The Dark Spiral: Destroy to Rebuild

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jordan Sabath, Oct 25, 2009.

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  1. Jordan Sabath Moogle Assistant

    Oct 23, 2009
    You don't want to know
    "All worlds began in darkness, and all so end. The heart is no different, darkness sprouts within it, it grows, consumes it, such is its nature. In the end, every heart return to the darkness whence it came. You see, Darkness is the Heart's true essence." ~Xehanort

    There had been many legends depicting a polytheistic religion long since dead. Some of which they believed is true, some of which even those who worshiped it questioned. There existed so many figures of legend, that the people started to forget them all, and eventually making it die out.

    But mark these words, One of those legends is about to come to life.

    It's been two years since the fall of the Organization. The heartless still exists, and are still doing damage on the worlds. For even if they can't enter and devour the hearts of the worlds, they could still swallow the hearts of their inhabitants.

    Because there are Heartless, so too, are there nobodies. These empty shells, destined to fade back into the dark, are not as much a threat as the were when they had their leaders, but as more of them form from the heartless' devouring of their hearts, eventually, it's possible another group would rise in the place of those lost.

    Luckily, Disney Castle, thanks to the cornerstone of light, have prevented the heartless from entering it. But the King knows something must be done, and with Donald and Goofy, he's trying to figure out what action to take.

    On Destiny Islands, it would appear no heartless has entered yet. Either that, or they were annihilated by the three keyblade wielders, Sora, Riku, and Kairi, before they could do any real damage, either way, it was peaceful there. However, with the lack of a Gummi Ship, they couldn't know what's happening outside their world, only protect it.

    Something however, is about to stir within this universe, as a black hole forms away from the universe where these worlds are. 4 light shot out and scattered across the universe, and land on the worlds, every world they've landed on disappeared after a short while, despite the keyhole being locked. To make things worse, the black hole is getting bigger and bigger as time passes. Much like the end of the world, a planet is slowly forming in the black hole as each world disappears. Whether or not this is from the heartless is still unconfirmed. But they now head for 4 very important worlds to destroy. Radiant Garden, Twilight Town, Disney Castle, Destiny Islands...But with destroyers, come saviors, as 4 others begin their travel to these worlds, to protect it from the 4 destroyers, as well as the Heartless and the Nobodies.

    Meanwhile, a new group watches these events from the shadows, planning their next move in a world stained with as much blood as stained by their leader.

    Who will join the fight, as the gateway to chaos opens? It's up to them.

    The rules are basic:
    1. No God-modding is allowed- If you ignore my warnings about this, I will destroy your characters and kick you out. God-modding includes making you're character so he cant die or even be hit, and making him all-powerful with absolutely no weaknesses. Oh, and ALWAYS hitting the characters.
    2. No Flaming- This I tolerate even less, If there's a fight between members here that are off-topic, I will kick both of the main fuse-lighters out.
    3. No Puppeteering, Power-play, etc.- ....Do I even have to explain this? Don't control other people's characters without permission, I don't care if the action is small enough to just move it a step back, if you're going to control, or even kill someone, ask them permission first.
    4. Violene can be PG-13, or even R, though it would be rare. But the Romance is kept to a PG please. Let's not go and traumatize the kids of this place.
    5. No huge sub-plots- This is kind of a new one, as the last RP I made their were two people (Not saying any names) who decided to go off the main plot for the rivalry of their characters. ...This is annoying, and a distraction off the main plot, If I catch it, I'll warn you not to do it. Now don't get me wrong, the small rivalry's between characters are fine by me, just don't overdo it.
    6. No Spotlight Stealing- For those who don't know, this is where someone kills the main antagonist/protagonist, and take their status.....I don't think so. The Main Antagonist should stay the Main Antagonist. No one likes killing the main antagonist only to find another fight they have to do that's just out of nowhere. (An Example: Necron from FFIX, or Zemus/Zeromus from FFIV.) Should anyone try to kill either one of the main characters here before the fight's over, they will be denied that chance. They can fight them, and for the Protagonist, (Sora, Riku, Kairi, and the 4 saviors) even defeat them, but when it comes to fighting the Antagonists....Just don't expect them to be killed until later.
    7. Dead people- We're making this at least a little logical. No people from the previous games who died, or isn't coming back, "Roxas and Namine", aren't going to be in this, so don't ask me if you can join with them, I'll just say no.
    8. Please make sense- I never liked random turns, and I never will, because it eventually goes into breaking rule number 5. I'm OK with a little comic relief here and there, but just...don't push it across the lines of pure random anarchy. That also means no 4th wall breaking.

    Sora- Alpha Sonix
    Riku- Keybladewarrioroflegends
    Kairi- The True Key
    King Mickey- leon47
    Queen Minnie-
    Cloud- The Joker
    Sephiroth- The Joker
    Maleficent- Alpha Sonix
    Any other Disney character- (Just tell me who you want, and I'll add it to the list.)
    Genie- TheDeadGuy
    Hades- leon47
    Jack Sparrow- Keybladewarrioroflegend

    Species: (Somebody, Heartless, Nobody)
    Side: (Good, Evil, Neutral)
    Alliance: (4 kings (Saviors), 4 horsemen (Destroyers), The Neo Organization, Crimson Abyss, or none)
    Brief history:

    Name: Jordan
    Age: Look physically about 19
    Gender: Male
    Species: Somebody
    Weapon: A sword a pure light, The "King's Sword".
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Side: Good
    Alliance: 4 kings
    Personality: If there's anything to describe Jordan, it's optimistic and happy. There always smile on his face, need it be small, huge, or a smirk in the face face of death. But inside that smile is a presence which even his brothers seem to fear. His true nature comes when his leadership is needed, he generally like to contemplate a good plan or decision during a battle, focusing on all aspects of it.
    Brief history: One of the 5 Kings said said in their dead religion to be the saviors of existence from the hands of evil. Jordan is the King of Light, and is the oldest and strongest of the 5 kings. Created by his father, as a means to create a son, Jordan was chosen for his fate by the core seed of a being known only as "Paragon". One of five who, when fused together, would resurrect him. As a child, he looked after his brothers as they were growing up, and taught himself the ways of fighting, which he then passed on to his brothers when they became the age where they would stop aging. He now leads his brothers to fight against threats not just to the universe, but threats that could possibly become a plague to all that exists.

    Name: Karoku
    Age: Physically 26
    Gender: Male
    Species: Somebody
    Weapon: A sword of pure darkness, a white glove (What does it do? You'll see later on.)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Side: Neutral
    Alliance: 4 kings
    Personality: The polar opposite of Jordan. Karoku is an extreme realist, who is cold and silent to practically everyone, even his brothers.
    Brief history: Karoku is known as the "King of Darkness", not necessarily related to the heartless however. Like Jordan, Karoku was also chosen to be one of the kings, along with the others. However, for unknown reasons, Karoku was embedded with an evil influence upon his creation. Their father, Damion, thought of this as a failure, and rejected him. Blind with jealousy throughout his life, he lived alone, not afraid to kill anyone that just denied him of what he want. As he grew, he formed an army, and challenged his brothers for the sake of proving they should have been the ones to be rejected. Despite the efforts he failed and was defeated. When he tried to rise back up, his army began to revolt, turning against him for his weaknesses. His brothers helped him fight them back, despite what happened in the past, and when they fought together, Karoku felt stronger then he did before, and came upon a revelation: To gain more power, to defeat anyone in the way, he'll help out the kings. That in mind, he created a machine, and forced out the evil within himself, granting him more power as a seed of Paragon, but at the price that his evil is now embodied into a being of its own. Now Karoku must face his inner demons as he fights along side his brothers, to gain the power to eventually surpass them.

    Name: Noah
    Age: Physically 17
    Gender: Male
    Species: Somebody
    Weapon: Two scythes
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Side: Good-Neutral
    Alliance: 4 kings
    Personality: Like Karoku, Noah's a realist, but not as extreme. He can be seen as kind, but as his rank would suggest, he could also be a smart-alac. He's very logical, to say the least, correcting his brother and all. However he generally works with his allies, but, at the same time, he works alone in secret, making the people around question who's side he's really on.
    Brief history: As a child, Noah, as his rank as King of Knowledge would imply, had a gift of genius. He could create small robots out of almost anything one could think of. As he grew older, so did his skill at creating things, He created Robots to serve and help him create more, created ships for space flight and even inherited his father's gift to create life, but in a scientific approach. He also has an evil inside of him, it was let out once, then sealed by Tai, but should he ever lose his mind, his will, his heart, that seal would be broken, and all hell will break loose.

    Name: Tai
    Age: Physically 14 or 15
    Gender: Male
    Species: Somebody
    Weapon: The 7-star sword
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Except his eyes are blue, and he wears normal clothes.
    Side: Good
    Alliance: 4 kings
    Personality: His is as childish as his physical age suggests. He doesn't take alot of things seriously, and is considered the comic relief among the 4 kings, need it be making sarcastic jokes, or being pounded on by Noah when he says something stupid. However, this is only a ruse, a disguise to hide his true personality. In reality, He's serious and wise, practically a sage, or a philosopher, giving out his wisdom to make strategies, or help a person in need.
    Brief history: Tai, the King of Wisdom, and Noah, unlike his two brothers, were adopted right after their creation was complete, given to a family thanks to Jordan, who generally visited them when he had the time. When they became of age, they then lived with him, and was trained in Jordan's self-taught fighting style. He and his brother was sent in missions across the universe. Tai has befriended many people in the universe throughout their missions, and has even sealed Noah's evil within himself when it was unleashed. It seems he knows then he lets on as well, but it's safe to say he's not going to be telling anyone.

    Name: Zogar
    Age: Physically around 19
    Gender: Male
    Species: Somebody
    Weapon: A sword made from pure darkness.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Side: Evil
    Alliance: 4 horsemen
    Personality: Quite egotistical and prideful. But he doesn't let those thought manifest his mind, to his comrades he can be cold and serious, Waking them from whatever delusion of grandeur' they may have, and reminding them of their place.
    Brief history: Though much of his past is a pure mystery, his name alone makes one assume what he is. A being named Zogar was the God of Darkness, who was said to be the god of darkness, but it couldn't be this Zogar, as he was sealed by Damion after he sacrificed himself for it, ...Could it?

    Name: Jack Hell
    Age: Physically in his 30s
    Gender: Male
    Species: Somebody
    Weapon: The two huge blades strapped on the back of his wrists.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Attach two huge blades on his wrist, and you get Jack.
    Side: Evil
    Alliance: 4 horsemen
    Personality: To say the least, the man's psychotic. All he cares about is killing as many people as he can. The only reason he joined Zogar is because not only did he resurrect him and his clan, but his intentions gives him more of a chance to kill. He has a soft spot for his clan, but not for anyone else. He thinks of people as nothing more then a stepping stone to killing everything else. As his goal is to prove he's the strongest by killing everyone else.
    Brief history: Jack and his clan are abominations, humans born with the ability to devour the evil around them, condensing them into their muscles, and therefore granting them superhuman strength and agility. They were rejected from their homes, as they slowly lost their minds to power, and they made a clan together. Their leader was the one who absorbed the most evil, and therefore the most powerful, Jack Hell. Being rejected by the humans, Jack rose up his clan and urged them to fight against all that lives, to prove to them, that they're the most powerful beings to exist. However, their pride was short lived as a legendary queen, whose name was forgotten in history, stood up and defeated Jack and his armies with her kingdom. Many years later, Zogar resurrected him and his clan, and urged him to join, for he could gain the chance he lost to begin the killing once again. Now, he only does it for the pleasure he felt before.

    Name: Sore Saige
    Age: Physically around his 30's
    Gender: Male
    Species: Somebody
    Weapon: A thin silver sword, and his magic
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Add Angel wings on him that can appear and disappear from his back, make those clothes real, and don't make him a robot, and you get Sore Saige.
    Side: Evil
    Alliance: 4 horsemen
    Personality: He's not as prideful as Zogar, or as insane as the other two. Sore Saige is rather laid-back when compared to the other 3 horsemen. Like Zexion he prefers to keep his hands clean, and has a tendency for manipulation. However, he can fight if he has no choice. An excellent strategist, even to the point of rather dirty tactics. He's not one to find in the front lines of the battlefield. He considers himself Zogar's right-hand-man, and is loyal only to him. Everyone else he thinks as only servants for him to use.
    Brief history: Sore Saige is one of 3 angels created by the darkness of a legendary king of gods, Omega, and was casted down into the pits of the underworld, (No, Not hercules' version) where he became leader of the underworld's triumvirate, and led an army of demons throughout the dimensions. Howevr, like Jack, Sore Saige was also defeated by this now unnamed queen, who it turned out was the wife of Omega's Brother, and the mother of Damion and Zogar, and, using a cheap shot toward Damion when he was little, killed them both, avenging himself and those who died. Does Zogar know that his parents' killer was on his side? No one can say, but it's easy to tell Zogar probably doesn't care either way.

    Name: Rokurum Sabath
    Age: Physically the same age as Karoku
    Gender: Male
    Weapon: 7 fuse-capable swords, each representing a deadly sin
    Species: Somebody
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Side: Evil
    Alliance: 4 horsemen
    Personality: Just as blood-thirsty as Jack, but he still has all of his sanity. Rokurum has the capabilities of a warrior, and the leadership of one of the kings, He can be quite aggressive, and rather talkative, but he's very collective in his mind, thinking about the situation he's in with everything in mind, and uses it as an inspiration for a plan. He has the emotions Karoku had before Rokurum was made, and now want to follow his footsteps and rule over everything.
    Brief history: The result of Karoku evil taken away, Rokurum became his evil half embodied into being. This False "King of Destruction" haunts Karoku within an inch of his sanity, right before being defeated by all 4 of them. Like Jack, Zogar resurrected him and gave him an offer to regain not only his full power, as being half of Karoku also means having only half the power he should, but also rule over anything he desires once they accomplish his goal. his was an offer Rokurum couldn't refuse, and decided to join them.

    Name: Red Sabath, aka, Red the Alternate
    Age: Physically 18
    Gender: Male
    Weapon: Crimson Destruction,(Two scimitars about the size of Zweihanders, (Broadswords) which the blades of are made out of an indestructable crimson crystal.)
    Species: Somebody
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    The whites of his eyes are black.
    Side: Neutral
    Alliance: Crimson Abyss
    Personality: Find Enigma on a dictionary, and his name will be what you'll find. He's serious, quiet, mysterious and cold. He's doesn't like people going into his head, and trying to bring up his past, If he's ordered to do something he doesn't like, the person who ordered him to do it better have a damn good for him too, or he won't move an inch. He has an excellent sense of honor, so much that he wouldn't do so much as attack someone if a limb of theirs was cut off.

    He's considered himself an outcast above all else, It takes a hell of alot of time, in order for him to crack out of his shell for you, And if he doesn't know you, chances are he won't speak at all, he'll ignore you like you're invisible. He's by all means untamable, there's not a person in the world who has complete authority over him.

    As I said, he's quiet, but when he does talk, it's either a plan, a calm, sarcastic remark, a flame (And better pray to God he doesn't flame at you.) Or if you're ****ing lucky enough, a confession. He's not afraid of Danger by any means, but he prefers being a watcher from the outside until given no choice but to enter it.
    Brief history: Red is also a being of legends, A Demi-god son of Omega. He formed the Crimson abyss for reasons unknown to anyone other then the members of it. Not much of his past is really known even to them either, anything about his past is only written in legends.

    Now then, to talk about the alliances. They all have only one or two places in the species, so here's what's only allowed:

    4 Kings: Humans (Good or neutral)
    4 Horsemen: Humans or Heartless (Neutral or Evil)
    The Neo Organization: Nobodies (Good, Neutral, or Evil)
    The Crimson Abyss: Humans (Neutral)
    None: Everyone

    Here's the list of all the originals who joins. The Spots are unlimited.

    4 Kings:
    1. Jordan
    2. Karoku
    3. Noah
    4. Tai

    4 Horsemen:
    1. Zogar
    2. Sore Saige
    3. Jack Hell
    4. Rokurum
    5. ???

    Neo Organization:
    1. Phenox
    2. Xele

    Crimson Abyss:
    1. Red

    1. Jester

    We'll start either after 1 or 2 days, or when about 3 members join, which ever comes first.

    Enjoy :D
  2. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    Can I have Genie? :D
  3. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    king mickey please
  4. Jordan Sabath Moogle Assistant

    Oct 23, 2009
    You don't want to know
    Sure things guys.

    No Originals?
  5. leon47 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 15, 2006
    Where do you think
    no thanks Im in enough RPGS with origanals so I think a change of pace is good
  6. Jordan Sabath Moogle Assistant

    Oct 23, 2009
    You don't want to know
    Very well, We'll begin when one more person joins, or tomorrow, whichever comes first.
  7. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Riku please? I'll add an OC later if that's okay?
  8. Jordan Sabath Moogle Assistant

    Oct 23, 2009
    You don't want to know
    Alright, You're in. But we still need a little more.
  9. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    I'll ask my brother and a few friends. ^^

    Name: Phenox

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Species: Nobody

    Weapon: Giant Battle Ax

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Side: Evil

    Alliance: Neo Organization

    Personality: He is not an easy one to read. Phenox keeps to himself most of the time.

    Brief history: He has been everything from a mercenary to a assassin. Phenox's childhood is unknown. He NEVER talks about it. He wants to love, but believes he will never be loved back.
  10. Jordan Sabath Moogle Assistant

    Oct 23, 2009
    You don't want to know
    Thanks, and congrats, since you're the first to enter a member to the NO, he'll be the leader of them.
  11. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
  12. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.
    May I request Sephiroth and Cloud along with one OC?

    Name: Jester
    Age: Fitness suggests around 20, but in reality is much older.
    Gender: Male
    Species: Somebody
    Weapon: Over the years some of his body parts have rotted off, so he can reattach weapons to them. Body parts slowly regrow over time, and this does give him some pain. Can warp time and space to a "circus" where he controls the time and space to an extent. He rarely does this, though since it takes a toll on him. He may also teleport, and with others with him. Usually he does it solo though because the more people/things he takes, the more energy it requires. When he is not using parts he has attached, he usually uses a staff with the words "Comedy and Tragedy" scared upon it.
    Appearance: Mask, definment of mask changes with mood but is usually white with a black smile. Underneath the mask the face would be described as skeleton-like. Mask has tiny eyeholes. White-faced Jester makeup. Pants with shapes looking like red and black tears running down them. Usually carries the staff over shoulder, for a shirt wears a red and black peasent shirt with a similar red and black tear design. Sometimes wears a red rubber clown nose that he can use like a bomb, keeps them in a pocket. Under his clothing the skin has all fallen apart over time, leaving a skeleton with only a smile.
    Side: Neutral
    Alliance: None
    Personality: His personality depends upon the time.
    Brief history: A comedian, he believes the seeds of tragedy grow the tree of comedy. Has played in many courts, carnivals, and such. Always as the clown, the jester. Wanders around now, seeking more audiences.
  13. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Can I have Sora for now.
  14. Jordan Sabath Moogle Assistant

    Oct 23, 2009
    You don't want to know
    First off, Jester= CREEPY ._.' But he's in.

    Added, sure you guys can take them.

    I just need one more person take Kairi. And then we may begin.
  15. The True Key Moogle Assistant

    May 5, 2009
    In Rhian's arms
    I'll take Kairi. ^^
  16. Jordan Sabath Moogle Assistant

    Oct 23, 2009
    You don't want to know
    (Ok then, There's enough to begin, but people can still join.)

    Within Twilight Town, Radiant Garden, Disney Castle, and Destiny Islands, a meteor shower could be seen, as they all started to fall upon the worlds.

    In Twilight town, A group of villains landed with Rokurum landing last, and walking up to the center of the square in the Sandlot. "....My what a perfect place to land on. ......All right boys, you know the drill, take anything you want, at the moment, and then burn it down." He said to the villains who began to separate and used brung out their weapons and started their riot.

    In Disney Castle, demons began to crawl from the craters and they started to enter the castle and Attack the soldiers, Donald, and Goofy. Coming into the throne room like a gentleman, with his hand behind his back, was Sore Saige with a gentle smirk on his face.

    In the Destiny Islands, Strong muscle-men in multiple color variations of the same jumpsuit started to walk towards the mainland from out of the water, as if they walking in it. Jumping out of the waters and into the front of the army, fast enough to leave afterimages, was the green-suited Jack Hell. "Leave no survivors, Kill EVERYONE!" He yelled as his brethren ran towards the houses to raid them, and kill any and everyone inside.

    In the Radiant garden, Beings of darkness, different from the heartless in the sense that they look more fearsome, appeared. They devoured people as they jumped down to the marketplace. And on the top of the castle in the center, the masked man, Zogar, appeared, staring at the city with emotionless eyes. ".......It begins." He said.

    (Start wherever, guys.)
  17. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Phenox appeared in Port Royal. His lesser nobodies stood still, awaiting orders. Phenox turned to them. ".....Attack."

    The lessers charged into town. The british army stood no chance against these creatures. Many soldiers fell within the first 30 seconds of the attack.
  18. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Sora looked at the meteor showers falling from his bedroom. It hadn't done this since the night Kairi had arrived at Destiny Islands. He also knew those showers were actually 100s of Worlds in the sky. And then it happened. Men in suits came out of the water and started to soon run. Sora opened his mouth in shock as the men slaughtered countless innocents, many screams could be heard.

    Sora wasted no time in jumping out of his window and running in the opposite direction of the men. He had only one thought in his mind, to find Riku and Kairi.
  19. TheDeadGuy Moogle Assistant

    Oct 19, 2009
    On Destiny Islands
    Genie: "Makes a Magic Tornado to Suck up all of the Suited Men and looks at Sora" Hey Sora do you have any good Idea on whats happening?
  20. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Riku awoke to the sound of the screaming and his own front door being broken down. He quickly drew his weapon and struck the men down. He ran outside quickly to find Sora and Kairi.

    Phenox watched the carnage from on top of a large building. "One by one... they shall all fall... my heart... I will have it soon..." He vanished through the Dark Corridor and reappeared on the streets, calmly walking along as people were being slaughtered all around him.
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