Please tell me I'm not the only one who suffers and will continue to suffer endless nights on Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry... ;-; Spoiler why is this even a required course for theater majors, i don't even
I'm currently trudging through Anatomy & Physiology I for my lab science credit. :l I probably could have taken an easier course but my friend was taking this one and said he'd help me.
I wasn't allowed to choose my classes this semester since I'm a new student and in the spring they choose everyone classes. They put me into environmental biology and I seriously want to cry right now because there were SO many other science classes that they could have chosen from but of course they chose something to do with biology and I am terrible at biology and the professor grades things so weirdly (like if you don't do things his way you basically fail, but LOL HE DOESN'T TELL YOU WHAT HIS WAY IS) and I am basically failing right now because I have no idea what he wants as answers. Like, this one assignment I got a 0/10 on it but I didn't even get all of them wrong. There were 16 questions and it was like he randomly chose 10 of them that would get credit and apparently I got all ten of those wrong. I DON'T EVEN KNOW i am so frustrated