The answer to "This picture has anime in it."

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Saxima, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    1) Hiiro no Kakera - O-chan's forehead symbol (basically... only 3 people got this LOL)
    2) One Piece - Skull logo
    3) Ano Hana - Flowers
    4) .Hack//Sign - Tsukasa's staff (quite a few people confused this staff for some other one... can't remember the name of the anime orz)
    5) Zelda - Navi the Fairy
    6) Mushishi - Plant creature (I don't think anyone got this)
    7) Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko - UFO
    8) Inazuma 11 - Soccer ball (people confused it with Bleach!? I thought the "11" was a dead giveaway XD)
    9) Card Captors - Kero-chan
    10) Mawaru Penguindum - Penguin
    11) Ore no Imouto - Comet-kun (surpsingly, more people got this than I thought)
    12) Lucky Star - Cat
    13) Natsume Yuuginchou - Book of Friends
    14) Junjou Romantica - Teddybear
    15) Persona4 - Kuma
    16) D.Gray-man - Lavi's hammer
    17) Kamisama no Memochou - Alice's teddybear
    18) No. 6 - Rat (Hamlet) (also mistaken for Yuki from Fruits Basket)
    19) Sailor Moon - Usagi's tiara
    20) Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai - Scarf
    21) K-ON - Ritsu's hairclip
    22) Panty & Stocking - Honekoneko
    23) My Neighbour Totoro - Totoro plushie
    24) Soul Eater - Maka's skythe
    25) Gosick - Victorique's pipe
    26) Bleach - Byakuya's hair piece
    27) Inu x Boku SS - Renshou
    28) Sekaiichi Hatsukoi - Bunny plushie
    29) Lilpri - Sei (some people thought it was a mudkip LOL)
    30) Shakugan no Shana - Marcosias (book)
    31) Gundam Seed Destiny - Lacus's hair clip
    32) Hamtaro
    33) Bakemonogatari/Nisemonogatari - doughnut (commonly thought to be from the Simpsons :'D )
    34) Boku wa Tomodachi - Sena's butterfly clip
    35) Yugioh - Playing gard
    36) Hetalia - Mochi America
    37) Mameshiba
    38) Naruto - Leaf symbol
    39) Vocaloid - Miku's 01 tattoo (it took me a while to get why some people thought this was from Evangelion)
    40) Ouran Host Club - Honey's bunny
    41) Angry Bird
    42) Kingdom Hearts - Star fruit
    43) Mirai Nikki - Cell phone (not durarara!)
    44) Ikoku no Meiro Croisee - Jean's small gloves (huge fail for most people)
    45) Hikaru no Go - Go playing pieces
    46) Spirited Away - Soot sprite (a mine from minesweeper?! XD)
    47) Madoka Magica - Mami's soul gem (lots of people guessed an egg from Shugo Chara!)
    48) Pokemon - Love ball
    49) Idolm@ster - Frog pouch
    50) Ano Natsu de Matteru - Rinon
    51) Ao no Exocist - Demon cat
    52) Touhou - Kogasa's umbrella
    53) Super Mario - Mushroom
    54) Zero no Tsukaima - Louise's brooch (it's not a dragonball T v T)
    55) Guilty Crown - GC logo
    56) Avatar - Arrow
    57) Full Metal Alchemist - Alchemy sign
    58) Oresama Teacher - Bunny mask
    59) Black Rock Shooter - Jacket
    60) Gintama - Elizabeth
    61) Nichijou - Cube hair clip
    62) Gurren Lagann - Drill necklace
    63) Hello Kitty
    64) Harry Potter - Lightning bolt scar