The Cardcaptors: A New Generation

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Singstar, Feb 5, 2008.

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  1. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    This RP might be cheezy but I am bored so I made this RP. we go....
    A few years after the Original Cardcaptors caught all cards, a dark magician named Otis released all of the Clow cards except for the 4 elemenatl clow cards. With these, he is most powerful but more vunerable. Otis goal is to dominate the world using the Clow cards and the four most powerful cards. But the guardian of the cards, Keero, has escaped from his clutches of Otis with the book of cards. Keero must now find new kids who have magical blood in them. Then, they must uphold the power of a Cardcaptor. The Cardcaptors must then find all the cards, and face Otis to save the world. Will the world be saved?
    Character Bio:
    Name: (first and last)
    Age: (Between the age of 11 and 13)
    Weapon: (it can be a staff or a sword or whatever. Just make it so that it can be something that would be used in Cardcaptors)
    Signiture Card: (in which what card are you going to catch first. If it is made up, state what the card summons and and does when its caught, ex. The Glider, Summons a Bird, give the user the ability to glide)
    1. No powerplaying.
    2. Cursing can be used, but in astericks. ex. F**k, or s**t
    3. Put as much action in it! Make it fun!
    4. THere can be romance, but make it PG-13
    5. Have Fun!
    Name: Tsuki Hinoko
    Age: 12
    Gender: Female
    Weapon: Staff. Apperance of Staff
    Signiture Card: The Pheonix, Summons a tiger, gives the ability to minipulate and turn a weapon into fire.
    Apperance: Tsuki
    Bio: Tuski lost her mother when she ws eleven years old. She always wanted to make her and her father proud but didn't know exactly how. She did an okay job in school, but wasn't really smart, well, not in school smarts. She's excellent at logics. She can solve a soduko puzzle in less than 3 minutes. She loves magic. When she was little, her mother used to take her to the magic store, where she used to buy her magic stuff. She loved it. Now that her mother is gone, she always used to pass it, and always look inside, but never went in.
    Here is the link to the show. Its very entertaining and it is fun to watch.
    CardCaptors Episode 1 1/3
    CardCaptors Episode 1 2/3
    CardCaptors Episode 1 3/3
  2. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
  3. NeoJecht Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 27, 2006
    On the Edge of the Empire
    ill join i liked that show
    Name: Blade Sky
    Age: 13
    Gender: Male
    Weapon: Sword
    Signiture Card: the dark card and the time card
    Bio:he found the fire card lying on the ground and then was attacked by some bullys and it defended him he is a little cocky but kind
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