ history:found in fetal postion in ice snow bank being gaurded by dragon
    Other:cant make friends easily cause dosent talk much
  2. #1 DinestyX Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 4, 2007
    Castle in the World That Never Was
    Your user name: #1 DinestyX
    Name: Erin
    Age(must be above 16 at the least): 18
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): farmer
    Wepon (if any): sword
    Powers (if any): invisubility
    Side (you must have one): light
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): human
    Bio/ history: orphan

    Your user name: #1 DinestyX
    Name: Anna
    Age(must be above 16 at the least): 16
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): baker
    Wepon (if any): bow and arow
    Powers (if any): flying and light powers
    Side (you must have one): light
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): human fairy hath breed
    Bio/ history: orphan
    Other: she tends to get made fun of because of he being a halth breed
    Other: he has a pupy named Bud
  3. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
  4. #1 DinestyX Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 4, 2007
    Castle in the World That Never Was
    ooc: yeah! tyvm!
  5. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Can you help me find more people?
  6. #1 DinestyX Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 4, 2007
    Castle in the World That Never Was
    ooc: ok I'll try
  7. KATACHI IS KING!! Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 18, 2007
    in your kitchen, eating all of your food XP
    can i join?

    Your user name: hiddenkeyblade3
    Name: Keishou (japanese for title of honor)
    Age(must be above 16 at the least): 19
    Job at home (farmer, banker solger ect): he defends himself at his home. he has no time to work
    Weapon (if any): Broadsword
    Powers (if any): Lightning
    Side (you must have one): Twilight
    Race (human, orcs, elves dark lord's creachers ect): Human
    Aperance: [​IMG]
    Bio/ history: Keishou was separated from his best friend years ago. His friend was the one keeping him tied to the light. Half of him has become darkness. His mind is part light, part darkness.
    Other: he has a small illness.

    and (japanese for title of honor) is not part of his name
  8. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    I like this guy sure your in
  9. KATACHI IS KING!! Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 18, 2007
    in your kitchen, eating all of your food XP
    YAY!! Rping is fun. I'll get more members
  10. Wacko Twilight Town Denizen

    Ohh, I want join!
    Name: Myra
    Age: 18
    Job at home:
    Wepon: sword
    Powers: shapeshift
    Side: Twilight
    Race: human
    Aperance: (I got lazy...) [​IMG]
    Bio/ history: orphan; abandoned actaully.
  11. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    ooc i would like to be in this rp, but i am not sure about these things^(marked in red are the things i questin)
  12. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Wacko your in. ZC guns might come in later in the game as a new wepon because time and scince evloves you can't kill other players without permission the dark lord is evrl so he will kill you when he feels like it I don't get whats wrong with the races though
  13. Wacko Twilight Town Denizen

    Oh, thanks! Uh, zc thinks that his characters an elf, and they'd kinda have to be evil and stuff. And he doesn't want his character to be evil so it'd get killed.
  14. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    oh alright I think I'll make some small chages
  15. cloud's buddy Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 10, 2007
  16. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    Cloud's buddy there are 2 "good" sides Twilight Empire and Light Reblic and you forgot his job
  17. KATACHI IS KING!! Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 18, 2007
    in your kitchen, eating all of your food XP
    OOC: is there enough to start?
  18. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    OC: Ya plenty

    BIC: The Dark Lord's forces of orcs gatherd out side the borders of the Light Rebublic. They were reading there rockets and poising the tips of there swords and arrows. They were preparing for there Attack.
  19. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    i know i can't kill players without permission, i was pointing out that we can't do that but for some reason you can. gugughgh

    come later in the game sounds fine i guess, cause back-pack is a part of ZC's charecter, no guns no back-pack. no back-pack no ZC.
    also you made it sound like all elves had to be with the dark lord, and i ain't going to risk my charecter.
  20. Xert Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 5, 2007
    OC: no ZC if there are guns they will be single shot pistols and muskets. nothing fancey. if you want ZC my I sugest that you have a talking magic back pack duel swords and teleconises and elfs are split up not just with the dark lords you can be part of the light or the twilight and be an elf. The dark lords creachers don't come out till later
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