Video The Darkandroid Collection: The Video

Discussion in 'Production Studio' started by Darkandroid, Oct 21, 2006.

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  1. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006

    This is pretty much a montage of some of my FM/AMV's I have made over my time of video editting, I used all the ones i had on my harddrive. It was a shame i wasn't able to get my first 3 FM's because they were in my old computer which is long gone now, but you can experience the other 7.

    I realised that alot of them are Kingdom Hearts (4/7 XD) The reason for so many this because back in April, May time i was obbessed with Kingdom Hearts (big time) and with KH-Vids having all the cutscenes for both games, I got back into video editting and made a few KH videos for contests etc.

    But anyway enjoy,

    To view the full versions and see my other videos go to -
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